Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 967

Even if there is a lucky person who has participated in the trial screening, it will only be twice at most.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to remember some details very clearly.

There are frequent squabbles and quarrels.

Someone once described Kiryu Nanya's movie fans this way.

Fans of other directors meet up to flatter their favorite directors and go home.

When Kiryu Nanya's director and fans met, both parties took out their respective setting notebooks and then began to tear.

Looking at the fierce quarrel full of screens, William suddenly felt that this made sense.

"I regret."

A person who was arguing with others suddenly spoke.

"I should have recorded it in a notebook the first time I watched it just now, but I was so excited to patronize."

"Agree, me too."

The opponent he was arguing with actually gave him a thumbs up.

"I think I should find a theater and continue with the midnight show! Los Angeles area, the midnight show will play "Fire of Purgatory" twice. Have you organized a group?"

"What a coincidence? I'm from Los Angeles too. How about the Imperial Cinema in the center of the city?"

"Okay, not far from my house. Who else is here with you?"

A group of people who signed up followed.

[I hope that these two people will not fight in the street when they meet.

William thought maliciously.

But looking at the messages that were about to be swiped at midnight, William's heart was tickled by the seduction.

He turned his head and glanced at the Fate poster on the wall of his bedroom, then resolutely turned off the computer.

This time William didn't change into the clothes just now, but deliberately pulled out a black trench coat, suit and black trousers from the closet.

After putting on this outfit, William picked up the model gun around the movie he bought at a big price last month.

"Today... I am the magician killer!"

After posing a pretty second-degree Pose in front of the cloak mirror, William tiptoed out of the house.

He walked to the nearest theater at the fastest speed, ready to play "The Flame of Purgatory" again.

It's not good, it's about to 12 o'clock, and the midnight show is about to start.

There are many people who do the same thing as William.

On this day, many people in the United States, or the whole world, chose to dispatch before midnight, with the goal directed at the cinema.

The goal of these people is simple, to watch "The Flame of Purgatory."

Although many of them have watched the movie once, very few have even watched it several times.

But this does not prevent them from reading it again.

Or watch it many times.


"What do you think of the box office results at midnight last night?"

In the staff canteen of the Jiufeng North American Headquarters Building, Liangyizhi asked Four Seasons.

In order to get the information of the midnight show as soon as possible, these two people slept directly in Jiufeng Company last night.

After all, they are not like Qiye, who has a villa sent by Shion.

Rather than waiting anxiously in the hotel, it is better to be at ease here at Jiufeng.

At least they can get the news the first time.

"It should not be very high, I am mentally prepared for it."

Sunlight fell through the window into the dining room.

Four Seasons sat at the dining table and picked up a piece of bread: "After all, the ending of this movie is a bit sad, and the audience won't like it too much."

"That will only affect the box office staying power."

After Qiye for so long, Zhiye still learned a lot of skills.

"For fans who have been waiting for half a year, the box office potential is not small."

Zhizhi spread peanut butter on his bread while analyzing.

"The box office at midnight yesterday and the first day of today will definitely be very promising."

"I hope so."

Seeing the lack of interest in Four Seasons, Ori became a little angry.

He directly reached out and took away the jam on the edge of the seasons.


Zhizhi glared: "Shut up, you guy who eats rice in Senior's house."


Because of many personal reasons, Four Seasons is really under the fence.

"What does it matter if you give me jam?" Siji doesn't want to eat white bread. "You don't want to eat anyway."

"Who said I don't eat them, can't I like mixed ones?"

Weaving retorted angrily, and put the jam on his bread.

Then he took a big bite like showing off at the four seasons.

Then, Zhi's face became distorted.

"Um... so sweet."

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