Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 994

But now Jiufeng is in a critical period, and Lao Si's attitude may have a major impact on Jiufeng's next plan.

Because George Lucas is ready to choose an heir to retire.

The project response of "Indiana Jones 4" was not as good as expected, and Lucas felt that he was already a little weak.

He had already begun to retire, naturally, he wanted to find a good next home for Lucas Pictures, which he had spent his entire life working on.

In this way, Spielberg's attitude as a friend of Lucas became subtle.

Maybe Old Si can't decide whom Lucas will sell his company to, but he must be able to tell Lucas not to sell Lucasfilm to whom.


pS1: The replacement of the right to speak should be regarded as the normal state of society, or the law of social certification.

However, the young people in the period from 2000 to 2010 are undoubtedly lucky, because they have been in control for a long time.

Before 2010, the Internet had not been valued by traditional media, so they were unrestrained.

After 2010, the era of full-name internet is coming.

But at this time their age has reached the time to master the right to speak.╮(╯▽╰)╭

So... How old are you?(certainly not)


pS2: There is only one chapter added today, I'm really sorry.(ΩДΩ)

The chapter 4 update should be resumed tomorrow.

After adding two chapters that were missing yesterday and this year, Michan will figure out how to make up.

Now the update of 4 chapters a day has reached the limit of Michan. After all, this amount of updates must be maintained during this period_(:з∠)_

Chapter 572 The 2008 North American Summer War [Plus]

Although he was extremely annoyed with the Fox group, Qiye didn't have a good solution.

In this situation, he himself couldn't stand up and say anything. After all, as the client, anything he said would be misunderstood as a provocation.

Especially when Fox Media is sure to maliciously misinterpret, the result is almost certain.

If Qiye doesn't want to do the mud that fell in the crotch, then the best way is to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and let Jiufeng solve the problem.

So although Qiye is on the cusp of the media, he himself left North America for New Zealand with his team.

After all, Qiye pays more attention to the production progress of her new movie "Magical Circle" than she is in a battle of words with Lao Si.

And Jiufeng also tried to improve Qiye’s impression on traditional media, especially Qiye’s impression on George Lucas’ side.

Shion even suspected that Fox knew that George Lucas was going to retire.

That's why they deliberately made this kind of thing in order to lower their position in Lucas's mind.

Of course, it may also be caused by Fox's habit.

Aligning with Jiufeng has long since become Fox's internal office right.

In fact, some time ago, the relationship between Fox's media and Jiufeng has improved because Fox Films wanted to keep a low profile.

But as Murdoch entered Fox, the relationship between the two parties completely deteriorated.

More importantly, Fox is still very young now.

Not only did he fight against Jiufeng everywhere, but also wanted to beat Jiufeng as much as possible.

"That's fine. With this kind of rebellious psychology, I have more opportunities here."

Shion smiled at the news of Fox’s new film project on the TV news.

"You have to finish these projects well, my senior..."

Shion muttered to the TV in a tone full of villainy.

Iioka who walked in from outside the office happened to hear his boss's words.

But he didn't seem to hear anything, just silently put the materials in his hand on Shion's desk.

"Iioka, how is the current North American box office statistics?"

Iioka said calmly, "If the boss wants to ask "Indiana Jones 4", then you may be a little disappointed."

"Because of this public opinion storm, the other party's box office has shown an upward trend. Now it has received 200 million US dollars."

"Oh roar~"

Shion was not depressed when he heard it, but smiled: "But the reputation of the movie is declining all the way, right? This is simply overdrawing the life of this series."

"Indiana Jones 4" relies on the power of sentiment and public opinion warfare, and has been dominating the box office these days.

But a project is obviously not enough to just look at the box office. As long as you have a little understanding of the evaluation of the film, you will find that this is definitely the worst reputation in the "Indiana Jones" series.

Shion wanted to come to this series to be sealed for a long time.

"But if this is the case, then it would be a blow to the film series itself."

Iioka said calmly: "Don't forget, the copyright of this series is in the hands of Lucasfilm."

Jiufeng wants to buy Lucasfilm's plan, and Iioka is one of the few people who knows.

In fact, even within Jiufeng, not many people know that their company wants to buy Lucasfilm.

After all, Lucasfilm is so famous that Jiufeng himself doesn't know if he can succeed.

Playing the slogan in advance can make people feel like they are lying.

Besides, this kind of acquisition is naturally going to come secretly.

Lucasfilm is so famous that everyone in the Big Six will be interested in this company.

For now, Jiufeng still has certain advantages.

Because no one would have thought that Lucas would retire in recent years, and no one would have thought that Lucas would sell his entire Lucasfilm business.

The advantage of this poor information is enough for Jiufeng to make arrangements in advance.

Iioka's mention of "Indiana Jones" was of course also considered for Jiufeng after taking over Lucasfilm.

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