Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 262: Into the city

"This is really ... no surprise at all."

Looking at the closed city gate of the imperial capital of Golovin and the iron crown flag flying on the city wall not far away, Lucien sneered with irony, even lazy to cover up.

Grand Duke Elmans on the side just grumbled, and ignored the ridicule of the gray pupil.

Looked at the legionnaires who were waiting for the wall, and the line of sight could only see the entire row of shield walls and crossbows, as for the other ...

Instinctively squinted the dark-haired wizard to mobilize the power of the void; then suddenly remembered something, and shuddered.

Almost forgot that he couldn't use the power of the void as he used to ... Lorren ripped the corner of his mouth.

Is not to say that it is sealed, but it is impossible to control at all-according to Asriel, if you now have more control over power, even the ogre demon Mezka is not as good.

Is suddenly not as convenient as it used to be. It's really uncomfortable.

"How to prepare?"

Grand Duke Elmans turned his head and looked at the dark-haired wizard: "It seems that the Imperial Parliament of the Imperial City has regained control of all the city defenses. The original Baine and Elmans troops have been replaced by them."

"If you drag on like this, they wo n’t open the gates even when the Azores attack the city ... No, if that ’s the case, they wo n’t even open the gates, but will watch us fight with the elves until The whole army is wiped out? "

The voice fell, and the surrounding eyes were all focused on Loren Turin.

Faced with the crowd, the dark-haired wizard smiled easily and waved his hand casually.

"Boom ——————!"

The sound of uniform stepping made the expression of Grand Duke Ellerman's expression dizzy, staring at Loren Turin who was smiling and looking at himself.

This guy, shouldn't he really want ...

"Boom —————— Boom ——————! Boom ——————!"

The stepping sound of the 20,000 Byen Legion played on the wilderness outside the gate of the Imperial City; the uniform movement made this sound full of shock.

In response to the shocked glance of Grand Duke Elmans, Earl Angut of Shanyanbao turned over and dismounted, walked to the front of the queue, and raised his sword against his back:

"who are you?!"

"Baiin —————— !!!!!!"

"Where do you come from?"

"Baiin —————— !!!!!!"

"Why are you fighting ?!"

"Baiin —————— !!!!!!"

"Baiin-" slammed his sword, and the roaring Earl of Mountain Rock Castle to the gate of the Imperial City:

"go ahead--!"

The 20,000 Bain Regiment is dominated by a long-gun phalanx, forming twenty large phalanxes to surround all the Bain knights and Elman ’s fighters in the center, advancing toward the city wall.

"What are you doing?"

The astonished Grand Duke Ellerman glared at Loren: "Tell me, do you ... really intend to attack the Imperial City ?!"

"Strike against the imperial capital? No no no ... I did not launch any offensives against the imperial capital." Loren shook his head: "I just ordered the march just like any army that arrived in the imperial capital."

"As for whether to launch an offensive after walking under the gate, or to open the gate to enter the city, that is the decision to be made by the people behind the gate-whether to fight or not, the decision is in their hands, isn't it?"

The frightened Julie Wiltz trembles all his body-his eight thousand Ellemans corps is surrounded by the phalanx of the Byern corps. Unless he directly "abducts the Duke of Byrne", he can only watch himself being attacked by the other party. Wrapped together, approaching together, helpless.

And now there are more people who can't help it.

"How is this going?!"

Stood on the towering walls of the imperial city, staring at the flying flags outside the city, arranging into a phalanx approaching the army of Baine and Elleman, the trembling fists kept hitting the wall stack:

"This group of traitors, are they going to openly rebel against the imperial capital ?! Didn't they see the city gates closed, and the imperial army was waiting for it, or did they say that they have always been so afraid of dying ?!"

Spitting saliva sprayed on the face of the aristocrat who was born from the side of the nobility, daring to raise his head tremblingly; gaze mixed with colors of fear, glancing from time to time to the army outside the city.

"Adults, adults, soldiers and soldiers say they want you ..."

"Hope me, what do you want me? At this time, these untouchables do not want to be loyal to the empire, but they dare not ask for it ?!"

