Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 998


pS: More than the three mentioned by Michan, the spouse of the male protagonist in most of Nolan's movies has no good endings.

These three are just the most famous.2333

Chapter 574 Are You Interested In Cooperation?

Standing across from Qiye, Nolan's eyes were full of complexity.

Although his first few films were shot in the late 1990s, the works that really made him famous all come from the new millennium.

From the outside world, he can be regarded as a new generation director of the 21st century.

Judging from his resume, Christopher Nolan is undoubtedly a lucky director.

Not only did he become famous when he was young, but he also had a large number of loyal fans.

He was recognized by industry giants like Warner Corporation when he was less than 40 years old and was given the responsibility of restarting the "Batman" series.

No matter how you look at it, your own career as a director can be considered comfortable.

It's just that my own achievement pales in comparison with the Japanese director before me.

You must know that the difference between two people is less than 10 years old, but the gap is still very large.

So far, his Nolan's best box office movie is "Batman: Hour of War".

But even so, he did not win the box office championship that year.

On the other hand, Kiryu Qiye has won the box office championship for two consecutive years. I am afraid this year is not going to win the third consecutive year.

If you really don't have any small emotions, you must be lying to yourself.

But Nolan patted Qiye on the shoulder very openly.

"I haven't had a single film with a North American box office of 250 million US dollars, and you..."

Nolan looked at Qiye with a complicated expression, and he sighed slightly: "The North American box office of "Fire of Purgatory" went for 600 million US dollars."

"Hey. Nolan, you are too exaggerated."

Qiye was a little uncomfortable, so he could only say with a smile, "I only have 500 million U.S. dollars so far. I don't even think about 600 million."

"The Flames of Purgatory" can't go against the normal commercial film laws like "Titanic".

With the increase of the screening time, the popularity has begun to decline significantly.

Not to mention 600 million at the North American box office, it's thank goodness to be able to exceed 550 million US dollars.

Others don't understand the charm of "The Dark Knight", don't Qiye still understand it?

What did you spend so much energy on opening the schedule for?

Aren't you afraid that two dark-style masterpieces will be released one after another, causing audience fatigue?

Qiye is already foreseeable. With the release of "The Dark Knight", the box office of "Fire of Purgatory" will inevitably suffer a huge impact in July.

Although from March to now, "The Flame of Purgatory" has changed from a raging fire to a candle.

But at any rate there is still a fire.

This time the same type of "Dark Knight" was released, Qiye guessed that the ignition was not going to be extinguished directly.

"Even if you can't get 600 million, I think this year's box office champion will be yours again if not sure."

Nolan is not self-effacing either.

In fact, after the release of "The Flames of Purgatory", he thought of the same type of dark wind movie causing aesthetic fatigue to the audience.

Despite these small concerns, Warner's side is more confident in "The Dark Knight."

After all, now that the Dark Wind movie has a successful precedent, the possibility of the success of "The Dark Knight" is even greater.

You must know that before this, Warner executives had been quite veiling about the overly melancholic ending of The Dark Knight.

But these opposition factions disappeared with the success of "Fire of Purgatory".

Hollywood is such a realistic place.

With the first person to eat hairy crabs, everyone's idea has never been whether swimming crabs can also be eaten, but a swarm of hairy crabs followed.

Wait until all the hairy crabs are eaten, and maybe some warriors will try to taste if the swimming crabs can be eaten.

It’s just that generally speaking, the first person on the road can eat meat, and the second person can eat the bones, but the people behind may only have soup.

However, this has nothing to do with Qiye, he has eaten meat anyway.

Nor can it be said that it does not matter if the audience really suffers from aesthetic fatigue.

So it is obviously beneficial to him in "Fire of Purgatory".

However, the dark wind market in North America should not be saturated so quickly.

Besides, "The Dark Knight" is not just a follow-up work. In all respects, the degree of completion of this movie is quite high.

Qiye wouldn't be too convinced just because of this reason.

You know, this kind of opportunity to match idols is really rare.

Qiye didn't say these words to Nolan.

In his current capacity, this kind of words would sound false to the other party.

Although Qiye really admires Nolan as the director.

Qiye threw these thoughts aside, and continued with the Nolans on the movie.

Just before saying a few words, Warner CEO Jeff Robinoff came over.

"Director Kiryu, congratulations. You brought a great work to the film industry in March." The other party offered to extend his hand.

Qiye shook it gently, "Thank you."

Don't look at what the other party said so politely, Qiye knew a few things.

When "The Flame of Purgatory" was being rated, it has been hovering between PG-13 and R grade.

Among them, "Fire of Purgatory" has the greatest resistance to PG-13, except for Fox and Warner.

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