Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 959

When watching the English version before, because the scene was too chaotic, she didn't hear the explanation about the sword clearly.

"So in UBW, Gilgamesh wanted to use this thing to make a comeback after being pressed by Shiro Weigu."

Shi Zhifeng also tried to analyze: "But why the other party is in UBW and didn't use it at the beginning?"

"Obviously, this Golden Pika has low eyes and low hands and looks down on people." He Gu replied with shaking his shoulders.

Anyway, he doesn't understand why the two people around him are so enthusiastic about the analysis, isn't it a movie?

[Maybe, this is the helplessness of fans outside the circle?

Shi Zhifeng recognized his partner's speech.

He nodded slowly: "So, Gilgamesh, who is serious now, is invincible."


Asuna sighed, she already knew the outcome of this war.

But even after watching it the second time, she still sighed.

"Send the emperor respectfully."

Asuna whispered when EA pierced Iskandar's body.

Rider, who fought hard, was finally defeated by Archer's sword.

This result was doomed when Rider lost his army and charged Gilgamesh alone.

But even so, many viewers couldn't believe their eyes when Iskandar really lost.

Jiufeng did a survey before the release.

If you don’t consider the contamination of the Holy Grail, which followers do you most hope to get the Holy Grail to fulfill your wishes?

According to the statistics, apart from Saber, which is the most popular, Rider Iskandar ranked second.

This king has a very unique charm among fans.

Maybe he can't make everyone like him, but few people will hate this role.



Bang bang bang.

In the premiere theater, the audience began to applaud.

From the first few people to the end, almost everyone in the audience joined in.

This is the heartfelt tribute of movie fans to this king who gallops on the battlefield, like this servant who only exists on the screen story.

Although it is a glorious defeat, this sentence is often used to comfort the loser.

But the Conquer King Iskandar is well-deserved.


pS1: The charm of the role of the Great is indeed very unique.

It is estimated that few people will hate this character, right?_(:з∠)_


pS2: Today’s update is complete, but Michan has to write another chapter for tomorrow morning’s update... [Far Eyes]

By the way, Michan seems to go to bed at 1 o'clock every day from the beginning of the platform activity to now...

After the event is over, Mijiang will take a two-day break. Here is an announcement._(:з∠)_

Of course, there should be no stop during the two days of rest, and there should be a double watch.(_;)

Chapter 555 I am at ease

The exit of the Rider group made all the audience feel embarrassed.

But compared to the Lancer group, the Rider group is undoubtedly much luckier.

Kyrgyzstan recognized the emperor, so when Webber shouted that he would live according to the king's order.

Kyrgyzstan did not make the UBW rush to kill the performance, but let go of his own respectable opponent's minister.

Weber, who was the weakest lord at the beginning, was able to survive such a fierce war.

This makes all the audience feel a little incredible, but they are very happy.

After all, this little master is the one entrusted by everyone's favorite Iskandar.

This kind of inheritance belonging to the king and his subordinates has caused many female audiences to burst into motherhood.

It's just that the audience's good mood did not last long.

There are so many plots in the ending part, and Qiye didn't let the audience breathe and sort out their emotions.

After the end of the battle of the two kings, Qiye's camera immediately turned to another battle between the monarch and his subordinates.

When Lancelot fired violently at Altria with the Vulcan cannon pulled from the fighter.

The mood of the audience fell back a little, and it was pushed up again in an instant.

The flames ejected from the Vulcan Cannon, the bullet shells falling like a torrential rain, and those bullets with magical special effects, all stimulate the emotions of the audience.

With the blessing of the 3D effect, the audience has the illusion that the seed bomb is flying towards them.

As for who won the battle between the knights?

In such a cool scene, it is no longer important.

When Lancelot revealed his true face, the fighting mood in the parking lot underneath reached its peak.

Blue Altria, black Lancelot.

The identities of both parties in this battle interpret the cruelty of the war to the audience.

Saber, who had always been determined to get the Holy Grail, was shaken at this moment.

Considering that she was ashamed of her courtiers, she seemed a little shy in the battle with Lancelot.

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