"Mr. Shirasawa really has a lot of interesting subordinates."

As Jerma's battleship slowly sailed into the nations, Lei Jiu suddenly laughed and squinted at "Robin" beside Bai Ze.

That's right, it's not Robin, but a "doll" drawn by Pa Dong.

Unable to speak, but able to act, and after Pa Dong's cultivation, he has been able to make some simple ordinary behavior, and it is difficult to find problems without careful interrogation.

Bai Ze also cast a glance at Lei Jiu, he and Lei Jiu actually did not have any super friendship that day, but flirted twice under the influence of hormones.

After all, he doesn't know how to clean up Jerma at the moment.

It doesn't matter if it's Rebecca's kind of unwitting.

If he killed Vince Mock Gaji, he would also beat his mind on his daughter.

Even if Lei Jiu's wish is to destroy Vince Mock, Bai Ze must keep an eye on it.

"Can you fool BIG.MOM?"

Nami looked at the doll Robin with some concern.


"Don't worry, that crazy woman has the habit of leaving the best food at the end, and she is also afraid that this news will be leaked, so she will definitely wait for the wedding banquet to be over before Nicole Robin can interpret the historical topology."

Saying this, Bai Ze couldn't help but laugh in a low voice: "Hahaha, I really look forward to what kind of expression that crazy woman will have when she sees Nicole Robin turn into white smoke and disappear."

Kuzan and the others showed an expression of "this person is not saved".

Bonnie did slap Bai Ze's shoulder hard, followed by a thumbs up, "Although it's a bastard, but... I like it! "

With the headquarters Cake Island as the core, a total of 34 islands, 34 ministers in charge of managing the road, Bai Ze and his party are under the supervision of members of the BIG.MOM pirate group.

All the way to the rear pier of Cake Island, Almond Lake, only to stop.

This is a dedicated boat dock in Jerma.

When Lei Jiu's ship arrived, dozens of Djerma's warships had already docked.

All the ships are put together, and the castle on the deck is connected to it, forming a huge castle the size of a town.

"Oh la-la, this is really spectacular."

Kuzan exclaimed.

It is also full of artificial people with identical facial features, who practice day and night as soldiers of Jerma.

As artificial humans, they, like the three brothers of Vince Mock and Lei Jiu, have no seven emotions and six desires, only one idea of loyalty to Djerma.

"Then, I'm going to meet my brother who I haven't seen after thirteen years, if you are interested, do you want to come together?"

Lei Jiu strolled along the road of the Djerma Kingdom, half-turned and invited.

"Is Caesar too?"

Bai Ze asked.

"It should be there, but it may have been staked into the hands of BIG.MOM."

Lei Jiu replied.


Just as Bai Ze was thinking about how to proceed to the next step, the phone worm suddenly rang.

Click! Bai Ze held the microphone to his mouth, and a voice came from the phone worm, "Mr. Bai Ze?" It's the old man, I'm very flat! "

"What's wrong? Jinping, his tone was very flustered. "

"The old man heard that you also came to attend the wedding banquet held by BIG.MOM, so he was also in a hurry."

After hearing Bai Ze's voice, Jinping's tone was slightly calmer, "I also heard that you plan to sacrifice Nicole Robin to BIG.MOM..."

"Don't worry, I have a plan, Nicole Robin will be fine."

"Is it? That's good, but what exactly did Mr. Shirasawa arrive in Totlan for? Aren't you targeting the Tichy guy? "

"This matter, using the phone worm is very troublesome, find an opportunity to meet."

Jinping was silent for a long time, replied briefly with two words, and then hung up the phone worm.

"Let's go, Caesar is one of the main targets of our operation."

Bai Ze led everyone to officially step into the territory of the Jerma Kingdom.

"Yo, it's good, these ladies~~"

Kuzan stared at the maids standing on either side of the red carpet, bowing and saluting, revealing their career lines.

"I don't know if these are artificial people."

Bai Ze's focus is elsewhere.

After all, although these maids are very good, they are still more than a cut worse than those on their own ships.

The BABY-5, also as a maid, is enough to kill in seconds.

"Oh, rest assured, these are real 'humans', Mr. Kuzan can name them if needed."

Lei Jiu, who was walking in front, heard Bai Ze's words, and explained with a chuckle.

Kuzan shrugged, this product belongs to the standard type of only daring to move his mouth.

"Hard work, my child!"

Standing on the throne of the steps, a middle-aged man with a bloated but extremely burly figure, about forty or fifty years old, wearing a combat uniform very similar to Lei Jiu and the others.

It was the commander-in-chief of Djerma 66, Vince Mock Gaji.

Bai Ze yawned boringly, this old bastard, that is not at all human.

He originally wanted to use Lei Jiu to threaten him to hand over the scientific tools for mass-producing artificial humans, as well as the research materials for the bloodline factor.

But he refused, and he didn't care about the life or death of his own daughter.

No wonder Lei Jiu wants to destroy Jerma.


Lei Jiu knelt down on one knee and closed her eyes to salute.


Kaji nodded and said, "Go down and rest."

Saying that, Kaji threw it at Bai Ze and his group, "That's you, you guys who wanted me to hand over the research materials of the blood system factor before, as well as scientific manufacturing tools?" "

"Yes, I didn't expect that it was useless to threaten Mr. Kaji's daughter, do you say I can only rob it?"

Bai Ze spread his hands with a helpless look.

"Oh, how dare I say it,"

Kaji said indifferently: "Do you want to fight on the territory of BIG.MOM?"

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