Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 721: black under lights

   Greeting Zhou Lifeng to sit down, Wen Xu began to boil water to make tea for Zhou Lifeng.

  Zhou Lifeng said: "Is there any candied date tea? If so, make some for me to drink. My throat and eyes are not very comfortable these days, and I feel very dry all the time!"

   "Yes, since I have a bad voice, I'll bring you some back later!" Wen Xu said with a smile, got off the bed, put on his shoes, and went into the house to get black dates.

Making black jujube tea has a miraculous effect on moistening the throat, so if someone has a dry throat or a sore throat, they will come to Wen Xu's house to ask for a few. This thing is now one of the most popular things on the Wen Xu's gift list. So far, almost all the black candied dates produced by Wenxu's family have been used to give gifts to relatives and friends in return. The ones that are actually sold are very rare.

Taking two black dates, and wrapped about 20 grains into a paper bag, Wen Xu went out of the room to the side of the couch, and put the paper bag in front of Zhou Lifeng first: "There are not many left, so I won't give any more." You, I will save some more for you when the jujube is picked in two months."

   "Enough is enough!" Zhou Lifeng said repeatedly after seeing it.

He also knows that the supply of black candied dates in Wenxu's family is in short supply. The supply here is not for sale, but for gifts to relatives and friends. If you are not friendly, you may not be able to find them. It's already very face-saving, and his voice is not a big problem.

After making tea, Wen Xu and the two sat on the couch and chatted, chatting, in fact, mainly for Wen Xu to listen to, Zhou Lifeng said, the two of them just talked nonsense, from talking about national affairs to what young people like now, there is nothing nutritious about it .

   After chatting for about half an hour, Zhou Lifeng left with a paper bag. Wen Xu sent him to the door, turned around and came back, and told his three children not to run around, and to go in and cook by themselves.

   After the meal was ready, there was a table on Wen Xu's side, and Shi Shangzhen returned to the room.

   "Where's the child?" Shi Shangzhen asked Wen Xu curiously.

   "Are you not playing?" Wen Xu said casually.

  Shi Shangzhen thought he was playing upstairs, so he stopped asking, and said to Wen Xu, "I'm exhausted today!"

"Some people just don't care about some things. Don't you find things for yourself? Everything is done according to our regulations. If you implement it, you can leave it. If you don't implement it, you can just drive it away. Why bother to spend such energy Go to persuade them, everyone is old and young, why don't you understand?" Wen Xu said while carrying the dishes on the table.

Even though the village is not too big, there are a lot of things, many of which are caused by the parents. Some people live a normal life and are kind to others, but some people are not so good. These conflicts will be brought up in front of the village committee from time to time. For example, this time we are planning to travel abroad. Everyone wants to be the first to go, but no one wants to go again in autumn, so there are some minor conflicts.

Shi Shangzhen replied with a smile: "It would be great if things in the world were so easy. After all, these people are not unreasonable, they just don't understand. Okay, let's not discuss this, I'm going to call the kids down for dinner!"

  Wen Xu saw that Shi Shangzhen lifted his feet and went upstairs after speaking, so he smiled and said: "What about your eyes, the child is obviously in the yard, who do you go upstairs to find?"

  Shi Shangzhen looked back at Wen Xu and said with surprise: "In the yard? How can there be children in the yard?"

  Wen Xu immediately said after hearing this: "I was still in the yard when I was cooking!"

   "No!" Shi Shangzhen said: "I looked around when I entered the yard, and there wasn't a single child in the yard!"

  Hearing what my daughter-in-law said, Wen Nu pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "Don't make this joke, it's not funny at all!"

   No kids in the yard? Wen Xu's heart suddenly sank.

   "Who has the time to joke with you!" Shi Shangzhen's tone of speaking directly changed: "I really didn't see the child in the yard!"

  As soon as these words came out, the couple rushed to the yard immediately. Wen Xu and Shi Shangzhen stood in the yard and looked around. There were no shadows of the three children in the whole yard.

   "The three of them were having fun with Dahua Erhua before I cooked, why did Dahua Erhua disappear with them?" Wen Wen's forehead began to sweat.

  Looking around, there is really no sign of a child. The yard is only this big, and the inside is very empty. You can see through it at a glance, and there is nothing there. Couples with or without children think it is too easy to see.

  Shi Shangzhen was immediately anxious: "You won't go out to play?"

   After finishing speaking, as if thinking of something, she frantically ran towards the door, walked out of the courtyard door and ran directly to the pond, calling anxiously: "Guang Jue, Guang Heng, Guang Jing!"

   After shouting a few times, his voice became crying.

  Wen Xu followed her out and asked her, "What are you doing?"

   "Will it fall into the pond? If something happens to my son, I will never end with you!" Shi Shangzhen said crying.

