Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 989

But there are still some very interesting film projects, which are usually low-cost comedies and horror films.

Although they are not very well-known movies, they have the advantages of small investment scale, fixed audience, and quick return of funds.

For Jiufeng, who started late in Hollywood, these projects are very good investment targets and can effectively supplement the film library.

However, Qiye pays more attention to the talents brought by these film projects.

Even in Hollywood, there are very few filmmakers who have sprung up.

No, it should be said that because of the perfect Hollywood business environment, there are fewer such people.

Most of the people who can do this feat are peerless geniuses in this industry plus extremely lucky ones, such as James Cameron.

More talents in the film industry are climbing from the bottom step by step.

Among these film projects that actively sought to go to Jiufeng, Qiye found many people who would emerge in Hollywood in the future.

Although these people are not geniuses, they are very good performers.

For Jiufeng, whose talent pool is not very sufficient, these people can be attracted.

Perhaps these talents have not yet become fully talented and need to be exercised.

But what they lack now is the opportunity to exercise.

With the help of Jiufeng, these people got the opportunity to become filmmakers.

Even if the cooperation ends in the future, this kindness is still there.

This network is also very important for Jiufeng to expand his Hollywood business.

We must know that Qiye has seen many familiar faces among these people, such as Todd Phillips, the director of "The Joker", James Gunn, the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy", and the movies "Widow" and "The Vanished Gillian Flynn, the screenwriter of Lover.

Seven nights knowing the future achievements of these people even produced the illusion that the heroes of the world are all in the urn.


This is indeed an illusion.

On Qiye's suggestion, Shion classified these items.

The movie that Qiye is optimistic about and the project has profit potential has been approved.

Because the production of "Little Circle" is based on Qiye's personal investment, the profits generated by Jiufeng Entertainment on "The Flame of Purgatory" will not be used for movie production in the near future.

But keeping money there is not a problem, and it is obviously inappropriate to do finance.

Although the financial crisis of 2008 did not begin to emerge until July, it broke out completely in September with the global stock market crash.

But now there are various signs.

Although Qiye didn't have much impression of this financial crisis.

But if the results are the premise and the professionals are inferred, it is not too difficult to draw conclusions.

With Qiye's reminder, Jiufeng will naturally not throw money into the financial sector.

In fact, after experiencing the burst of the bubble economy of the last century, Japan has been bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes.

It's not that Japan's financial industry is no longer developing, but most non-financial companies in Japan are instinctively vigilant about finance.

It can be said that under the successful promotion of "Fire of Purgatory", Jiufeng Entertainment's position in Hollywood has been further improved.

With the big sales of "Fire of Purgatory" in March, the box office of North American movies in April seemed a little bland.

This is also normal. Major film companies are preparing for the upcoming summer vacation in May.

Although all kinds of movie promotion are endless, but not many movies are shown.

Even if there are, most of them are small and medium cost movies, which cannot pose any threat to "Purgatory Flame".

Therefore, even though the box office of "Fire of Purgatory" one week is lower than one week.

But the enemy against it is even more unbearable. Under such circumstances, "Fire of Purgatory" has won the North American weekly box office champion for 4 consecutive weeks.

It was not until the release of the Kung Fu film "King of Kung Fu" co-produced by China and the United States on April 18 that "Fire of Purgatory" was pulled from the throne of the king.

It's just not because of how brilliant the movie is, it's entirely because the North American audience is really tired of watching "Fire of Purgatory".

This Kung Fu movie with a completely different style makes movie fans feel that a change of taste is good.

As for the movie "The King of Kung Fu", it is still full of Western understanding of Kung Fu.

Or, it is more appropriate to use misinterpretation.

But is there any way, who told the North American audience to eat this set?

Cultural barriers are not something you can ignore if you want to ignore them.

Eastern movies made for Westerners will certainly not appeal to Eastern audiences.

If "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" hadn't won an Oscar, it would have been sprayed to death in the heavens.

If you really want to make a Kung Fu movie that Chinese audiences like, it is estimated that no one in North America has watched it.

Qiye could already predict the verbal criticism of the movie by the heavenly court.

But he can understand, after all, he was also a member of this movie.

If it weren't for Qiye who was from the celestial dynasty in his previous life, he probably wouldn't want to touch the celestial subject in Fate.

Looking at all the movies in Hollywood over the past few decades, all the movies that were praised in the heavens and exploded at the box office, without exception, did not mention the heavens at all.

Ignoring, or saying that this place does not exist in the day, is actually the best way to enter the market there.

Whether it is private or official, it will be a lot easier.

As for the film "Kung Fu King", the treatment in North America is not necessarily good.

This is determined by the audience of the movie itself.

Although there are two kung fu superstars Chen and Li in the film, the film is positioned as a children's film in Hollywood.

So its tragic fate was doomed from the beginning.

Although he won the weekly box office championship in the third week of April, he suffered a substantial box office dive the following week.

In contrast, "Fire of Purgatory" does not have much stamina, but its daily box office revenue is quite stable.

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