Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 263: you are not

The dim light of the main hall of the sky dome palace can't see the vents. The huge pillars make the fairly spacious space very depressed and gloomy and terrible.

And in this icy cold, it burned a touch of red.

Although Loren had already met with the princess Fitlonay de Salion not long ago during the coronation ceremony of Connold; when he saw each other again, it seemed that it had been a long time.

A long time ago ... The other person's figure is overlapping with the one in his memory standing on the street of Ebden.

The dark-haired wizard looked quietly at Fitrone, and the cold-haired female knight in front of him.

"Are you proud?"

Fitronai spoke lightly.


"Defeat the Azores, liberate countless imprisoned people of the empire, and the emperor's persecuted emperors will open your gates, and thousands of knights shout the prestige of the Black Duke ..."

The unchanging look of the Princess Chanting said: "In the eyes of your benefactors, this should be regarded as the expression of" revival glory "."

"In the name of salvation, trample on the pride of the empire ... make the sky dome majestic sweep."

"Probably." Loren shrugged:

"If I say this is not my intention, would you be willing to believe it?"

"I believe, but this does not make any sense-the nobles of the Imperial Capital will not change their attitude towards you because of my own likes and dislikes."

Fitronai shook her head: "So the meaningless chat ends here, tell me what you are going to do next."

The voice fell, and Fiatrone's sharp eyes narrowed, staring at the expression of the dark-haired wizard.

Dealing with this kind of intuitive person is probably one of Loren ’s worst things-any tricks, deceptions, means, and "tricks", in front of that unreasonable talent, are just like the clowning clowns. .

Replaced with the previous one, it might make Loren feel very troublesome; but for him now, this kind of insightful Fettelone may be the easiest type of communication.

"Defend the imperial capital, repel the imperial capital of the Azores, and hand over the city to Brandon de Salion after he arrives."

Lorren said quietly.

"I don't need you to tell me this kind of thing, and you know exactly what I want to ask."

Loren smiled.

"Since this is the case, you should have guessed what I would do to achieve this goal, right?"

Fitronai frowned slightly.

That ’s right, since the dark-haired wizard chose to enter the Imperial City with such a big way and unabashedly, it shows that he will never make any compromise with the Imperial Parliament.

Since there is no compromise, then there is only one result—overhead parliament.

Threats, extortion, extortion, bribery ... Loren Turin, who has 80,000 legions and is supported by Grand Duke Elman, can do almost anything he wants in the Imperial City; by fighting against the Azores It is only a matter of time to control the city defense of the whole city.

And mastering the city defense of the imperial capital is equivalent to controlling the life and death power of the imperial capital-the imperial council and the royal front cabinet are all in vain.

Such a thing ... Even the princely black Duke Roland Turin failed to do so.

And Loren, he even started to do it.

The current forces that control the situation in the Imperial City are probably the royal family of the Heavenly Dome, the Holy Cross Church, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Imperial Nobles; the former is temporarily let go, but the latter three can be intimidating and lure.

Little Yode of the United Chamber of Commerce is responsible for liaising with the Chamber of Commerce and "negotiating" with the imperial nobles who are closely related to the merchants;

Bishop Bien Weber went to the Holy Cross Church for preliminary negotiations;

And these three forces reached a more "agreement", Loren can temporarily stabilize the situation, consider how to deal with the elf prince outside the city, as to how to reach an agreement ...

Nobles value prestige, priests value faith, and everyone values ​​money.

Byrne has money, and Byrne has commodities-especially after the important port of Ebden is completely finished, Byrne has become the most important source of luxury goods in the empire.

Wine, honey, food, medicine ... The aristocrats of the imperial capital may be able to endure life without fine wine and sweets, and watch the poor starve to death, but they absolutely cannot accept the outbreak of a large-scale plague; and if there is no disinfecting salt and medicine , The seemingly safe imperial capital will soon become a ghost town.

Of course, the imperial capital also has a large number of highly qualified pharmacists and doctors, but in the previous imperial trial three years ago, the upper level of the pharmacist ’s guild has been cooked by the Holy Cross fans, and the rest are royal Alchemists at the Wizarding College.

Thanks to His Highness Brandon and headed by the Royal Wizard Advisor, it is a question that does not need to be asked who the wizard will stand on.

As for how to negotiate with those people, Loren handed over to Jord and Weber to control.

"... As you know, the chambers of commerce of the Imperial Capital are not abandoned, and as the president of the United Chamber of Commerce, they control the capital ... No, it is the account of half an empire."

Lay leisurely on a comfortable and soft recliner, and the little Yode holding the glass looked at the swaying syrup in the glass; the nearly transparent glass reflected the figure of the host in the opposite side sitting in anxiety.

And in the corner of the room, the gorgeously dressed young woman was holding the trembling little girl tightly, staring at the sneering little Yode fiercely.

"What should I say, a lot of debts about you and your family are recorded in that unpleasant account, and it is a large number." Xiao Yide sighed:

"So you can definitely understand that as the financial officer of Byrne, I have an obligation to recover this debt for Lord Duke and make up for the loss ... no matter what way."

Said, Little Yoder looked up at the figure standing in the corner, with a meaningful light laughter.

"Is it true, does it make sense!"

The terrified room owner was shocked. The panic made his voice very sharp: "I, I am a member of the Imperial Parliament, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, and I absolutely do not accept blackmail by a civilian!"

"No, no, you are not accepting extortion from a civilian." Little Yoder shook his head: "You are dealing with a debt dispute with an imperial prince."

"And ... hehe, to be honest, sent me to negotiate. The duke's most" gentle "action-otherwise it is not me who is sitting in your house now, but a whole dozen of heavily armed Knight knights. "

"But if you think it's better to discuss with them, I don't mind ..."

