If it is the combat power of a single round of Jerma, Gaji is actually quite jealous of the combat power in Bai Ze's hands.

If you add Zefa, Ain, BABY-5 and others that he does not yet know, it is even more needless to say.

The reason why he is so fearless is that this is the territory of BIG.MOM.

No one dared to make trouble in the base camp of the Four Emperors.

There are countless combat power of the BIG.MOM Pirate Group.


Bai Ze looked directly at Gaji, and smiled after a while, "Heh, you don't need to be so sharp, let's get along well for the time being, I'm looking forward to Ling Gongzi's wedding." "

After stretching, Bai Ze walked in the direction of the inner room and said to Lei Jiu: "Let me meet Caesar."

Lei Jiu frowned and looked at Kaji.

Kaji thought about it for a while, and replied: "In the underground cell, after reading it, send him to BIG.MOM, this matter, Lei Jiu, you are responsible."

Although he was fearless, Kaji still didn't want to offend Bai Ze too much.

Although this guy looks much calmer than the two crazy guys BIG.MOM and Kaido, he is also a crazy boy from what he has done so far.

Except for Shirasawa, the rest of the crew wandered around Djerma, waiting to officially land on Cake Island.


Led by Lei Jiu, Bai Ze came to the underground cell of the Djerma Kingdom.

On the opposite side, across an iron fence, lies a freak wearing a medical coat with a pair of horns on his head, and the whole person also looks like a sheep.

M. Caesar Courant.

"Hey! You guys, hurry up and let me out!" Dare to offend genius scientists like this, be careful not to die well!! "

Seeing Lei Jiu come in, Caesar, who had originally tilted his head and slept in the cage, suddenly rushed forward, and his hands handcuffed to Hailou Shi clutched the railing.

"Although I don't know the specific things, it seems that you have offended BIG.MOM before and were sent to her, what do you say is the end?"

Bai Ze walked out from behind Lei Jiu with a smile and asked with a smile.

"What kind of person are you kid... Belch!? "

Caesar subconsciously wanted to refute, after seeing Bai Ze's face, his expression was deflated again, and then he forced a smile, "Hey, hey~~ No, it's okay, JOKER will definitely come to save me." "

"Oh, that's a shame,"

Bai Ze spread his hands and said, "That guy has now suspended the development of Smile and the transaction with Kaido, that is, you are useless to him."

"Do you think that Doflamingo guy will risk offending BIG.MOM to save you?"

Bai Ze said with a bad smile.


Caesar couldn't believe it.

Only through newspaper information did he know that Doflamingo did not let Lotho succeed, and kept his own throne of Seven Warriors and King Dressrosa.

As for Doflamingo's suspension of the deal, Caesar had no idea.

How much Doflamingo was jealous of Kaido, he knew very well, daring to suspend the transaction was almost equivalent to Doflamingo not wanting to live.

"Now, the only one who can save you is me, as Doflamingo's new partner."

Bai Ze glared and said with a smile, "Want me... Save you? "


Caesar swallowed his spit nervously, and grinned a few seconds later: "Whoops~~ That's really grateful, then hurry up and handcuff this Hailou stone to..."

"If you are released, you will immediately use the ability of the gas fruit to escape, right? Cunning goat freaks. "

Bai Ze sneered.

Caesar bowed his head, clearly struck by what he said.

"I'm not kidding you, Doflamingo has transferred your transfer to me, he won't care about you anymore, your only way is to get on my ship."

Bai Ze twisted his wrist and made a "click" sound, "It just so happens that there is still a shortage of ship doctors on the ship, and after that, the mass production pacifist alone may not be busy with Ain alone, you guy is of great use to me." "

If Doflamingo really stopped the production of smile, then he really had no use for him, and BIG.MOM definitely had to grasp his own research for the sake of the giant experiment.

What the result will be then, then it is really difficult to say.

For a while, Caesar's heart fell into a serious entanglement.

After a long while, he pulled his head and said aggrievedly: "Do I have any other choice?"

"Choose wisely."

Bai Ze clapped his hands.

Caesar only then turned his attention back to Lei Jiu, "Then again, this girl is also a member of Jerma, right?" Saying this to her face..."

"Oh, it's okay, Lei Jiu is on my side."

Bai Ze gently ran his fingers across Lei Jiu's pretty face with the back of his fingers.

Lei Jiu quietly avoided Bai Ze's hand, "Mr. Bai Ze, whether I am from your side or not, this is still to be discussed." "

"Hey, the new captain is really interesting."

Hearing Bai Ze say this, Caesar was also relieved, and then couldn't wait to say: "Then hurry up and help me untie this handcuff."

Saying that, Caesar forcefully handed over the two hands that were handcuffed by Hailou Shi.

"The key is for you, but hide it and don't untie it, when I let you solve it, then solve it."

Bai Ze threw the key to Hailou Shi's handcuffs and a phone worm into the cage, "Carry it well, so that I can contact you at any time." "

"How so~~~"

As soon as he got the key, the ecstatic Caesar's face turned gray again in an instant.

"Don't think about running away by yourself, otherwise there will be another force chasing you."

Bai Ze said with a smile.

"How, how, how? Captain, I have made up my mind to follow you. "

Caesar covered in cold sweat and laughed.

He is already alone, and if he doesn't find a thigh to hold him, he will really die.

Bai Ze turned around and left with Lei Jiu, "Fortunately, it was you who caught Caesar, otherwise I would have to work harder." "


Lei Jiu asked curiously.

"Heh, don't underestimate the glaring fruit, one of the strongest in the auxiliary system."

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