Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 965

Ryan just smiled faintly when he heard Qiye's questioning.

"Nothing, Lily and I are leaving first. Tomorrow I will follow Lily to Los Angeles. I won't say goodbye to you."

"I wish you all the best."

Ryan had told Qiye a long time ago that he would run around with his sister during this time.

So Qiye was not surprised by Ryan's departure.

After sending Ryan away, Qiye leaned on the sofa in the lounge to take a nap.

The time when Ryan left the theater happened to be the peak of the fans' departure.

A large number of movie fans happened to be stuck at the entrance of the cinema at this time, and the appearance of the director Qiye is likely to cause confusion.

It's not that Qiye is afraid of being stabbed by fans, but she feels that there are too many people to join in the fun, and want to wait until everyone is over before leaving.

By this time, fans should basically calm down.

For European and American audiences who like heavy flavors, Qiye’s ending is certainly not the worst.

After a brief period of grief, praise for the movie followed.

Of course, they still somewhat complained about Qiye who made this tragedy by himself.

However, when there was still a big hole left unfilled in Fate, at most two catties of blades would have passed.

All of the above were overheard by Qiye herself.

According to the information Lijieli Te gave to herself, Qiye estimated that the audience's speed should not be too slow.

I can go home in about half an hour.

After all, people have attributes that like to show off. After seeing such a wonderful film, most viewers will be anxious to share it with others.

In addition, the audience who watched "The Flame of Purgatory" today are all mainly young people.

Now that smart phones have not become popular, the preferred sharing platform for these young people is the computer Internet.

Therefore, a large number of viewers rushed home and turned on their computers to show off their just-watched movie to their friends.

Of course, there are some viewers who feel that it is not enough to watch it again, so they plan to go to the second page.

This part of the audience immediately went to other cinemas nearby to queue up to buy movie tickets for the subsequent midnight show.

William rushed to the community where he was home alone. He separated from his friend Ed at the entrance of the theater.

But Ed didn't go to another movie theater.

Filming of "Iron Man 2" has started recently, and his supervisor has to watch Downey's every move.

In order to prevent the actor with a previous conviction from doing something that should not be done.

Although during the promotion of "Iron Man 1", Downey behaved very well.

But for investors, just a movie does not explain much.

"Poor fellow, I guess his wife is going to scold again. I don't know if he will be kicked out of bed by the resentful woman next time he goes home."

William teased his friend while opening the door with the key.

Walking into the room, William sat in front of the computer for the first time and turned on the power expertly.

The boot speed of computers in 2008 has not reached the level of seconds that will be measured by computers in the future.

From entering the room to turn on the computer, William didn't turn on the computer until he ran out of coffee for staying up late.

"Damn it, it's time to change to a computer."

William cursed and opened the fan chat room of [Erque Studio].

Since being a fan of Seven Nights for "Goblin Slayer", William has been a loyal fan of [Erque Studio].

Even in the "King no Kyoukai" series, which is not very popular in Europe and America, this guy also bought a full set of collector's edition DVDs for collection.

As a qualified Qiyehua, William of course must publish his praise of the great director on the Internet as soon as possible.

As William had expected, the chat room was as lively as a pot.

After all, this is the gathering place of [Erque Studio] movie fans, and there must be a lot of people attending premieres all over the United States.

"Kiryu Nanya tells an amazing story this time, the plot turns and the action design are amazing!"

"Watching this movie is more exciting than [BEEP——!]. A woman will watch it [BEEP——!], a man will watch it [BEEP——!] If you don’t have a [BEEP——!] then you are sure It's impotence."


From the messages sent by many people—especially a guy with all silenced words, William can guess that they are still in the excitement stage.

This is normal, because William himself is not much better.

"I was killed by Altria and Iskaner directly! The two kings of them are so handsome!"

Seeing these words, William couldn't help but send one.

"Prequel stories are usually more difficult to write, because the audience already knows the ending of the story. How to write a story plot is impeccable while also giving people expectations. This is almost an impossible task."

"But! Kiryu Qiye did it, he surpassed his FSN and told us a more powerful story!"

Although William's remarks are suspected of flattering.

FSN and FZ are essentially two different stories.

But at this time, no one cares about such trivial matters. Since "The Flame of Purgatory" is a movie currently in theaters, it must be an awesome movie.

So just a few seconds after William uttered this sentence, there was already a lot of approval.


pS: Japan is a magical place.

The weird "Cat" that I mentioned before was released in Japan last week.

Then won the box office champion last weekend...

Although Michan knows that the Japanese film market prefers singing and dancing movies, "Frozen", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" are all big sellers.

But your aesthetics are really not picky, right?

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