
Tichy snorted angrily and pulled Skuyard's large knife out of his back.

There was a splash of blood, but a huge hole had already opened in Yuehun's mouth, and I was afraid that the whole heart had been split in two.

"No... No!!! "

Desperately covered Yuehun mouth, but blood still poured out, and Tichy's face changed drastically.

At this time, his mood is not afraid of death, but disobedience, disobedience!

He was originally a man who was not afraid of death but had an adventurous spirit, dared to break into Impelton alone, and absorbed the second devil fruit without precedent.

This series of actions will usher in a result that if you are not careful, you will die without a place to be buried.

Tichy is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die like this.

If he died under Bai Ze's attack, he might have died laughing.

However, he was killed by Skuyard, the "waste" and "traitor" he despised the most, and he was not convinced!

Death is not accepted!!

"Skuyard! You trash! "

Thinking of this, Tichy was even more annoyed, and a diamondized punch fell, hammering the body of Skuyard, who had already been headshot, again.

"Poison Q! Go and save the captain! "

Bashas, who was cleaning up the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, couldn't care about anything else, and quickly shouted to Poison Q, who was the ship's doctor.

Poison Q's stunned face was also a nervous look.

Just as they wanted to rush over on horseback, several captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, led by Zang, blocked in front of them.

"Don't think about it!"

"You bastards!"

Looking at these guys who are not as strong as themselves, but they are extremely troublesome, Bashasi was even more bruised and angry for a while.


"It's really ironic,"

Bai Ze straightened up and strolled towards Tiqi, "The guy who gave Whitebeard a knife two years ago, but now he gave you a knife, there is really such a thing as karmic reincarnation in this world." "

His expression changed drastically, and Tichy's wounds and mouth were like faucets that could not be closed, and blood gushed wildly, and after a long time, he could barely say a word.

But this is also a return to the light before death.

"Thief hahaha... Thief hahaha... Bai Ze, this guy of yours is indeed similar to me, then I will show mercy and help you! "

Speaking of this, Tichy used his last strength and shouted: "Oh hey! Little ones! There's a guy here who is more cunning and jerk than me, and he's a bastard worth following! "

Hearing Tichy's shout, everyone in the audience changed drastically, including Bai Ze.

The next moment, Tiqi, who had a mouth full of blood, looked at Bai Ze again, "Hey! Bai Ze, one last word to remind you..."


Before the words could be spoken, Tichy coughed up several mouthfuls of blood.

Only then did he say incoherently: "Marko... And the rest of Daddy's subordinates, they will not really ally with you, after this war is over, there is an opportunity, unite my people in one breath, kill them! "

"Thief haha... Thief hahahaha!! "

"I, in that world, will look good! People's dreams will not end!!! "

Leaving only the last raving and disobedient regrets, another "D", Marshall M. D. Tichy, Fall!



After a long while, Bai Ze withdrew his two swords into their scabbards, took a deep breath, and spread his voice to the entire battlefield by seeing and hearing the color.

"Blackbeard Tichy is dead, Blackbeard Pirates, is it dead or down?"

The tone was flat, but with a solemn killing intent.

The Blackbeard Pirates knew with their fleet that whoever dared to raise their knife again would meet them with the same fate as their captain Blackbeard.

Bang dang --

Bang dang --

Bang dang --

For a while, more than sixty percent of the Blackbeard Pirates still had the weapons in their hands on the ground.

Such is the case with the battle between pirate groups.

Once the captain dies, morale will drop to freezing in one fell swoop.

At the same time, victory and defeat are equally known.

Yuebu and Zefa confronted each other in midair, covered in trauma and showing signs of defeat, Yu no Hiru, silently withdrew his sword into its scabbard.

Lafitte, who crawled out of the ice and broke several ribs, sighed deeply and did not choose to get back up.

Bashas, who originally wanted to rescue Tichy, poisoned Q, also knelt on the ground decadently.

Hancock, on the other hand, showed no mercy and kicked and shattered the stone statue of Katerina.

Blackbeard's Nine Captains -

Zishas Bashas, lost his will to fight.

Rain no Hiryu, lost the will to fight.

Abaro Pizarro, defeated by Jinping, falls unconscious.

Lafitte, defeated by Cavendish and Hakuba, loses his fighting spirit.

Katerina Deppon, death.

San Juan Wolf, frozen in ice.

Van Okka, frozen in ice.

Poison Q, loss of fighting spirit.


"Take control!"

Facing many members of the Blackbeard Pirate Group who lost their will to fight and had no intention of fighting, Bai Ze waved and shouted.

"What to do?"

Poison Q pulled his head and asked Bashass next to him.

Bashas narrowed his eyes, "Didn't the captain tell us to follow that guy from Bai Ze before he died?" Well, I've seen it in Dressrosa, that guy's scheming is not inferior to the captain, and I'd like to see what he plans to do. "

Not only Bashas, in fact, Lafitte, Yu no Hiru and others also held the idea of wanting to see Bai Ze's choice.


If Bai Ze wanted to kill wildly, they would also resist to the death.

And the white-bearded pirate group led by Marko saw that Bai Ze had no intention of completely slaughtering the Blackbeard pirate group for the time being.

They also hindered its deterrence and did not take action for the time being.

Instead, he quickly ran to Titch and Skuyard's remains.

Scuffling with his hands and feet on Tichy's body, he then began to mourn Skuyard's body.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Marco narrowed his eyes and asked Bai Ze.

Obviously, he was asking about the treatment plan for the Blackbeard Pirates.

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