Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 969

Zhi turned around and said, "Go pick up seniors first, and then do movie promotion together."

Watching the back of the black kimono disappear, the dining table was quiet again.

Only the sound of Iioka and Shiki slowly chewing food.

It wasn't until breakfast was over and Shiji was about to leave that Iioka spoke.

"Congratulations, Mr. Wanzhang." Iioka said to Shiki. "Your movie is selling again."

Four Seasons shook his head: "I think you should talk to Qiye about this. This is his work."

Although Qiye has always emphasized that there are two directors of FZ, Shiji still knows very well.

Qiye completed the entire FZ project from concept to team formation.

If there is anyone who will get the greatest glory on FZ, this person is bound to be Qiye.

Even on the list of directors, the name of the four seasons is tied with Kiryu Nanya.

However, Siji believes that his name will only be hidden under the brilliance of Qiye, like a mottled golden paint.

Although Siji never cared about the box office of his movie, he cared very much about honor.

In fact, the reason Siji is reluctant to mention the loss-making movie is because he feels ashamed.

After the success of the first half of FZ, Siji wanted to try to make a movie of his own.

He didn't think about how successful the movie was, and didn't think too much about the box office or anything.

After all, compared with Qiye at the box office, this is as meaningless as art candidates taking the normal college entrance examination.

Four Seasons only hopes that this film will have more awards than FZ, so that at least it can prove the film's excellence.

Although Siji is very reluctant to admit it, he does have a competitive psychology towards Qiye.

Then, of course.

The four seasons of mental imbalance failed.

In retrospect, Shiji himself thought that there was a ghost if he didn't fail.

Going to make a movie with negative emotions, how could this movie be good?

That's why Shiji returned to Qiye and stayed in the crew of his friends.

Not for anything else, just to cultivate one's mentality.

Four Seasons believes that when he can treat Qiye with a normal heart, then he should be able to take it to the next level.

Four Seasons originally thought that when he heard the midnight box office of $21.6 million, his negative emotions would explode.

But I didn't expect that I would be very calm.

[Perhaps, I can try to prepare a new movie?

When leaving the restaurant, Siji thought a little happily.

Even with a good friend like Qiye by his side, he would feel a lot of pressure.

But when there is pressure, there will be motivation, right?

The movie world is so vast, you might lose your way without a guide.

"I don't take the box office seriously." Four Seasons whispered to himself, "I just want to be more than just a prize-winning tool."


AMC Atlantic Times Square 14 is one of AMC's cinema chains. It is located on Atlantic Avenue in Monterey Park in Los Angeles, the side hall of Atlantic Times Square, a very famous shopping mall in Los Angeles.

That is the super-large shopping mall in the top five in terms of passenger traffic in Los Angeles.

Naturally, the traffic of this cinema adjacent to the shopping mall is not small.

Chen Gong works in this theater and is in charge of the sales counter.

He is a second-generation immigrant from the Celestial dynasty, and he has integrated into this Western society in terms of language and living habits.

Apart from skin color and appearance, the only thing that can represent his ancestral identity is probably his name that is the same as that of a certain counselor in the Three Kingdoms period.

As usual when going to work, Chen Gong parked the car outside the building, and then walked into the cinema through the dedicated passage for employees.

However, unlike usual people waiting until the official opening, Chen Gong found that someone was waiting outside the door.

You know, the theater has not yet opened for business.

Even more exaggerated is that many people in the team are wearing all kinds of strange costumes.

Some wear black trench coats, some wear blue long skirts, and some wear paper golden armor...

"There are other popular movies in theaters, I hope today's sales performance will be better."

Although this situation is not common, it can still be seen several times a year.

Chen Gong, who has been working in theaters for a long time, is no longer surprised.

Even Chen Gong complained about some people's equipment.

"Unexpectedly, someone is wearing a black trench coat again. It wasn't that the clothes of "The Matrix" Neo changed a few years ago, right?"

Chen Gong shook his head, he turned around and walked into the warehouse to carry out boxes of goods.

Then, before opening the door of the cinema, open the contents and place them on the shelves of the sales cabinets in the cinema.

All of these are the surroundings of the movie being released. There are costumes, props, toy dolls, authorized keychains, and tattoo stickers that are definitely not missing when Fate movies are released.

"Chen, come and do a favor!"

Chen Gong's colleague shouted at him.

"Why do you still have this?!"

Chen Gong was startled to see what his colleague pushed out of the warehouse.

It was a silver-white motorcycle. Although it looked very cool, it didn't look like something that a studio shop would sell.

Chen Gong helped his colleagues push the motorcycle to the most prominent position in the store.

He carefully looked at this domineering cool thing, and asked curiously: "Roberts, when will our peripheral products sell motorcycles? Can they be sold?"

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