Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 993

According to traditional social conditions, people who generally have the right to speak are usually the backbone of the 40-60 year old society.

Their likes and dislikes about something can almost represent the view of the whole society on it.

This is why "A Westward Journey" got a lot of scolding when it was just released.

Because those who hold the right to speak in society think this movie is rubbish, so it is rubbish.

And what about those who like this movie?

They can only hold back, hold back until they themselves have become the backbone of society, have the right to speak, and then rehabilitate their favorite works.

Therefore, we can often see that some works that were cast aside by the mainstream in the past have become classics in a decade, or decades later.

It's not because no one understood the beauty of this work when it was created, but those who liked it at the time were unable to tell the society the advantages of these works.

When "Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit Seven Heroes" was just broadcast, Douban scored only 3.8 points.

This is because the adults who were in control of Douban's mainstream discourse at the time believed that this cartoon was full of "shallow and vulgar", "inciting premature love", and "advocating violence."

So although the children at the time liked this animation very much, it was still useless.

The end result is that this animated series was suspended halfway when it was first broadcast, and all evaluations have fallen to the bottom.

But when the old and the new are replaced, the children of that year have become the mainstream of Douban and even the society.

When they mastered the right to speak, this TV series was reversed.

Douban's score also climbed back from 3.8 to a high score of 9.5.

The work is still that work, but the people who rated it are no longer the same people.

This situation of revising the ratings of film and television works can be said to be a microcosm of social iteration.

It stands to reason that the debate between Qiye and Spielberg between the two directors is not really controversial.

Because the people who have the right to speak are on Spielberg's side, such an argument shouldn't happen at all.

The young people who like Qiye can't change the evaluation of the mainstream society except to say "Director Kiryu is awesome" to each other.

However, this time the situation is very different from the past.

The young people of the first decade of the 21st century are undoubtedly lucky, because they are the only generation that has a part of the right to speak when they are young.

After entering the 21st century, the Internet has developed rapidly, and its influence has increased day by day.

But the people who occupy the position of the right to speak in the Internet are not the traditional social backbones, but the young people of the society.

The reason is also very simple. These social backbones are too slow to accept new things and these young people take advantage of the loopholes.

In fact, the controversy between Qiye and Spielberg began to spread on the Internet and eventually fermented in traditional media.

On the other hand, the young people are full of various unstable factors and rebellious psychology.

When the mainstream media slanders the things they like, they will do everything possible to justify the things they like.

Even some young people who have a good sense of "Indiana Jones 4" have become resistant to Fate because of the disdain of various traditional media.

All of a sudden, all the ghosts and monsters on the film and television section on the Internet jumped out, various gods were fighting, and the show operation was endless.

The current Internet is full of criticisms of "Indiana Jones 4", many of which have nothing to do with Jiufeng's online public relations (Navy) department, and are completely organized by netizens.

"Watching the movie "Indiana Jones 4" is a pain for your sight, hearing, and brain."

"Spiberg stuffed all the absurd plots and settings into "Indiana Jones 4". If you want to make a mistake in this movie, it's as simple as breaking an egg."

"Let me count how many reasons I hate "Indiana Jones 4", one...two...three..."

Thanks to the relatively free speech environment on the Internet, in just one day, the speeches that are not conducive to Spielberg and "Indiana Jones 4" were spread everywhere.

After all, it is just a movie evaluation. As long as there is no red line such as racial discrimination, basically no one will take care of it.

Although no matter what time, people always say that elders need to be patient when educating younger generations and that both sides need to understand each other.

But talk about it, do it.

When the older generation finds that their right to speak has been provoked, they never think about communicating well with the younger generation, but just think of ways to press it down.

In the days of early May, the traditional media and online media in the North American film and television circle had a strange phenomenon of quarreling in the air.

It's not that traditional media don't want to line up with those "little bastards" they think on the Internet.

It is that the traditional media with outdated thinking has never seen a large-scale impact on the commentary area on the Internet.

The reporters finally thought of a remark that could be counterattacked, but by this time there were already a hundred more "F**k" on the Internet.

As for this new propaganda method, traditional groups are not ready to deal with it.

Therefore, the traditional media can only retreat to their familiar areas and talk to these "little rascals" in the safe zone.

And those young people also know that they can't make a sound in traditional media, so they confront the traditional media on the Internet.

It's okay if this situation continues like this, after all, this kind of war of words is not unheard of.

It will be fine when the heat passes.

Both Qiye and Spielberg would express their inner joy to this kind of argument.

Only when there are people discussing will there be enthusiasm, and when there is enthusiasm, the audience will be interested, and then will they buy tickets to enter the venue.

Hollywood has already had various measures specifically to deal with bad reviews to ensure the final box office revenue.

But some people just like to engage in small actions to fan the flames.

Here, Qiye can criticize Fox's media with real names.

This approach is no longer an explanation for praising, it is totally disgusting.

If you just focus on the work, it won't be a big problem, and you can fool it with conventional propaganda methods.

But now it is a complete personal attack.

Even if Spielberg is known for his good temper, good temper does not mean he has no temper.

The rabbit bites when he is in a hurry, not to mention Spielberg, an already established boss.

If you offend Lao Si, you will also offend.

Although Lao Si has a vast network, Jiufeng is not a vegetarian.

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