The angry aristocratic officer turned angrily towards his back and looked at the "Emperor Guards Corps" who never let him down. This time it did not disappoint him.

Nervous officers looking around, trembling soldiers hiding under shields and wall stacks, panicked crossbowmen and engineering soldiers ...

It is obvious that the poor who rely on the temporary conscription and the noble officers who have not received much training, plus a maximum of one-twentieth of the veterans, rely on the whip and beat the legion to maintain the discipline, there is no way to exert the "black wall" combat power.

If it wasn't because of the wall at the foot, this "Emperor Guards Corps" might not even have the courage to fight, so they surrendered directly.

"Did this group of untouchables lose even the last bit of traditional courage, are they still not Saklan ?!" Angry noble officers kept smashing the walls and glared at the adjutant:

"Say, what do they want to do?"

"He, they want you ... you can open the city gate and negotiate with the Baine Legion outside the city ..." The adjutant swallowed and panicked as if crying:

"There are a lot of family members among the soldiers ... in the Baine Legion outside the city, I'm afraid if you really want to go to war ..."

"What, open the door? Absolutely not!" The noble officer immediately snatched:

"The gang of traitors have already arrived at the city. What kind of room do we have to negotiate to open the city gate at this time? No, this is absolutely not the case!"

"grown ups!"

"I said, absolutely not!" The roar from the ear made the noble officers become more hysterical: "Are you planning to rebel against the military order ?!"


Softened his knees, and the aristocrat aristocrat knelt on the ground: "Adult, the rebels approaching the city gate, not only the one outside the city!"


The aristocratic officer with a shocked face suddenly looked up at the wall stack behind him—almost at the same time, the horn of urgent hostility sounded from the chaotic wall ... and a neat shout.

"Bairen, move on--!"

On the avenue behind the Imperial City Gate, thousands of Baien Legions lined up in a neat queue, coming towards the gate.

The panicked aristocratic officer finally gathered a small group of veterans from the two regiments under the gate to form a shield wall in a hurry. They looked at the oncoming black background with gold. Lion flag.

"Boom! Boom! Boom ————!"

The sound of uniform footsteps, the Baine Legion stopped under the gates of the Imperial City, only eighty steps away from the phalanx of the Guards.

Is very close, both sides can even see each other's expressions, but they are staring at each other without talking.

The atmosphere of death and silence revealed the extreme depression.

"Bairen, what are you doing?"

There are rebels inside and outside. The noble officers who panicked to the extreme still dared to scalp and soften their legs.

"Dare not!"

Karl Colin, the demon hunter, stood in the center of the two armies in all eyes, and looked coldly at the noble officers with his shoulders: "The purpose of this trip of the Bain Legion is to protect the emperor from aggression, absolutely nothing. The idea of ​​mutiny. "

"Then immediately go back to the barracks, the Imperial City Gate is not your defense zone, and it is not allowed until you get the imperial council order ..."


Looking at the aristocratic officer ’s unsightly expression, Carl Colin said coldly: "Our Duke of the Bayern is now outside the city-also invite your army to open the city gate and allow us to welcome the Duke into the city."

"No, no one is allowed to open the city gate without the imperial council's order!" The noble officer, who gritted his teeth, reluctantly changed his tone:

"You, you can go to the Parliament to apply, if you agree ..."

"It's too late!" Karl Colin said politely: "The Duke is just outside the city, we can't wait any longer."

"Then you step on me, and the body of the guards behind me passes by, open the city gate for your Duke, traitor!"

"Only with the permission of the Imperial Parliament, are you willing to open the city gate ... is it?"

"Yes, only by order of the Imperial Council!"

"Anyone else?"

"No one can do it!"

"Not even the royal family of the Sky Dome?"

"Not even the royal palace of the sky dome ..." Half of the noble officers responded suddenly, glaring at the indifferent Carl Colin: "What do you mean?"

Karl Colin said nothing and stood sideways, giving up the figure behind him.

It was a knight in a uniform, red hair and red eyes, as delicate and indifferent as a doll.

"His Royal Highness Princess ?!"

