Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 992

Since it is a famous door, it should have the quality of a famous door. What everyone buys is your signature.

Unfortunately, this movie did not meet the expectations of fans.

If it's just that, it's fine, but "Fire of Purgatory" was released just 2 months ago.

Audiences in North America have just experienced a Holy Grail War with cool special effects and twists and turns.

Under such circumstances, they will naturally compare "Indiana Jones 4" with this movie.

Obviously, the results cannot satisfy ordinary movie fans and series movie fans.

Although no one can deny that "Indiana Jones 4" is an excellent summer popcorn.

But in all respects, the answer sheet handed over after it was released on a large scale obviously did not match the film's production cost of 185 million US dollars.

The 101 million box office in the first weekend seemed good, but it was full of bad reviews.

If you look at the box office curve of these three days, you will find that the trend of movie box office is getting lower every day.

On the contrary, instead, the box office of "Fire of Purgatory" has picked up slightly in the past two days.

There is no doubt that some viewers felt that "Indiana Jones 4" was not very good, so they went to review "The Flame of Purgatory" again.

The evaluation of the two films is even more polarized.

Compared with the "Indiana Jones 4" which is fried cold rice, the audience obviously prefers the novel "Fire of Purgatory".

On the other hand, the comparison between the directors of Spielberg and Kiryu Nanaya was also brought up for discussion at this time.

The controversy that Qiye heard at the end of "Indiana Jones 4" seemed to be a microcosm.

As the topic increased, discussions about who was better between him and Laos began to appear in various places.

The younger generation of people on the Internet obviously like Qiye's works more, thinking his Fate is cool and awesome.

Although they also acknowledge the excellence of these films, "Jurassic Park", they still think that Spielberg is an outdated man.

In contrast, in traditional media, the majority of people are basically on Lao Si's side.

After all, these media have come from Spielberg's golden age, and they obviously miss Spielberg more than Qiye, the little boy.

But one media is an exception.

This time, the Fox-based media have been on Qiye's side since the beginning of the argument, and brag about him.

If you just listen to their reports, it seems that Spielberg should kneel in front of Qiye and call "Master".

Seeing these reports, Qiye was very moved, and then raised a middle finger to show respect.


pS: The horizontal comparison of "Indiana Jones 4" movies is still possible, but if you compare it vertically with the same series, it really won't work.

It can only be said that Lao Si and Lucas did not meet everyone's expectations.

By the way, the "Indiana Jones" series Disney plans to restart.

But the director is still Old S... Is this really okay?

Chapter 571

Since the release of "The Flame of Purgatory", the discussion and interpretation of movies on the Internet has been heating up.

At this stage, there is no need to rely on the network navy to guide them. Everyone will spontaneously study the various settings and details contained in the four films of Fate.

Although the heat of screening of "Fire of Purgatory" has passed, the discussion on the Internet has become more and more heated over time.

In fact, Fate's popularity can spread to such a large extent, and it is inseparable from the development of the Internet.

Because of the convenience of the Internet, everyone can find a partner to discuss the Fate story setting with themselves anytime, anywhere.

this point is very important.

Because of the discussion (war) setting this is the unique charm of the world of type moon.

The more the discussion, the more exciting, the more the discussion, the more addictive.

This kind of thing is rare in other stories.

If you have the intention, a few people can get together to discuss the setting of the month for an entire afternoon, and the topic is not repetitive.

But now society wants to gather so many people is not an easy task.

But that’s okay. The Internet can help you solve the small flaws that you don’t have a discussion partner around you.

Because of the influence of the Internet era in the past life, Qiye knows the importance of the Internet.

Therefore, he has always regarded the Internet as an important propaganda front.

In addition, the movies he made are the favorite genre of teenagers.

The largest group that the Internet can affect happens to be teenagers.

So when the comparison between himself and Spielberg appeared on the Internet, Qiye was not surprised by his almost one-sided advantage.

After all, Spielberg's golden age is too far away from these young people.

Although these young people have watched Lao Si's fine movies such as "Jurassic Park".

But there is still a big difference between watching it afterwards and watching it when it was released.

It's hard to feel the madness of the whole people when the movie is released without personal experience.

For these teenagers, "Jurassic Park" can only be regarded as a relatively good movie, but Fate is their love.

This disparity of the times is the key factor that enables Qiye to gain praise on the Internet.

The same goes for those who can represent the opinions of traditional media.

For them, "Jurassic Park" and "Indiana Jones" series are their most precious childhood memories.

The brand of childhood is the most critical element that can make people blindly worship.

Why do showa special photos fans always think that Heisei's Kamen Rider and Ultraman are not good enough, and even lack the original taste of the work?

It's not because the Heisei series is not good enough, but the old fans only remember Showa's goodness, so that they overlooked the goodness of the Heisei series.

It's just that this situation is reflected in social commentary, and it will become an issue of the right to speak.

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