Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 966

By the way, at the public welfare screening event held on the 20th, the Emperor brought his family to the scene.

After watching the movie, the Emperor said: "The movie is very exciting. I enjoy it."


Chapter 558: So Sweet... [Plus]

When a group of people gather to blow, if someone starts, the people behind will naturally follow.

William's praise to Qiye was naturally affirmed by countless friends.


Just below William’s speech, someone immediately said: "The Flame of Purgatory is definitely a masterpiece in the history of movies, especially the fights in it. It is definitely the master of Hollywood. Every fight, Kiryu Qiye can Stimulate our enthusiasm, which even blaster Michael Bay can't do!"

"Yeah, the battle between [Wang Zhijun Shi] and the modern army was really F [BEEP——!]... Sorry, I swear. But I really can't find a more suitable adjective."

Another person hurriedly agreed: "The play in this movie is really cool. I think it will be fun to watch it ten times!... Then leave 20 minutes early."

This sentence was praised by many people.

"Agree, the ending is horrible. Just watch it again."

"I like it, after all, Kirisu Eomiya is not a good person. He is completely responsible for this ending."

"How could Kirisu Uemiya be a bad person! Is it wrong to love this world? Is it wrong to want to save others?! Such a good original intention, even if the method is wrong, but he also lost everything he has. Isn't such a person worthy of admiration? ?"

"He is absolutely the Murder King!"

"People don't know that destroying the Holy Grail will cause such a disaster."

"Yeah, yeah. It's not Keiji that is wrong, it's the world."

"Hey? Isn't it all the time's fault?"


The controversy about Kiritugu Weimiya has become more intense, as expected before Nanya, because of the multiple complexity of this character, the evaluation will definitely become polarized.

People who like it will be very sympathetic to the tormented Kirishi, and those who don't like it will sneer at this utopian.

And this is exactly what Qiye hopes for.

The chat room is getting hotter and hotter, and as the topic deepens, many people who have not seen the film are drawn out of curiosity.

"I've decided, I'm going out now, I'm going to see the midnight show!"

This is the first one.

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too……"

"Go together, go together."

"Are there any groups in Queens, New York?"

"This is San Francisco..."


At a time, various groups in the chat room to brush the information of the midnight field one after another.

It even overwhelmed the voice of discussing the plot.

Seeing that it would not stop for a while, William could only temporarily leave the chat room.

However, instead of going to bed, he moved to IMDB, a movie evaluation website.

Because it was a hot movie, William easily found "Fire of Purgatory" on the homepage of the website.

Then William clicked on the relevant webpage and gave 10 points without even thinking about the scoring option.

From the trial screening at the end of February to the present, "Fire of Purgatory" has undergone three trial screenings and one premiere screening.

There are already a considerable number of people who have watched this film, and those who comment on the film on the website at this time are undoubtedly true fans of Fate.

William took a look at the record, and more than 300 users have rated "Fire of Purgatory", and the current score of "Fire of Purgatory" is-9.74 points.

As a commercial film, this opening can be regarded as a dream opening.

With the increase in the number of reviews, the movie rating will definitely decline, but I don’t know how much the final score of this movie will be.

William glanced roughly at the relevant comments left by the scorers on the movie page.

"The scenes and plots set by Director Kiryu Nanaya for "Fire of Purgatory" are really super exciting. Especially the last hope after despair. Shiro Wimiya, this light belongs to both Kirishu and Altria Their respective salvation."

The person who can write this comment is obviously someone who has read the comic version of FSN and knows the story of the Saber line.

"The second half of Qiye’s Fate Zero story did not disappoint, as it always was. However, this kind of anti-traditional plot is not very in line with my appetite. The hero should save the world. However, it is worth watching so far this year. The only movie in which is "The Flame of Purgatory." Its fighting scenes are so handsome that it is beyond description!"

"A movie like "The Flame of Purgatory", like its director Kiryu Qiye, is destined to make a fortune in film history. Director Qiye, great!"

"I don't know about others, but after I watched the movie, I was really in awe of Kiritsu Eomiya and sacrificed myself to achieve others. Although he was not a hero at that moment, he was better than a hero. Even though the ending came to Kiritsu Eomiya. It's not perfect, but having a child who inherits his ideals may be the greatest luck in his unfortunate life."

After a brief look at IMDB, William returned to the chat room.

At this time the time was approaching 11 o'clock, and the people who organized the group to see the midnight scene should have already set off, and similar words seemed to be missing.

But the chat room was not deserted.

On the contrary, it is probably because more people who have participated in the premiere finally returned home, and it is more lively here than before.

Everyone is discussing the details of the plot, which is the most interesting part of the Kiryu Seven Nights movie.

The director's movie is so peculiar that ordinary audiences can just read it and understand the story.

But Deepin fans will find new discoveries every time they read it.

In Kiryu Seven Nights' movies, there will always be countless easter eggs and supplementary settings, waiting for the audience to explore.

Perhaps it was Guanbuzi City where "King Jing" occurred in the headline of a newspaper.

For example, in the bulletin board in the corridor on the clock tower, I saw the introduction of the magician sister of Aosaki Orange.

These details are an endless treasure trove for those who love Seven Nights movies.

Unfortunately, most people in the chat room only watched the movie once.

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