The moment the cries broke out, the noble officers and the legionnaires behind him almost instinctively immediately bowed their heads on one knee.

Indifferent elder princess Fitlonay de Salion walked in front of the noble officer, and the flaming eyes gazed at the figure kneeling and trembling at his feet.

"Open the door."

"Your Highness ?!" The shocked noble officer raised his head, his face filled with incredible.

In the eyes of most imperial nobles, the high princess, only relying on the "favor" of the previous generation of Eckhart II and this generation of Emperor Connold, can have a status almost second only to the crown prince in the royal family, and even to Now he has become the heir of the second pick.

Many nobles have even planned to remove Brandon ’s crown prince after Emperor Connold, trying to find a way to bring this “simple” princess to the throne and turn it into a puppet for the imperial council to control the empire; Black Duke Roland Turin, the same as supporting the Queen Charlotte of the Mad Dragon.

But this kind of thing, after all, cannot be said clearly ... Even if you look down on it, you still have to face the respect and awe that the royal family should have.

So the noble officer decided to explain it to the simplistic Highness so that she could understand the benefits: "His Royal Highness, if you open the door to those traitors now, they will definitely take the opportunity ..."


The cold sword interrupted the noble officer's words, feeling the touch from the side of the neck, and the noble officer twitched his throat, trembling.

"Open the door."

Expressionless Fitelonet repeated once.

The cold eyes full of murderous intentions and the blades that can't feel a tremor, make the nobles fall into the ice cave.

"... Obey."

The noble officer who gritted his teeth was very difficult.

"Your Highness, please wait with this ... for the time being, if you want to open the gate, you must first remove all the defensive facilities, clear the road, and send the same doctor to the Imperial Parliament, before that ..."

"Not so troublesome."

Karl Colin, who was standing aside, stepped forward, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth: "Please also brave the imperial warriors to let the city gate out and take over for the time being by the Bion Legion-when the welcoming ceremony is over, we will know go away."

"As for the defensive facilities, clearing the roads, and generalizing these things ... I'll trouble you."

The noble officer looked ashen, clenching his fists without saying a word.

The indifferent princess looked back, and the fiery red eyes made some self-satisfied hunters agitated.

"That's up to you." Fitronai said lightly, and said that he left without looking back, and the Baine Legion in the middle of the road gave way to her:

"When Loren Turin enters the city, let him come directly to the Sky Dome-the Duke comes to the door, and he always visits the Sky Dome."

"Follow the order!" The demon hunter quickly replied.

In only two quarters of a minute, the legionnaires above and below the city gates were evacuated cleanly; in addition to the iron crown banner held by the three dragons on the towering city wall, there were more gold lions on the black background.

Looking at the hunted Bain battle flag, after many days of suppression, Carl Colin finally raised his hands against the city wall ~ ~ screamed:

"Open the door-!"

With a burst of chain friction and the "squeak" sound of the bearing rotating, the gate of the Imperial Capital opened slowly.

The imperial avenue leading to the sky dome is presented in full view in front of the black-haired wizard.

Standing at the gate, Carl Colin looked up at the familiar figure, and his mouth curled up involuntarily.

The next second, the demon hunter suddenly knelt on one knee, and with a bang, the knee of the steel prosthesis hit the ground and took a deep breath:

"Bion Legion Up and Down ..."

"In the name of the Turin family ..."

"Welcome--, the Black Duke enters the city--!"

Beyond the gate of the city was very consciously lined up on both sides of the road, raising the war flag lance in his hand, kneeling on one knee and lowering his head like a wave:

"Congratulations to the Black Duke ————— !!!!!!"

"Congratulations to the Black Duke ———————— !!!!!!"

"Congratulations to the Black Duke ———————————— !!!!!!"

...... The cheers of the imperial capital echoed, and Fitronai, who had just stepped on the stairs of the Sky Dome, couldn't help but look back, looking in the direction of the city gate.

Amidst the wave of cheers, the slightly stunned dark-haired wizard chuckled softly, with Grand Duke Elmans with a serious expression on his side, as well as the 20,000 Byern Legion and the Eight Thousand Elleman Legion behind him. Door.

:. :

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