The people of the Whitebeard Pirates heard Marko's question, stopped whipping Tiki and mourning Skuyard, and turned their eyes to Bai Ze.

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates, who had lost their captain and had no will to fight, could not care about being saddened by Blackbeard's death, and secretly pricked up their ears to eavesdrop on what Bai Ze said, and Yu Guang also peeked at Bai Ze, who was standing not far away.

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, looking at the body of Tiqi, who was already dead not far away, and was ravaged by the people of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Nami and the rest of the crew of the Shirasawa Pirates looked nervously at their Captain Shirasawa for fear that he would make an overradical decision that would lead to a new round of fighting.

After a stop with the Tichy Blackbeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy injuries, and the Bai Ze Pirates, who had no obvious casualties, were already exhausted. Once the fight starts, both sides will definitely lose, after all, the new world and the dozens of pairs of eyes of the world government are watching their every move.

"The Bai Ze Pirate Group will take in the remnants of the Blackbeard Pirate Group, and these people will be under my account."

As soon as the words fell, the hot-tempered captain of the seventh team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Lakyo, stood up, slammed the meteor hammer in his hand to the ground, smashed out a deep pit, and said angrily: "Blackbeard is dead, the Blackbeard Pirate Group is now leaderless, and has no intention of fighting, it is a good time to eliminate them, you are doing this now to raise tigers." "

Lakyo's black eyes were full of sadness and anger. He can't forget how his good brother Joz was alive by Blackbeard's ability to take fruits, and he can't forget that his daddy and Ace died before his eyes.

When some of the crew members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group heard Bai Ze's words, they took up their weapons one after another and took up a fighting stance.

The situation gradually became tense, and seeing this, Cavendish , Nami and Zeus and others quickly blocked in front of Bai Ze.

Kuzan, who closed his eyes, felt a very unfriendly gaze from Lakyo, and the tree he was leaning against had quietly formed a layer of frost.

Marko, who was very calm, stretched out his hand to stop Lakyo, looked at Bai Ze with an inspecting gaze, and said seriously: "You calm down first, Lakyo... Are you really going to harbor these pirates? "

Marco restrained his emotions, because he clearly knew that this battle, the Whitebeard Pirates were not possible.

Zefa walked to Bai Ze's side and asked hesitantly: "Bai Ze... Are you really going to do this? "

Jinping had not yet recovered from the fierce battle just now, and he had a headache looking at the tense situation on both sides.

On one side are the group of white-bearded pirates who used to be kind to them and liked something, and on the other side are the partners who now get along with them day and night.

In the end, he did not oppose Bai Ze's decision, but put forward his own suggestions.

"Mr. Bai Ze, there is a person you can't take in, when he was in the Blackbeard Pirates, he was very ambitious."

Then he set his sights on a man with pointed horns on his head, drill-like hands, and a long white and dark brown fur coat.

"He is the captain of the fourth ship of the Blackbeard Pirates-Abaro Pizarro." When Jinping found that Bai Ze's eyes were fixed on Pizarro, Jinpei continued to speak.

"Then hand him over to the Whitebeard Pirates." A trace of killing intent flashed in Bai Ze's eyes.

For the crew who did not know how to be loyal, Bai Ze had never known how to show mercy to his subordinates.

Just like on the original earth, Bai Ze watched "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", although Cao Cao recruited rebels, he would not take in Lü Bu's capricious and dissenting people.

With Pizarro's explanation, the Whitebeard Pirates have nothing more to say, after all, Bai Ze did not violate the treaty between them.

The Whitebeard Pirates unleashed their unfinished anger on poor Pizarro, even worse than Tichy's death.

After witnessing the death of his former companion Pizarro, the remnants of the Blackbeard Pirate Group led by Yu no Hiru were all palpitated and no longer dared to give birth to rebellious thoughts.

Bai Ze's practice was deliberately done for Yu Zhixi to leave them to see. Let them know that without Blackbeard, they are like ants in Bai Ze's eyes. If there is the idea of resistance, Pizarro is a living example of this.

Yu no Hiru, who was seriously injured by Zefa, lit a cigarette, held it in his mouth, stared viciously at Marko and the group, and lowered his head and asked Bai Ze: "Captain, do you want to follow Captain Blackbeard's last words, and now take advantage of the situation to get rid of the Whitebeard Pirates?" "

The situation on the ground has been reversed...

Some of the die-hard loyalists of the Whitebeard Pirates heard Yu no Hiryu's words and made a fighting stance again.

Because they knew that Yu no Hiru and the others hated the Whitebeard Pirate Group no less than they did to the Blackbeard Pirate Group.

As long as Bai Ze gives an order, they will carry out a massacre against the Whitebeard Pirates.

The atmosphere was once again extremely tense, and Jinping anxiously persuaded Bai Ze and said, "Captain, don't." This is a breach of contract! You..."

"I know." Bai Ze interrupted Jinping's words with a wave of his hand, and then said to Yu no Hiru with a sneer: "Your former captain Marshall · D. Titch is dead, and I'm your captain. Oh, besides, his subordinates are just defeated, why do you think I should listen to him? Well? "

Bai Ze tilted his head and blinked at Yu no Shiru.

As soon as Bai Ze blinked, the smoke on Yu no Kiru's mouth was extinguished. Yu no Hiru looked at the smoke that was still smoking wisps of blue smoke in surprise, knowing that Bai Ze was intimidating him, and understood that he was talking too much.

"Marko, don't worry, we are still in a covenant relationship, and I will not make a move on your own." Bai Ze smiled and patted the nervous Marko on the shoulder.

With a thoughtful thought, Kuzan heard that Bai Ze's words were still blank, and he would not move now, and he would ...

Although Marko also knew that this rookie captain who seemed harmless to humans and animals and had only come to the Great Voyage not long after coming to the Great Voyage was not as innocent as he seemed, as long as he kept the battle from happening at the moment, he didn't know who would have the upper hand in the future.

Although Yu no Hiru and Basas and others were a little unhappy in their hearts when they heard it, who let this be a world where the strong have the final say, they could only listen to Bai Ze's decision and did not dare to refute it.

"Well, now! Let's distribute the results together! Nami the thief cat broke the tension between them and said with glowing eyes.

Blackbeard was known as the Four Emperors before his death, and he must have scavenged a lot of gold and silver jewelry.

Bai Ze saw the careful thinking of this little fortune fan at a glance, rubbed Nami's hair dotingly, and said, "Alas, it may not be as you wish." You look there. Bai Ze pointed with his chin to a large raft tied to tree roots parked on the shore, telling her that it was Blackbeard's boat.

"Ahhh... It's nothing," Nami muttered unhappily after seeing the unobstructed raft. So he took Pa Dong to help Rebecca and them clean up the wounds of the injured crew members.

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