Shock wave wall.

Bai Ze used the ability of the Shock Fruit to create his own move again. It's the same as how Whitebeard unleashes an air shock in the face of enemy attacks, counteracts enemy attacks, and feeds back.

It's just that Bai Ze transformed the power of feedback into what to do and cultivated it into a defensive move.

This forms a defensive barrier against the opponent's attack.

If Whitebeard's use of the Shock Fruit ability belongs to that kind of lethal use of wide opening and closing.

That Bai Ze is to improve it on top of this, he does not need to use such terrifying power at one time, but a moderate amount.

Not only does it minimize the side effects caused by the Shock Fruit, but it also saves unnecessary effort.

Kaku's head sank slightly, secretly saying that he was really careless, always paying attention to his swordsmanship, unconsciously coinciding with the figure of Roronoa Solon, and actually forgetting the more important point——

He inherited the power of the Whitebeard Shock Fruit!

"Next, what do you think I'm going to do?"

The corners of Bai Ze's mouth turned up slightly, and his open palm began to clench into a fist.

I guess I know what he's going to do.

The iron-masked woman who was originally busy dealing with Nami, at this time, her eyes under the mask also changed, and she hurriedly shouted: "Be careful!!


Bai Ze clenched his fists and swung forward.

As if hitting an invisible wall, the fist stopped halfway.

Immediately afterwards, the air began to crack, making goosebumps that made people's skin straighten.


Kaku was just about to escape with a "shaving" of one of the six styles.

However, as soon as he wanted to act, he found that his body was tightly bound like an invisible chain, unable to move at all.

"This... What the hell is..."


Invisibly, abruptly, Kaku only felt as if another invisible super-giant sea king was rushing towards him.

You can't avoid it, you can only strengthen your own defenses.

"Rokushi Iron Block!"

Kaku's body was suddenly plated with an invisible luster.

Face the arrival of the shock pressure.

And a few hundred meters away, Lu Qi and others, who had just caught Bonnie and stopped in front of the navy.

First, I felt an extremely obvious shaking sensation under my feet, followed by an earth-shaking explosion.

And one after another.

Bang! Knock


Bang! Knock


Bang! Knock


Da looked in the direction of the tremor, and a column of houses fell one after another like dominoes.

"So, who is that fighting?"

The commodore and the soldiers behind him opened their mouths wide and said in shock.

At this moment, in the smoke of the collapsed house, a sound flew from the smoke into the air.

The extremely long nose and the giraffe on the skin are extremely conspicuous.

It's Kaku!

Knocked flying!

Luki could see that Kaku's animalized body changed back to human form in mid-air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Once the animal line is injured too badly, it cannot maintain the animal row.


Kaku, who had transformed back into human form, fell heavily against the wall of a collapsed house, and a wisp of blood ran from the top of his head, staining a large part of his white suit red.


Kaku whispered to himself.

When he really fought with the Shock Fruit ability, he understood how the navy who fought against Whitebeard two years ago was in the war.

The iron-masked woman in the distance couldn't help but let out the same exclamation, "Whitebeard left a terrible monster. "

"Don't be surprised, in fact, this is less than one-third of the power of Whitebeard's punch during the top war, let alone the peak of that old man."

Bai Ze walked over slowly, twisted his wrist, and completely removed the pain that was not very obvious, "After all, I prefer to use this power reasonably than him, and I will not kill chickens with a cow knife." "

"How dare I say it!"

Kaku stood up from the ground with force, took a deep breath, and whispered, "Flesh remodeling!"

The next moment, Kaku's body showed signs of changing into an orc again.

But just half changed, it returned to human form, beasted, and became human again.

After repeating this several times, the injuries on his body recovered at least fifty percent.

At least this is true of skin trauma.

"The repair ability of the animal line? That is, your Devil Fruit is awakened? "

Bai Ze analyzed in a low voice.

The awakening of the animal line is to have super mobility and resilience.

It seems that in the past two years, the forces of all parties have not stopped.

After all, it is a critical period for the change of times.


Kaku sighed heavily, Bai Ze's eyes were empty, any ability has a price, that recovery should be at the cost of physical strength to restore the wound.

"It's okay, it's over so soon, and I don't feel happy."

Bai Ze took out the Sakura Ten dead wood again, "I still have a lot of tricks that I want to experiment, so let's play with me again." "

Kaku's eyes widened, just about to strike again.

However, as soon as he took half a step, his movements stopped.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and said something as if he was talking to someone.

Bai Ze's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he sensed it with his sight.

It can sense that there is a breath of life on the inside of Kaku's collar.

"Phone worm?"

Similar to the small receivers of the previous life, the group of CP0 placed specially bred small phone bugs on the inside of their collars so that they could communicate at any time.

Kaku swept his eyes and saw that the other party did not take the opportunity to attack, only then did he open his mouth and begin to answer.

As everyone knows, the reason why Bai Ze stopped attacking is because of the content inside the phone worm, and he is also very interested.

PS: The third is even more dedicated!

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