Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 981

pS: Because today is the last day, this chapter and the first chapter update are sent out early.

Can be regarded as pulling the results at the end of the month._(:з∠)_

The second chapter should be added, but it is estimated to be later.

Please forgive me.

Chapter 565: The Love Story of Moon World [Plus]

"Currently, the Xingyue film and television series have officially come out in two movie series, "King no Realm" and Fate, and a special drama "Magic Girl Ilia"."

"As for the two web dramas HF and "Event Book", they will also be launched this year."

Summarizing the current members of the Xingyue Universe family, Qiye, as the host of the meeting, smiled and said: "Then what we will discuss next is the planning of this film and television series next year and even the next few years."

Speaking of which, Qiye paused.

"So does anyone have good suggestions?"

"I think it's best not to continue to launch Fate's series for now."

Kevin Fitch first spoke: "If it is still Fate, then it will give everyone the illusion that the entire film and television project is Fate."

Although there is "Kora no Kyoukai" in the moon world, compared with Fate's global popularity, "Kakkai", which is only famous in Japan, is still a bit too transparent.

Ryogi frowned and retorted: "But if you don't use the Fate series, can other series achieve the same results? Fate's status is not so easy to replace."

Zhiye’s speech made Qiye nod her head again and again, and Fate is undoubtedly the most dazzling sign in all projects of Xingyue.

Otherwise, the previous generations will not be full of various Fate projects, including comics, new fans, and theater versions.

And the poor Yue Ji reset version, except for the sentence "I'm doing it, I'm doing it", and can't fart a lot.

In fact, the main force of the entire Xingyue film and television universe plan is Fate in Qiye's heart.

Of course, focusing on Fate does not mean that all are Fate.

Although the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is inseparable from the superstar Iron Man, the roles of Captain America, Thor, and Black Widow are equally brilliant.

Therefore, Kevin Fitch’s proposal is still very valuable.

Just which project is used to relay FZ has become the top priority at present.

Peter Jackson cleared his throat and said: "If you want the whole project to develop healthily, I suggest Qiye you not to be the director of the first project in the second phase."

"Like Fitch said just now, a colorful series requires multiple voices. If Qiye is too strong, it is not good for this series."

"I know, then, Peter, what kind of story do you think would be more appropriate to continue FZ?"

Qiye agrees with Peter Fatty's view.

Peter scratched his head and said, "You know that I am more suitable for making fantasy movies. Do you have any good suggestions here?"

"Director Jackson's movie styles are very time-consuming, right?" Zhizhi said with some concern, "will it be released next year?"

Ryan reminded in a low voice: "If it is to be released in the first half of next year, and it is produced in Hollywood mode, it will definitely start up in July at the latest."

Judging from the Hollywood production cycle, if you want to ensure the quality of the movie, then a construction period of more than half a year is definitely needed.

If it is a blockbuster with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, it is not impossible to make a few years.

Alice Phil, the representative of Lin Bao, didn't say anything.

In terms of the influence of the world's entertainment industry, Lin Bao and Jiufeng are really different.

Therefore, Ai Li is going to let Limbola to drink the soup this time instead of competing with Jiufeng for the project leadership.

This is why she is not the one who came to the meeting.

After all, if something like the meeting host was punched into the hospital before the meeting started, then Lin Bao would definitely part ways with Jiufeng.

"Brother-in-law~" Lily asked curiously, "What did you talk about in the last egg of "Fire of Purgatory"? Could it be a world-level crisis?"

"Let's talk about this at the end. Let's talk about any projects you can start next year?"

Qiye didn't answer this question directly, he looked at the others present.

"Um... Night of the Magician?"

Ai Lei asked tentatively.

She has always dreamed of making her own work film.

It's a pity that she belongs to the small transparency in the [Erque Studio].

Therefore, she herself did not think that her proposal was feasible.

Sure enough, Ai Lei's proposal was rejected by Qiye.

"No, the story of "Magic Night" is too Japanese. Now it is not the time to adapt." Qiye said, shaking his head, "At least we have to wait for it to be on the book bestseller list."

"Speaking of book bestsellers..."

Siji's expression was a little bit hesitant.

Weaving eyebrows and raising them: "What do you want to say? What are you doing?"

Four Seasons also knew that the other party looked up to him recently, so he didn't have a general knowledge of this guy.

"I recently found a book on the North American book bestseller list."

Four seasons said that he took a book from his pocket.

"This book is very popular among teenagers, and it has been made into a movie, ready to be released on Halloween this year."

Qiye felt familiar after listening to the introduction of Four Seasons. He picked up the book and looked at it, and it turned out to be a familiar name.


Qiye has an impression of this series.

Although he has never read the original novel, he has also watched a few because of the famous movie series.

But undoubtedly did not finish it.

Super bad movie.

If Qiye were to stand from the perspective of the audience, he would definitely give this series such an evaluation.

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