Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 975

"I understand, so the next publicity focuses on safety issues, and active publicity for good is still necessary."

Qiye signaled Zhi Anxin, and then he called the director of Jiufeng Entertainment's publicity department and asked him to come to his office.

There are many extremists in European and American countries, and there are endless violent incidents.

There are too many things to do with the movie.

Qiye doesn't want her movie to encounter such unlucky things as "The Matrix" or "The Dark Knight Rises".

It's really too late to fight back if you really want to kill someone.


Almost at the same time when the TV was turned off in Seven Nights, Jim Ganopoulos, the Fox president far away in the Fox Tower, did the same thing.

He leaned on the sofa in the office, and once again his eyes fell on the North American box office statistics in his hands.

This is yesterday's single-day box office statistics on Friday.

There is no suspense in the first place, but the box office numbers are higher than all the media expected.

"Fire of Purgatory" on the first day with 4,215 theaters and a base of 8,535 screens gave a first-day box office score of $67.32 million.

All other movies released in the same period became the cannon fodder of this movie.

From the looks of it, it turned out to be the second best in "Holden and Anonymous".

Although the box office performance of less than 5 million in a single day is really not even a fraction of the opponent's.

Originally like this kind of cartoon, if the trend is stable, it should have a long screen life in theaters in the off-season.

But now it seems to be able to exceed 100 million US dollars is already thank God.

Jim speculates that in the future, various theaters will tilt more resources toward "Purgatory Flames", and their own animation schedule will be further compressed.

Whenever he thinks of this, Jim is very annoyed by his country's antitrust laws.

If it were not for this law, Fox could acquire a large number of theaters, and then only allow Fox's own movies to be shown in the theaters.

Just like Japan on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

"Fair competition in shit." Jim scolded, "Japanese theaters are all Lin Bao's lackeys, but they are not the first in East Asia?"

As for the fact that Japanese live-action movies are almost dead, only cartoons can survive.

It was selectively forgotten by Jim.

Fortunately, his own Fox wasn't the most unlucky this time, which allowed Jim to find some psychological comfort.

Warner next door was unbeatable after having the "Harry Potter" series, and this time he stumbled into something that made Jim secretly refreshed.

Although the outside world always put the six together, they are never monolithic inside.

But Warner's tragic experience can only give Jim a loss of psychological comfort.

Now Fox’s most important opponent is Jiufeng.

Jim is very unwilling to think of an opponent whose progress is desperate.

But he is also very clear that at this stage, Fox has no power to change the desperate box office trend of "Fire of Purgatory".

"Don't do anything for now..."

Thinking of the warning the rich second generation gave himself before leaving, Jim shook his head helplessly.

Don't look at the little Murdoch has left, but the other party is still paying close attention to Fox.

If Jim really does something, he might not come to clean up when he comes back.

Therefore, all Jim can do now is to pray secretly, hoping that "Horton and the Anonymous" will recover the cost.

Jim has never doubted whether Murdoch could return to Fox.

Although the negative news of racial discrimination is getting worse now, Jim believes that it will be a matter of time for the young father to suppress it.

But at the same time Jim knew better that the old Murdoch would definitely not make this decision without compensation.

If Murdoch cannot change the status quo of Fox, then it will basically be a matter of time before being abandoned by his father.

Old Murdoch is not a loving father, and he has no reason to let him go on useless people.

Even if this man is his son.

This is also a good thing for Jim.

After all, in this way, Murdoch will definitely be more concerned about Fox.

It's just that Jim himself has to work harder to contribute to Fox.

After all, even if little Murdoch loses the inheritance of his huge entertainment empire, he can still continue to be his rich second generation.

Old Murdoch won't let his son starve to death.

But if Jim Ganopoulos said he was given up, it would be more than just being swept out.

So Jim can only bite the bullet and help Murdoch make several projects he has recently set up beautifully.

This can at least appear to be helpful.

As for "Fire of Purgatory", although Jim does not know where the final box office will go.

But judging from the news from last night to this morning, the box office score of this film will definitely be higher than that of last year's first episode.

As for the movie surroundings, it is not undesirable. Various products are out of stock.

According to the blockbuster program released this year, it is estimated that only Warner’s "Dark Knight" can compete with "Purgatory" on the periphery.

If this development continues, Jiufeng Entertainment does not even have to wait for the film box office to be accounted for. It may be able to recover the cost just by using various peripheral income.

I heard that the million-dollar Rolls-Royce motorcycle has sold 20 units in the United States, and I don’t know where there are so many rich locals in the United States.

Why don't you buy more accessories for Fox movies if you have this little money?

Don’t the dolls of "Fantastic Four" fragrant?

Now Jim Ganopoulos is obviously stunned. He now has a headache when he sees Jiufeng Entertainment.

"However, the FZ fire is not a bad thing."

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