When Ethan returned to the dormitory again, it was already dark.

He stood in the dormitory of Eagle College, looking at the stars outside the window, thinking deeply.

If his snake venom serum plan goes smoothly, Ethan will be able to get the first batch of finished snake venom serum next month.

This batch of samples will be divided into two parts, one for Ethan's experiment, and the other for trial sale in the store of The Wizard of Oz.

See the market reaction. If the market feedback is good, Ethan will increase investment.

If everything goes well, this will be the first step in accumulating wealth.

Build high walls, store up food, and slowly become king.

If you want to stand out in this turbulent foggy world, being able to understand patience may be a good quality.

Ethan glanced at the Ten Commandments ring on his hand, looking at the stars in the sky, his heart is infinitely vast.

The ability to endure loneliness is the sign of a strong man.

The next day, Flo University.

Classes are still held at the same time in Eagle College and Badger College.

Ethan has not yet told Nicole and Bingo about his plan. He wants to wait until his laboratory is approved before he tells them, which may be more convincing.

Today's class is "About Mysticism".

The professor is Don Osvid, a short old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle. His accent is very refreshing and strong in the northwest.

But he is undoubtedly a very knowledgeable professor, which is also noted in Karina's book.

It's just that she seems to have some reservations about the old man's pronunciation. In the book, she complains that the old man's accent is like cheese that has been fermented for two months, and the smell is very fierce.

"Oh, what did I see!"

The old man who was giving a lecture suddenly stopped his eyes on Ethan's hand.

"Someone actually used a swan feather to write class notes?! It's really a waste of natural resources."

In his exclamation, everyone looked at Ethan.

"Professor, did I do something wrong?"

Ethan was a little flustered when being stared at by Professor Don.

"Of course I did something wrong, and it was a big mistake."

He couldn't wait to get down from the podium.

Carefully picked up Ethan's black feather pen.

This feather pen was a birthday gift from Habu at that time. He always thought it was just an ordinary feather pen.

The feather pen in Ethan's hand was much longer than other feather pens, and it looked more slender and elegant.

"This is the top feather of a swan bird, but not every swan bird has this magical top feather on its head."

"Only the royal swan bird can grow this feather."

"Oh my God, you actually use it to write?!"

It's really fresh. If the feather pen is not used for writing, what do you use it for.

"It's still dipped in the cheapest grass ash ink, it's really a waste of natural resources."

Compared with other inks, grass ash ink has a faint smell of fireworks, and the handwriting is easy to fade.

At this point, Ethan's face turned red. Isn't thriftiness a good quality?

Besides, how can I write without dipping in ink?

Ethan's face was full of doubts.

Not only him, but other people in the class are also like this.

"The top feather of the swan bird uses thoughts as ink, and the blood is dyed red, which is unforgettable.

This top feather is a good conductor of thoughts. Some high-quality thought tools have added the ingredients of the top feather of the swan bird, so even if you are a novice, you can try to input telekinesis."

"Because the king species swan bird has the characteristics of the extraordinary transformation system, its top feather inherits this characteristic and can transform thoughts into a certain magical red substance, which has the characteristic of being indelible."

"So when you use telekinesis as ink, the handwriting left behind will be like a brand, and will never disappear."

Professor Dorn pinched the lower end of the feather, and the expression on his face was very intoxicated.

"Not only that, according to legend, swans live in pairs. If you pluck the top feathers of a pair of swans at the same time and make them into feather pens, when one of the feather pens writes something, the other feather pen will write the same thing no matter how far apart they are.

And vice versa."

"It's amazing, isn't it? It's very convenient to use it to pass messages!"

Professor Dorn held the feather pen and became more and more excited.

But he didn't notice the subtle changes in Ethan's expression at this time. His heart had already been in turmoil.

At that time, this pen was given to him by Habu on his birthday. Would there be another one in the hands of the circus?

And the notebook that Marshall gave him, did he also have to use this swan feather pen to write it?

This reminded Ethan of the scene when Marshall gave him the notebook.

'Don't scribble~'

This was Marshall's original words. Ethan had always been very curious about the meaning of this sentence. Now Ethan seemed to understand it a little.

Ethan couldn't wait to try the method that Dorn said.

After the class, Ethan was preoccupied and didn't listen much.

Then Ethan declined Nicole and Bingo's invitation to go to the library.

In the dormitory of Eagle Academy, Ethan sat on his own balcony, took out the notebook from the badge, wiped the swan feather clean, and then entered his thoughts, and wrote solemnly in the notebook: "Hello, I am Ethan Moore."

As Professor Dorn said, the feather pen left a row of bright red handwriting under the drive of thoughts.

But it disappeared in an instant.

Ethan frowned.

Isn't it said that if you use thoughts as ink, the handwriting can be preserved forever?

Just when Ethan was puzzled, a line of words suddenly appeared on the notebook: "Hello, I am Bookworm Beta."

Ethan was shocked. Sure enough, the disappearance of the handwriting was not due to the feather pen, but the notebook was strange.

"I like the taste of this kind of ink. It melts in the mouth, round and nourishing, and has a faint smell of ash."

Another sentence appeared on the notebook.

Ethan was happy to see that a bookworm was picky.

"Can you tell me about your origins?"

"I am a great and omniscient bookworm. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me~"

"Remember to be as detailed as possible when asking questions."

Ethan was slightly stunned when he saw this. He was still a greedy worm.

It asked him to write more details, in fact, it just wanted to eat more ink.

"Do you know the Fairy Circus?"

"Of course, if you mean the group of wanderers, I even have a message from them here."

Ethan was happy. Sure enough, this was the certificate left by Marshall for him.

"Can I take a look?"

"To be honest, I'm a little hungry~ I haven't had a full meal for a long time."

Ethan shook his head. This bookworm actually made conditions.

But wanting to eat couldn't be simpler.

Ethan picked up the feather pen and injected telekinesis.

Under the strokes, a row of bright red handwriting flowed out, clear, timeless, and eye-catching.

Soon the handwriting gradually faded and disappeared.

What Ethan was reciting was a "Tao Te Ching".

"Delicious, delicious, although I don't know what you wrote, but delicious, delicious."

In his previous life, Ethan was a Chinese studies enthusiast. It seemed normal for him to recite a Tao Te Ching, just like a car mechanic, it was normal to have a wrench on him.

After a while.

The "Tao Te Ching" has been written to the third chapter.

At the end, Ethan wrote: "Are you full?"


The word burp appeared in the diary.

Ethan felt like playing a text cultivation game.

Soon the word "hiccup" melted away on the notebook, and a line of words appeared: "Everything is fine, don't worry."

PS: The "Tao Te Ching" that appears in this chapter will not be extended further. This is a foreshadowing, if there is a second part of this book~

PS: Recommendation ticket transmission array.

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