Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 999

After all, the same type of style "Fire of Purgatory" and "Dark Knight" are direct competitors.

If it weren't for Qiye to schedule the movie in March, it is estimated that Warner will have more hands and feet.

However, the rapid development of Jiufeng and the sudden rise of Kiryu Qiye also affected Warner's current position as the top six.

Especially the existence of Marvel superhero movies has also touched the interests of Warner.

You have to know that the superhero market is so big, Marvel will eat more, and Warner DC will eat less.

Similarly, although Qiye really likes Nolan and his Batman trilogy.

But if there is a chance to step on DC, Qiye will never let go of this opportunity.

But on this occasion, Qiye and Jeff Robinoff both smiled brilliantly, as if the competition in the past never existed.

In fact, this is also the norm in Hollywood.

This year is a co-production partner of the film, maybe next year will become a competitor due to the collision of film schedules.

If you are glaring at every competitor, you don’t have to be in this circle.

To be honest, Jiufeng and Fox are really one of the few in the industry who want to wait for each other to die.

"It can be seen that Fate will be a big series."

While joking, Sedev Robinov suddenly tentatively asked, "Seven nights, are you interested in cooperating with Warner? I believe that there are prerequisites for good cooperation between Warner and Jiufeng..."

If possible, Jeff Robinoff actually wanted the copyright of the Fate series more.

And he believes that there are definitely not a few people in Hollywood who have the same idea.

But this kind of thing is impossible to think about.

Wanting Jiufeng to give up Fate is as unrealistic as asking Warner to let out the copyright of the Harry Potter series.

But not being able to get copyright does not mean not being able to cooperate.

In addition to the super high box office, everyone in Hollywood is greedy for Fate, there are also those peripherals with super high sales.

Box-office movies appear every year, but the surrounding movies are quite rare.

Even in Hollywood, where masterpieces are frequently produced, there are not many such examples.

Among them, children's animation movies account for the vast majority.

However, the box office trend in recent years is not optimistic.

As the cost of publicity continues to increase, even if commercial films are successful at the box office, the profits that film companies get from the box office are constantly shrinking.

As an industry insider, Jeff Robinoff knows very well that the sales of peripheral copyrights and various peripheral products account for more and more revenue.

This is why he will vigorously develop the HP series and DC series.

In addition to the box office, these movies are also very popular around.

It can be said that a movie series that can sell well around it is a treasure for Hollywood companies.

As a person at the top of Hollywood, Jeff Robinoff has already obtained sales of "Purgatory" peripheral products in North America.

The film was released for a few months, even if the exaggerated motorcycle is not counted, only relatively common peripheral products such as tattoo stickers, character clothing, keychains, stationery and so on.

The sales of "Fire of Purgatory" has reached 420 million US dollars in recent months!

Although this data is not higher than the box office of the movie, compared with the movie that will be released in a few weeks, the peripheral sales will not end so soon.

You must know that the movie surroundings are not a one-off sale, but this stuff can be sold for a long time.

What's more, video tapes and DVDs, the biggest peripheral items in the movie tradition, are not yet online.

Say you don’t envy, is that possible?

Even if Warner has HP and DC that do not lose to the Fate series.

But Jiufeng also has Marvel in his hands.

With the success of "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk", everyone knows that Marvel is also a huge gold mine in the future.

[I heard that it was also Marvel that Kiryu Qiye suggested that the female fox Jiufeng buy...]

Jeff Robinoff felt a little bit sour.

Why don't you have anyone with such a formidable vision?

Although knowing that Jiufeng would not be able to hand over Fate, since Jeff Robinoff made this request, he naturally came prepared.

"Director Kiryu, are you Jiufeng interested in developing a theme park with your own IP as the theme?"


Qiye raised her eyebrows.

Jeff Robinoff's words really made Qiye a little interested.

Speaking of theme parks, I believe that the first thing everyone thinks of is Disneyland.

But Hollywood is far more than Disney's company that runs theme parks all over the world.

For example, the Universal Theme Park and Warner Movie World Theme Park are all very famous.

Of course, the best business and most influential one is naturally Disneyland.

In the last life of Qiye, Nintendo and Universal Studios also cooperated to establish a theme park in Tokyo.

In fact, Qiye and Ziyuan had long thought of letting Jiufeng build a theme park, but Jiufeng does not have the conditions to build a theme park.


pS: Mijiang still likes theme parks very much.

However, domestic theme parks feel more like large-scale amusement parks, lacking their own characteristics.

It may also be because the time when Michan went to the theme park was mostly concentrated in the middle and elementary schools, and there were not many visits in the past two years.

However, in November last year, Shanghai Disneyland had a good time with Mijiang, and I shared it with you before.

I don’t know how old Ren’s new theme park is this year. If I get the chance, Michan would like to see it.

After all, Mijiang can be regarded as Ren Dong, although Sony’s games have been bought._

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