Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 968


pS: For a good movie, the IMDB score will be very high at the beginning, but will slowly fall down afterwards, and finally stabilize.

In fact, most movie rating websites are in this situation.

Of course, the score started very low, and then slowly rebounded.

The reason for this is that most of the viewers who score the first time will have more extreme emotions, and the scores are also more extreme.

After everyone becomes more rational, and more people give scores, the scores will naturally gradually become normal.

Of course, there are accidents caused by extremely special circumstances.

For example, when "The Dark Knight" was released, the "0 points" storm caused by IMDB.

Or maybe it's the prophetic drama "Revolutionary Machine", which came back last year.

But this kind of thing is rare, and it can't be taken as an example.┓(???`?)┏

Chapter 559


Siji turned his head and laughed out loud.

"If you dare to say that you think of something happy, I will hang you at the door of the women's toilet for three days and three nights."

Zhi Zhi viciously threatened.

"Why, I'm very honest." Four Seasons grinned, "I just laugh at you————!"

Shiji's soles were hit hard by Zhi.

"You two, don't fight during dinner."

Iioka walked over while squatting on the plate, and he warned them.

Zhizhi put out his tongue mischievously, and he put the bread in his hand into his mouth with two mouthfuls.

"I have finished breakfast."

Weaving said vaguely while chewing hard.

Iioka shook his head and sat beside the two.

Shiki asked the other person: "Iioka, haven't you come out yet?"

Iioka shook his head: "No, the statistics company has called. It seems that there is something wrong with the data. It may take a while to arrive."

"The midnight box office of "The Flame of Purgatory" hasn't come out yet?" Zhizhi asked curiously.

"Yes." Iioka said helplessly. "The boss is still urging."

Hearing Iioka's words, Ori's eyes rolled, and he looked towards Shiki who was drinking coffee.

"Four Seasons, can you know what your expectations for the midnight box office are?"

Of course Shiki knew that this was weaving because of the words just now.

He put down the coffee cup and replied: "I still stick to the point of view I have said, it will not be very high. But..."

The four seasons changed a bit, "It should be no worse than the upper half, I expected it to be $17.5 million."

"What about the first weekend?"

"140 million dollars."

Four Seasons replied.

"It's less than the first half." Zhizhi was not satisfied with this data.

"Of course." Four Seasons replied affirmatively, "The spread of the tragic ending will definitely affect the box office performance."

Weaving curled his lips: "You are too conservative! You don't understand how popular the older generation's films are among young people! They are the main force in watching movies."

Four Seasons snorted impatiently: "Xingxingxing, I know you are Qiye's half... the right arm, I mean the right arm."

With that extremely terrifying gloomy expression, he forcibly changed the words that the four seasons had come to his lips.

"Okay, stop fighting between you two. The result is out."

Sharp-eyed Iioka saw a staff member of Washimine trot over here.

The familiar figure made him immediately realize that the box office result was coming out.

The Jiufeng staff obviously didn't expect Iioka to be with the other two bosses.

The other person's expression looked very cautious, he hurriedly passed the fax in his hand to Iioka, and then ran away quickly.

"The statistics are here."

Four Seasons raised his eyebrows.

"Iioka, how many are there?" Ori asked curiously

"It seems that Four Seasons is indeed a little conservative."

Iioka lightly held his flat glasses and said, "US$21.6 million! A new record without any suspense."

"Yes! Great!"

Zhi shook his fist vigorously, and he looked at Siji provocatively.

"Fortunately, someone didn't place a bet. Otherwise, at this time, he can only repay his debt by selling himself."


Four Seasons is a bit unhappy with Zhizhi's provocation, but "The Flame of Purgatory" is also his own work anyway.

He is naturally quite happy to be able to achieve such results.

"Okay, someone will eat slowly."

After retaliating against Four Seasons, Zhizhi stood up.

He picked up his shoulder bag from the other side: "I'm going to work first, you eat slowly."

"Mr. Ryogi, what are you going to do?" Iioka asked.

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