"No!" The imperial nobles quickly stopped:

"Can, but aren't we all agreeing ?! Just for the accounts that I helped you hide, the price of the smuggled goods is far more than that!"

"Yes, you are right." Little Yod nodded seriously: "So, let us hand over these accounts to His Excellency Lord Yuqian to see how he will try this case?"

"Absolutely not!" The noble's chest violently undulated: "Then, that way our family, the status of the family and the seats in the council ... it's all over!"

"This matter must never be known to the Justice, absolutely not-as long as you don't tell him, don't hurt my family ... I, I want everything, I want everything!"

Little Yode finally showed a satisfied smile.

"Dear Honourable Member of Parliament, you are our Chamber of Commerce ... No, it is an important business partner of the Dagong. Of course, we can help you hide anything or destroy any debt." Little Yode slowly stood up and walked to the other party with a glass of wine:

"But in return, Dagong needs your cooperation."

"Cooperate, cooperate ?!"

Raised his head tremblingly, and the noble looked up at the face of Little Yoder.

"We respect you and the Imperial Parliament, so we need the Parliament to quickly pass a few bills-in short, to recognize the regency of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Brandon de Salion in the turbulent situation at the moment."

"And Duke Byrne, as his friend and deputy, had a series of authorizations such as the city's defense, warehouses, soldiers, etc. before his Royal Highness arrived in the capital, or ... Well, we do n’t have to discuss that much politics anymore. "

"Guardian of Golovin, will this be too ..." Looking at Little Yoder's cold eyes, the noble quickly changed his mouth: "I mean ... such a proposal is difficult to pass even if it is handed over to Parliament, even It will take a long time to pass. "

"Master Duke ... shouldn't you have so much time?"

"Yes, but it doesn't take much time." The smiling little Yodd, "stuck" the wine glass in the noble hands of the noble:

"In fact, we have reached the conditions with almost one-tenth of the parliamentarians. Everyone is very helpful and very enthusiastic. They include the Chaun family of the former Royal Secretary of the Treasury, Siscott."

"Cha, Chaun family ?!"

"It is precisely that the current Earl of Zhan is well-informed and a very good person who can see the situation very well, so he has given us a lot of help." Little Yod shrugged:

"And I believe that the members of the Imperial Parliament should be such enthusiastic and good people; as long as we explain the interests of both parties, everyone can see the situation clearly."

The plain watery words made the nobles shudder.

"So we can count on you, Honorable Honourable Member of Parliament, to speak for the righteousness of the Duke Byrne in the Imperial Parliament?" Little Jord spoke softly, and the expression of "sincere" made the nobleman shudder again:

"Believe me, this is already a very good condition. Both the prince and I hope that you can accept it; otherwise, if you ..."

Little Yode had a meal and shook his head meaningfully.

"No, you will not want to know what will happen after" otherwise "."


"... Is it?" Her Royal Highness Princess said lightly:

"But even if you can persuade the Imperial Parliament, the Holy Cross Church will never accept such a result-they may be able to tolerate the Black Duke, but it is impossible to tolerate a bishop who is against the church, even a semi-independent.

"You act like you are taking risks with your friend's life."

"Maybe." Loren had no intention of denying: "But I still want to give it a try, for the same reasons as the Imperial Parliament; if the problem can be solved by peaceful means, then you should not resort to violence."

"Do you call shameless extortion and threats peace?"

"Maybe it's ugly, but it's always 10,000 times stronger than murder; I don't plan to override the empire, I just have the power to rule and manage this city temporarily."

"The arrogant extreme, you never thought of me ... Will the royal family of the Sky Dome Palace object?"

"I thought of it, so here I come-I don't want to be completely upset with the empire, so I decided to negotiate with you to see if we can achieve certain results that we can accept each other."

The dark-haired wizard said calmly: "You're welcome. I can now allow the Bion Corps to block the sky dome and put you and the nobles loyal to the royal family behind you under house arrest."

"And I also believe that even if Brandon comes, he will never blame me for this kind of thing; not only because he does not care, but also because Byrne has become the key to winning the war in the empire-want To defeat the Azores, you need the knights and supplies of Byrne. "

"But I am still here, and I am willing to listen to your request; as long as it is not excessive, I can satisfy you ... I hope you can understand my sincerity, even if I don't actually need it."

Fitronai's face did not change color, but there was a hint of killing in his eyes.

"... shameless."

"As you like." Loren, who didn't care, smiled lightly and turned to leave.

At the moment when the dark-haired wizard was about to leave the promenade, the silent Princess Her Royal Highness suddenly opened her mouth, blocking his footsteps.

"The head of the eagle king ~ ~ Fitronai coldly said:" Did you not kill the eagle king, I want his head. "

The dark-haired wizard's face didn't change color: "I didn't bring it with me."

"It doesn't matter, I can wait."

"To tell the truth, that thing is not very pretty, and now it is early spring, and it will start to rot in a short time; I understand your hatred for revenge for His Majesty Connold, but that thing ..."

"It's ok!"

Fiteroney accentuated his tone.

"... I see." Loren nodded slightly: "Is there any?"

"Yes, one condition is too cheap for you."

"No problem, please talk."

"The supreme emperor of the fourteenth generation."


"What if my request is for you to betray Brandon and hold me as the supreme emperor of the fourteenth generation?" Fitronai's mouth twitched slightly: "You can also be asked ..."

"Sorry." Before she finished, Loren categorically refused: "Please forgive me for not being able to agree."

"Why can't you agree?" Fitroney asked coldly: "Aren't you a Turin, don't you want to accomplish the great cause of the Black Duke? At that time, the Black Duke personally supported a queen. "

"You are right, I am a Turin, but ..." Loren shook his head and gently raised the corner of his mouth:

"You are not Charlotte."

:. :

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