Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 991

Then change it to Kuangsan and Humula, they are almost the same anyway.

Qiye rubbed her sleepy eyes that were still hazy, and walked out of the theater with Zhi.


Zhizhi seemed to be a little bit angry, thinking about something all the time while walking.

"Why is there always a feeling of deja vu?"

When approaching the entrance of the cinema, Zhi asked Qiye.


Qiye's eyes widened.

how?Did you see "Indiana Jones 4" in advance?

Fortunately, the next second weaving asked Qiye to relax.

"The whole movie feels like a re-enactment of the previous three movies, which makes people feel the same everywhere."

[Fortunately, I am not saying that I have seen the movie.Bah... I am really confused.


Qiye patted her cheek with her hand.

After waking up a little bit, Qiye said: "I have said it more than once, Spielberg's routine is outdated."

Zhi shook his head: "It's not just that. If you really do everything you want to show, then there is no big problem."

"But in this movie, although all the "Indiana Jones" series should have plots, it is always a little less interesting. This is what disappoints me the most."

"Because Spielberg's attitude towards movies is still in the last century."

Qiye didn't say anything more.

Spielberg has whip the body many times, there is no need for another knife.

However, although Qiye had let Old Si off, the other audiences did not intend to let it off.

Qiye clearly heard that the previous young people were also discussing this movie.

"Spielberg's routines are really too old." One of the boys complained to his partner, "The character creation seems to be stuck in the last century."

Another partner who was walking with him also sighed: "Not only that, Spielberg has regressed instead. The overall feeling of "Crystal Skull" is that this task is too smooth and too pediatric."

"The opponents, enemies, friends, and family members who have been causing trouble to Dr. Jones in the past are all very cooperative this time without exception. The tension that used to be in the movie is completely gone!! No more!!!"

Probably it was to highlight his anger, and the other party deliberately repeated it.

Qiye who followed and nodded in agreement.

The mediocrity of "Indiana Jones 4" is largely due to the lack of detailed management of the director.

And this kind of management capability should have been the strengths of Spielberg and George Lucas.

I don't know if neither of these two big brothers put their minds on this movie, which feels like it can't be better in every aspect.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the gap between "Indiana Jones 4" and "Fire of Infernal" is too obvious; the gap between Spielberg and Kiryu Chiya is even more obvious."

The man who started talking conclusively said to his friends.

"That's a bit arbitrary, right?"

Someone immediately questioned.

"In the past, Spielberg was indeed a very good film director, but now he is just a bad old man abandoned by the times."


This argument was immediately accepted by others on the side.

"Compared with the cool "Fire of Purgatory", "Indiana Jones 4" I have been dozing off."

"Yes, yes."


The original complaint about "Indiana Jones 4" shifted, and began to turn to praise Qiye.

Zhi, who listened to these all in his ears, squeezed his eyes at his brother.

"You said, if they know that the person they are praising is behind, will they ask you to sign? Senior~predecessor~"

At the end of Zhiye, Senior Qiye was terrified.

"Not very good, go quickly."

Qiye hasn't forgotten what a fan said before that she would kill herself.

Even if most of these cheering fans are their true fans.

But if there is one of them who is a good dragon...


It should be said that there is a twisted true love fan, Qiye's life is not guaranteed.

You know Serra and Ligelite are waiting for them in the parking lot, but they are not by their side.

The sequel to "Indiana Jones 4", a 19-year sequel, finally landed in the cinema amidst thousands of fans.

The major theater companies have also given very generous resources to this popular sequel.

The number of theaters opened in the first week reached 4642!

Spielberg once conquered countless North American audiences in the last century with his gripping stories and amazing special effects.

Especially the "Indiana Jones" series can even be said to be the masterpiece of his career.

Today Spielberg still comes up with a meal with the same ingredients as 19 years ago, but the taste of this dish is a lot worse.

In all fairness, if you compare other adventure-themed movies, "Indiana Jones 4" can at least be regarded as an upper-middle level.

The entertainment and viewing of movies is not low.

But its unusual life experience is destined to be difficult for the audience to look at it in a normal light.

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