
With the grace of the past and the pride of heaven and earth, self-respect.

Han Cooksu's hand caressed Yue Hun, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

If it weren't for the fact that Salome next to him stretched out the snake's body in time to support the delicate body of the owner who was about to fall.

I'm afraid that this world's number one beauty is about to plant an ugly heel.

Behind Hancock is a statue of the "most vicious female pirate in history" with nine tails flying behind her back, which has turned into a stone statue.

And now, this name, I am afraid that it will change owners.

After three hours of fighting, Hancock finally defeated his opponent.

But her own physical strength was also exhausted.

Salome thoughtfully coiled his body into a chair for the owner to sit on.

"How's it going?"

After taking a deep breath, Hancock looked up at the rest of the battlefield.

The most important of these is also the zone of engagement of the main crews of both sides.

Cavendish, Hakuba vs Lafitte, victory.

Zefa VS Rain no Hiryu, upwind.

Himself vs Katerina, victory.

Cuzan vs San Juan Wolf, freeze it.

Kuzan vs Van Oka, freeze it.

Five captains of the Whitebeard Pirates VS Bashas, defeated.

Marko, Bista VS Poison Q and the Legion of Abilities, Downwind.

As for Aien, led by pacifist troops, to clear out miscellaneous fish.

Although a lot of losses were also suffered, the treatment was basically completed.

Although Kuzan overwhelmed the two captains of the Blackbeard Pirates, he consumed a lot, and at the moment he was still surrounded by several capable people.

In general, the situation on the side of the Bai Ze Pirate Group is good, there are no fatalities.

Most of the losses on the own side were on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the Blackbeard Pirates also suffered a lot of losses, but they have not yet failed.

There are many capable people, and...


Now, the battle that needs to be hammered is the battle of the captains over there.

As soon as he thought of this, Hancock shook his head abruptly again, secretly annoyed: "The concubine is not his crew!" When this war is over..."



After nine battles, Bai Ze and Tiqi's physical strength was almost bottomed out, like a candle in the wind.


Bai Ze opened his mouth, and blood droplets continued to drip from his tongue and between his teeth, and his throat seemed to be burning dry.

And Tichy is in a similar situation, the black coat that was originally draped on his body has long disappeared, and the teeth in his mouth seem to be missing a few more.

"Hahaha! None of my crew is dead."

Bai Ze looked up and grinned, "Now you are like the white-bearded pirate group in the war period, and I am the navy as the victorious side, you are just like the end of the war, go to hell to meet your father." "

"Gag - bah!"

Tichy spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, and also looked up and sneered, "Thief haha... Not necessarily, right? Your crew consumes a lot, and the number on my side is still superior, and even the pheasant guy doesn't have the spare time to help you. "

"Just like in the war on top, after I send you to see Daddy, I will slowly take care of your crew."

Buzz -

In the next second, Tichy's hands lit up with dark water.

"The guy who doesn't see the coffin and doesn't shed tears."

Bai Ze held the sword in both hands, and the translucent white energy wave radiated out of the last of his physical strength.

"Continuously launching the energy of the Shock Fruit and the sword art of the old bastard consumed too much physical strength, and this is the last blow."

While Bai Ze urged the sword move, he thought secretly in his heart.

"Dark Passage Cave!!"

In an instant, Tichy waved.

Bai Ze's pupils shrank, and he made a move almost at the same time.

"White Lion Kongwei !!"

The two collided together at almost zero distance, both looking at each other who wanted to send each other to hell.

Go to hell!

Both of them read this meaning from each other's gazes.

And yet, in this instant.

Without warning, a large sword came out of Tichy's moon hun.

While stabbing through his heart, the tip of the knife almost pierced Bai Ze's eyeballs.


The sudden attack, not only Blackbeard, but even Bai Ze was taken aback, and subconsciously retreated.

However, when the force collides, trade and then retreat is an extremely dangerous thing.

The trick lost the support of Bai Ze's power, and he scattered violently, rushing his body out of a position of more than twenty meters, and rolling on the ground several times in a row before stopping.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, but Bai Ze didn't have time to care about this, but quickly raised his head to look at the other party.

Tichy, who had been hit by a sword in the heart, gritted his teeth and looked behind him, holding the big knife that pierced his heart, and stood behind him.

It was Skuyard, who was instigated by the red dog two years ago and gave Whitebeard a knife!

However, when Tichy just turned his head to look over, he only saw a knife stuck in his back.

It wasn't until two seconds later that Skuyard's body slowly took shape.

"Superman ... Transparent fruit..."

Tiki endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth and said such a paragraph, and then twisted his backhand, grabbed Skuyard's head, and pulled him into the air, "The fruit that Hiryu has always wanted to get was actually eaten by your waste, and what made me even more unexpected was that Marko, you stupid people, actually kept such a traitor!" "

Not far away, Bai Ze supported his body with his two swords and looked towards Skuyard with a vain eye, "Transparent fruit... Was it eaten by him? "

Bai Ze did not expect that the transparent fruit of Absalom, who died with Moria, would actually be eaten by Skuyard.

Because the attention is all focused on yourself, plus the effect of transparent fruit.

So Skuyard was able to achieve the assassination of Tichy without everyone, including himself and Tichy.

"Thank you, thank you all, forgive me, but, I, I can't forgive myself! Daddy, I, I took revenge on you! "

Skuyard smiled tearfully, forced the pain in his head, and looked towards Tichy, "Tichy, you, played." "

Tichy was annoyed and pinched Skuyard's head.

"Skuyard !!!"

Marco in the distance roared.

"Captain Skuyard!"

Others around also exclaimed.

But all I saw was a body with a pinched head shot falling to the ground.

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