"Nami, retreat!"

Kaku and the Ironmasked had just connected to the small phone bug hidden in the collar, when Shirasawa suddenly shouted and jumped to Nami's side.

Without waiting for the two people opposite CP0 to make any moves.

Bai Ze had already held Nami's slender waist in one hand, jumped on the roofs of those houses that had not collapsed, and left the sight of the two in a few strokes.

"So the guy just left?"

Kakumuran said.

If you can't beat and run, this is the common denominator between pirates, but I have never heard of the side with the upper hand running away.

At this time, Luqi's voice came from the phone worm, "Joe Ellie Bonnie has been successfully arrested, can you get out now?" "

"That... If you get out, it should be fine, but what about that guy who is also the target of the government's special search? "

Kaku mused.

"Joelle Bonnie is the first target of this mission, and secondly, no matter who can give up."

Lu Qi said with a blank look at the suit.

If Bai Ze's strength is not good, forget it, after seeing the picture of Kaku being sent flying, he quickly considered it in his heart.

It is more cost-effective to bring Boni back to the government safely than to risk that Joe Ellie Bonnie could escape and barely fight Bai Ze.

After all, Bai Ze is not the target of the mission, and he will not blame it from above.

"I see."

Kaku responded.

The iron-masked woman spoke up: "I got a good intelligence, that man is called [Bai Ze], and the little thief cat called him so just now."

"Is it? I know. "

At least knowing the name, you can also have a good explanation for the above.


About half a mile away from Kaku, in the back corner of a private house.

Bai Ze put away the domineering look and turned to Nami, "Go, go and rescue our new companion."

Bandaging the skin that the iron-masked woman had cut with a finger gun and simply bandaging, Nami frowned, "You really want to take her as a crew?"

Like Luffy and Solon, and known as "Extremely Evil Generation", Nami thinks that the woman is dangerous, although so far she feels that the other party should not be a bad person.

After thinking about it, Nami asked again: "Wait, since you want to save people, why didn't you directly attack the past just now?" There is no need to run away at all, right? "

"Gee, Nami, you don't understand this."

Bai Ze cocked a finger and explained with a smug smile: "It is definitely better to let her suffer more in the hands of CP0 and then save than to save it just after she is in danger."

When she fully understands the gap between herself and the strong, and I go to save people, Bonnie will become dependent on me, and then it will be much easier to convince her to be my companion. "

To sum up, it's a routine.


Nami sneered shortly, disdainful.

"They will definitely take the sea train to bring Boni back to Justice Island, and we will take the wheel car after them and wait for the moment to catch up."

Food is originally an island connected to the sea train, and the train is a much faster means of transportation than a warship.

Luqi, if they want to return to Justice Island as quickly as possible, they will definitely choose the sea train.


As a train directly under the government, of course, other tourists are not allowed to accompany them.

After Luki and the half of the train they were riding left, Shirasawa immediately took Nami on the second train to the capital of seven waters.

Along the way, the route is to start from the Food Capital, then to the Spring Queen City, then to Sift Station, the Capital of the Seven Waters, and finally to the destination of Luci's group, Justice Island.

Although Justice Island was destroyed by the government's demon slaughter order in two years, of course, it was claimed to be the cause of the Straw Hats.

Still, it serves as the quickest way to get to Mary Joa through the Gate of Justice.

It didn't take long after the train that Shirasawa and Nami were riding left Food City.

Shirasawa hijacked the train driver and split the driver's car in the front section of the train from the passenger car at the back, and drove himself to chase the train on which Luqi was riding.

Of course, this caused panic among the tourists, but Bai Ze didn't bother to care about this.

Anyway, just stay on the sea tracks, and you won't die, just wait for rescue.

...... Probably.

Without stopping at any of the stops on the way, after three days, the CP0 escort Boni's train had arrived at Sift station.

That is, the entrance station of the capital of seven waters.

But the train won't stop here either, but will go straight to the ruins of the Isle of Justice, through the Gate of Justice, to Mary Joa.

Bonnie, handcuffed to Hai Lou Shi, was thrown into one of the seats.

At this time, her eyes were constantly rolling, thinking of a way to escape.

"Give it up."

The sweet voice came into her ears, and Bonnie turned her head to look, only to see the CP0 female member wearing an iron mask and a pure white gauze skirt walking up to her.

Reaching out and taking out a key from Ru Ditch, he teased Boni: "I will keep a close eye on the key, and we will also watch you 24 hours a day, last time you used your ability to escape for a while, this time it won't."

At present, in addition to the driver, only three people on the train are Luqi.

As for Spandam, because of the commotion in the food capital, he was temporarily put there to deal with the chores over there.

Luckey, who was extremely disgusted with Spandham, was naturally happy.

"Damn, it's all that crow-mouthed bastard!"

Boni, who knew that she had little hope of escaping, threw her anger at Bai Ze's head.

It's a crow's mouth!

Otherwise, why did they really come when it came to CP0 just now!?

PS: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are almost all explosive states.

Don't be stingy, throw things hard!

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