Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 984

"Let me make it clear first, if the plan fails, I won't build a project." Qiye reminded sharply.

However, the expression on Alice Phil's face did not change, and he didn't know if he didn't take it seriously, or he had already planned.

"So what about us? What can we do?" Lily asked, raising her hand.

Qiye went on to say: "It's the same with your actors, see which story you are interested in, and declare it."

These FGO stories must involve a large number of followers.

And there are too many instrumental roles among these followers.

Qiye has already planned to delete all the useless and cumbersome characters.

But even so, some necessary instrumental roles will still be reserved.

Anyway, they are all tool people, and Qiye feels that it is a good choice to make a cameo by a famous actor.

This has been done very well in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the last life, and Qiye is just borrowing it.

Lily raised her hand and cheered: "Oh, then I'm going to play [Holy Round Table Domain]! No, I should be the protagonist at all!"

It was indeed a choice to have Lily act, but Qiye didn't plan to do so.

Lily played Mordred and Ryan played the Lion King.

This is something that Qiye decided long ago.

The two sisters eventually became mothers and daughters. Since they played on Rin and Ying once, Qiye didn't mind playing again.

Anyway, it's all acting, all fake, all with special effects.


Qiye put aside some of her dirty thoughts.

"Well, you actors don't need to be too anxious, now put your mind on the promotion of "The Flame of Purgatory"."

Qiye set the tone for this matter: "How to arrange the actors at that time, and we will talk about it when we have a general plan."

the conference has ended.

On the way to the end of the meeting, Shiji found Qiye: "Qiya, are there any restrictions on the actors?"

"There are no restrictions, just keep it within the acceptable range of the budget."

"Oh~" Siji's eyes rolled, "Can I ask Ryan to play the princess, can you play the actor?"



It is obviously a joke that Four Seasons finds Qiye and Ryan as the protagonists.

Lean aside, Qiye didn't have the time even if he wanted to be the leading actor.

"Tsuki Ji" aims to be the schedule for Valentine's Day next year.

This means that the movie needs to be turned on in the first half of this year and then finished production.

But Qiye's work this year is already full of thieves.

Until May, most of Qiye's work and energy will be focused on the promotion of "Fire of Purgatory".

As for after May, the crew of "Little Circle" is still waiting for its director to return to pick up the film.

A 50 million dollar movie protagonist, and a big production movie that he spent more than 200 million dollars on.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Qiye to lose the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

Let’s not mention the fact that Four Seasons is joking about Qiye.

On Monday night, box office feedback from overseas markets also came out.

As its first film to be released simultaneously on a large scale worldwide, Jiufeng Entertainment is naturally very concerned about movies.

"Fire of Purgatory" did not disappoint, and it performed exceptionally well in markets around the world.

Because of Lily's role in Altria, the film has a particularly strong response in the UK.

Won 25.52 million US dollars in three days over the weekend, which is quite a remarkable achievement for the British film market.

Of course, there are also many British viewers who are a bit dissatisfied with Altria's handling of the final ending of the FZ story.

But these are harmless, anyway, if there is a movie with Lily next time, these people will definitely want to watch it.

In other parts of Europe, "Fire of Purgatory" was equally strong.

Especially the "hometown" of the followers in the stories have exploded with amazing box office potential.

Even the Middle East, a place that is relatively exclusive to Hollywood movies, has broken the local box office record for the first weekend.

Obviously, Hassan from their house left the field in the first half.

The only exception is probably France, because of the marshal's relationship with bad guys throughout, French audiences don't like FZ movies.

Although the Marshal’s evaluation in France is not very good, the French do not think that a Japanese who is filming in the United States is qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

This kind of thinking is a bit similar to how I can say that my alma mater is not good, but outsiders must not make a swear word.

Excluding a very few regions like France, looking at the whole world, "Fire of Purgatory" is still very popular.

After all, Qiye did not discuss particularly profound philosophical thoughts.

Anyone with elementary school education can definitely understand the story of FZ by following Qiye's line of thought.

As for deep interpretation, just leave it to the great gods on the Internet to do it.

But compared with the easy-to-understand plot, Qiye is more prominent in the visual stimulation of the movie.

Just watching the action and explosion scenes inside is enough to make people enjoyable.

After all, looking at the whole world, in 2008, only the Hollywood film industry can bring such an extraordinary visual experience to the audience.


pS1: Unexpectedly, the book guest would not display the contents of the single book title number, resulting in part of the contents in Chapter 564 missing.

Mijiang has been revised, and you should be able to see it after refreshing the chapter._(:з∠)_

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