Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 950

This hint alone casts a shadow over the movie that has not yet started.

What appears next is not the title of the movie, but directly into the plot at the end of the upper movie.

There is no opening remarks, and no review of the previous episode.

The movie started directly with the river battle with Caster.

At this time, the sky of Fuyuki City had turned dark purple under the influence of the evil tentacles summoned by Caster.

Both the passers-by on the screen and the spectators off the field felt a little uneasy.

Everyone can clearly see a huge monster consisting of tentacles slowly moving in the river.

An aura of doomsday was conveyed to the audience in all the theaters through the screen.

Then an ox cart flashing with electric sparks galloped past, crushing several tentacles in mid-air.

The audience who watched the upper movie immediately recognized that this was Iskandar's chariot.

But before the fans of Iskanal present cheered, a girl galloped past the water.


Accompanied by a crisp anger.

The blonde knight girl directly cut off the tentacles on the river who wanted to attack the chariot with a transparent sword.


Seeing the young swordsman girl on stage, all the audience started cheering.

However, although Saber and Rider worked very hard to attack these tentacles, they still couldn't clean them up.

On the contrary, with the passage of time, this behemoth began to grow bigger and bigger, and the oppressive feeling of its body shape made people overwhelmed.

Naturally such a huge monster can no longer be concealed as easily as before.

The people of Fuyuki City began to flee, while the US military stationed in Japan and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces also began operations.

If you follow the original special film routine, after the monster appears.

The next plot should be that the human army was directly crushed and suffered heavy losses.

Then came the giant of light to save the field and defeat the monster.

Everyone is happy.

Eventually ended with Happy End.

But the name of this movie is FZ, not Ultraman produced by Tsuburaya.

Naturally, there is no such good thing as the giant of light save the field.

But the fact that the human army was directly crushed still happened.

But this is not the worst case.

After discovering that ordinary firepower could not kill the monster, the commander of the human army began to madly send additional troops into the arena.

But this obviously couldn't stop this monster named Sea Demon actually being an evil god.

And as the battlefield becomes anxious, the human army has become a rather unstable factor.

As in the myth of Cruise, human beings become crazy after observing the sea monster for a long time.

Or maybe it is more Cthulhu to explain it with the SAN value to zero?

In short, the irrational human army began to become crazy.

In the beginning, it was not common to attack friendly forces and fire on residential buildings.

But over time, more and more people began to have problems.

For a time, the entire river battlefield became chaotic, and all kinds of missile fire flew randomly.

Qiye's explosive hobby is fully demonstrated in this scene.

For a while, even the audience couldn't figure out what the scene was like.

After discovering that the scene was out of control, the first servant to stand up was Iskaner.

He made a decisive, and after explaining the situation to Saber and others, he directly expanded the inherent enchantment and included all sea monsters and armies.

In the enchantment of [King's Army], Iskandar is not afraid of monsters full of tentacles in the face of the modern iron torrent of humans.

He drew his short sword and pointed it forward.

"Then, let's have a war!"

"Oh oh oh!" *N

The army that once swept the Western world shouted, and they followed their own king and launched an attack on the opposite side.

"Scream for victory! Ah~ la la la la!"

As the Macedonian soldiers charged, the high BGM began to sound.

Then the movie title subtitles finally appeared on the screen-Fate Zero: The Flame of Purgatory.


pS: It's finally chapter 550.

I originally wanted to celebrate in the previous 500 chapters, but I forgot to forget that chapter PY was added late at night.┓(???`?)┏

Speaking of this book has 170W+ words, this is the longest book that Mijiang Codeword has written in more than 2 years.

When I started writing, Michan hoped that this book could be 200w words, but now it seems that 200w words can’t finish the book~


Chapter 551 The Glory of Victory

The opening scene of the movie makes people excited.

The tragic war after the title is also shocking.

In order to film this scene of the king's army fighting the modern army, Qiye paid a huge price.

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