After handing in the paper, the two discussed the issue of snake venom.

Ethan left leisurely.

In the small storage room on the second floor of The Wizard of Oz.

Ethan opened the small ceramic box he got in the library.

A pair of glasses lay quietly in the box.

The glasses were a bit heavy, and they should be made of crystal. Ethan put the glasses in front of his eyes and didn't find the degree. This was a pair of flat glasses.

I don't know how long it has been sleeping underground, but it is still as bright as new.

In an inconspicuous corner of the glasses frame, there is a symbol that Ethan vaguely saw.

Since he got the ring of discipline, his memory has been getting better and better.

This symbol is similar to the symbol that appeared in the book about dwarf civilization that he opened from the library before.

This pair of glasses is most likely made by dwarfs. Judging from the size, it should be made for humans. The style is very elegant and is definitely not a current product.

I'm afraid this is the baptism ceremony that Connell mentioned before.

As Ethan guessed, another awakening method was used.

At present, whether it is Ethan himself or the founder of Bis University.

Both used a method of awakening through items to crack the 'Nebula Chain'.

Ethan used the black box, and Bis used the scythe.

It is estimated that this type of items are alchemical products, or special items left by a civilization in ancient times.

The glasses in Ethan's hand at this time seem to be such items.

This means that the person who placed this pair of glasses is very clear about the curse of the 'Nebula Chain'.

It is likely that he is also someone who knows his own life experience. Who could it be?

Ethan frowned and thought.

Connie said before that the starlight potion made with star grass can increase the success rate of the baptism secret medicine, which means that Connie does not know the specific form of this baptism ceremony.

In other words, Connie did not know that there is a second way to awaken, not through secret medicine but through some alchemical items.

That's why he attached so much importance to star grass before.

Ethan put on the glasses, without any movement, and then input telekinesis, still the same.

He had no choice but to take off his glasses. Everyone can only awaken the extraordinary once. Ethan has awakened the ability of "Crime and Punishment", so he can't know the secret of this pair of glasses.

He had no choice but to put the glasses into the badge and go to his own small laboratory.

At this time, the snake venom experiment was nearing its end. Among the eight living mice, five participated in the snake venom experiment and are now very strong.

Ethan can be sure that antibodies have appeared in their bodies.

So the experiment has reached a critical link, extracting the antibody serum of snake venom.

A very critical device is used in the middle-centrifuge.

If there is no centrifuge, antibody serum can also be obtained, but the amount will be less than half.

Although there is no centrifuge equipment in the previous life, the principle of the centrifuge is still very simple.

It's nothing more than rotation.

Ethan placed the extracted white mouse blood sample in a smaller crystal bottle, and then tied the crystal bottle to his wand with his mind.

On the previous big ship, he once learned a sailor's knife technique from the cabin, one of which was called "Palm Flower".

In fact, it was just a knife spinning in the palm of his hand. Ethan had used this trick to repel the swarm of insects in the Greedy Cave.

At this time, Ethan wrapped the handle of the magic wand with silk in his palm, and operated it according to the technique of the palm flower, which turned into a homemade centrifuge.

After about a few minutes, the blood in the crystal bottle was successfully layered.

In the crystal bottle that was larger than the thumb, there was two-thirds of serum, enough for Ethan to do experiments.

The first white mouse that survived but had not experienced the destruction of snake venom was taken out, and then a relatively large amount of snake venom was injected. The white mouse immediately reacted, and the whole body was completely stiff and twitched on the ground.

Ethan recorded the experimental process, and then quickly extracted serum and injected it into its body. Soon the symptoms weakened until they disappeared.

The antibody serum of snake venom was successfully extracted!

Next, Ethan will look for a suitable object for the cultivation of snake venom antibody protein.

Generally speaking, they are animals with larger bodies. In the previous life, horses were used.

In this life, Ethan plans to use horses again.

The reason is simple. The body of the horse is large enough and the temperament is relatively gentle.

The most important thing is that after the exploration and experiments in the previous life, Ethan does not need to look for new ones. Even if he finds new ones, he still needs additional experiments, especially the stress response and allergy experiments with humans, which is a difficult problem.

However, if he wants to carry out this plan, it will be a big expense.

First of all, horses. In the early stage, Ethan thinks that there is no need to raise too many horses at first. He can still afford a dozen horses.

The large amount of bounties in the bounty club are still earning interest in senbei.

Secondly, there is the problem of venue. Flo University has a place to raise horses.

Looking out from the public relations lounge of the Eagle Academy, a dense forest is next to the lake.

This is a good place to raise horses naturally.

I just don’t know if the school will agree.

Ethan decided to apply for the issue of raising horses after his laboratory application is approved.

Finally, there is the issue of personnel. Horses need breeders, injecting snake venom, drawing blood, and testing. These all require people.

In this regard, Ethan intends to use Flo University as a starting point to mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized.

In short, during the initial market testing phase, Ethan decided to proceed based on the principle of small investment and wide diffusion.

Of course, the first people he pulled in were Nicole and Bingo, both of whom were medical students.

Nicole was well versed in the techniques of potion adjustment, and Bingo could see the life hourglass of creatures and naturally could control the dosage of snake venom.

It couldn't be more perfect.

As for the horse breeder, this one was even simpler. There were several hidden career sequences in Flo University, one of which was a zoologist.

This was a type of person who specialized in dealing with animals.

There were professors in the career sequence of zoologists at Flo University, and they lived in the dense forest opposite the lounge of the Eagle Academy.

It was said that there were many magical animals in the dense forest.

And the extraordinary people who changed their careers to zoologists would get help from magical animals.

As for which zoologist professor to choose to join the group?

Ethan decided to go to the school to consult Emma and her brother later.

They were very familiar with Flo University and should be able to give him some advice.

In addition to these, there was another problem that needed to be solved.

That was the source of the snake venom.

Undoubtedly, the snake cave seen last time was the fastest choice, but Ethan might have to pay some price.

Unfortunately, the five snake eggs I picked up at that time have not yet hatched.

At present, Ethan has made a simple incubation room with a kerosene lamp, which should be enough for the snake eggs to hatch.

If we want to form an industrialization, in the long run, the problem of venomous snakes must be solved from the root. The best way is to collect snake eggs and hatch them yourself.

This can get rid of the phenomenon that snake venom restricts production.

In short, everything is going well. After Ethan cleaned up the experimental records, it was just time for his part-time job.

PS: Recommendation ticket transmission array. ヾ(▽)ノ

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