"Falling into the pond? You really would think, since the big turtles in the pond are back, how could any child fall in? Even if they fell, they would be picked up by the big turtles. Maybe three little things slipped away. Where did you go to play? You can look for it from house to house, and I will go to the studio to have a look. Don’t let a few worry-free little things go there to play, and then I will go to the back of the house to look for it. Don’t worry, just The three of them can't run too far with their short legs," Wen Xu said hastily.

  The couple are in a hurry now, and when they are in a hurry, it is easy to ignore many problems that are usually easy to find. Now there is only one thought in the minds of the couple: the child suddenly disappeared!

   This idea not only made Shi Shang really confused, but also Wen Xu's heart, but it was just a matter of putting on a calm face in front of his wife.

  Hearing what her husband said, Shi Shangzhen nodded quickly and said: "Well, it must be like this, maybe I went to play at Teacher Ma's house."

   Saying that, Shi Shangzhen turned around and ran to Teacher Ma's house.

  Wen Xu didn't talk much here, ran back to the backyard and started looking for her own children. After searching around the studio, she didn't see her three children, so Wen Xu ran to the backyard again.

  Shi Shangzhen arrived at Mr. Ma’s house, the old couple was preparing to eat, and the dining table was placed in the center of the courtyard. Seeing Shi Shangzhen entered the courtyard, he quickly called Shi Shangzhen to sit down.

   "Shang Zhen, sit down and eat something, the old man caught a big carp today!" Both Mr. Ma and Mr. Chi stood up.

  Shi Shangzhen immediately said, "Have you seen our child?"

   "I didn't see it, I didn't come to our house all afternoon" said old man Chi.

   Teacher Ma then asked: "What's the matter?"

   "Wen Xu put the children in the yard to play while cooking, but I didn't see them when I came back, I don't know where they went, and I searched around the house but didn't find them," Shi Shangzhen said anxiously.

   Teacher Ma saw Shi Shangzhen’s anxious look and said: "Little teacher, calm down, anyway, no one steals or snatches children in our house, so I might go to some house to play!"

  Mr. Chi and the old couple heard that the three children were missing, so how could they sit down and eat safely? After talking to Shi Shangzhen, the three of them went out of the courtyard and looked for them.

From the east of the village to the west of the village, everyone said that they had never seen the three children. Shi Shangzhen was going crazy, and Wen Xu found the river beach along the back of the house, and asked the little girl who was running around. child.

Within half an hour, almost everyone in the village was alarmed. A group of people in the village were helping the couple find a child. Let's put it this way, everyone almost searched all the mouse holes in the village. Where is the child? shadow.

   In the end, Mr. Shi was shocked directly.

  The old man and his granddaughter met at the door. At this time, Shi Shang was already tearing up, and there was no sign of a strong man. Now seeing the old man, he just sobbed.

   "Have you looked anywhere?" Master Shi asked.

  Shi Shangzhen nodded and hummed.

   "Where's Wen Xu?" Mr. Shi was a little dissatisfied when he saw that Wen Xu wasn't by his granddaughter's side at this time.

  Shi Shangzhen said: "He is looking for it behind the house!"

   Speaking of this, Shi Shangzhen followed up and said: "I am afraid of children playing in water, how can their age know the severity...".

"Even if it's playing in the water, what are your children worried about? If you are not around, Dongliang's dog will definitely follow them. If Dongliang follows the children, what danger will there be? Don't worry, mobilize people to look for it!" Teacher The old man preached

  When Shi Shangzhen heard what his grandfather said, he became even more anxious: "No, Dongliang is still lying at home without following him!"

Mr. Shi said affirmatively: "Impossible, that child must still be at home! Go back and look for it carefully! If you don't ask the pillars of your family to leave, if you don't ask Wen Xu to leave, you won't let the three children out of sight !"

   "We have looked for it, but there is no one"

   "Go back and look for it! Come with me!" Master Shi said and walked in the direction of Wen Xu's house first.

Shi Shangzhen had no other choice at this time, her three children were gone, she could be said to be heartbroken at this time, and without Wen Xu by her side, the grandfather naturally became the backbone, so he raised his heels and followed behind Master Shi Turned back home.

  As soon as he entered the yard, Dong Liang was lying obediently under the eaves. When he saw Shi Shangzhen came back, he lay down on the spot and wagged his tail, then stopped moving.

  Mr. Master said: "Look carefully, if the three children go out, then something must have happened!"

The guards of the old man and the uncles who came in started to look for it together. Everyone began to search slowly, and searched slowly. Every piece of the place and even the tiles in the corners were lifted to have a look. .

   Within a few minutes, a child's voice shouted, "Wow, I found it!"

  When Shi Shangzhen heard that it was Ke Ke's voice, he immediately ran towards the little girl.

  I saw Ke Ke poking her head out and sticking out her buttocks to get into Erhua's nest.

The opening of Erhua's nest is very big, and the little girl Coco alone is not satisfied. Shi Shangzhen bent over here and looked into Erhua's nest. The three little things in his family squeeze me and me The one that squeezes you into a ball to sleep is sweet.

  As soon as he saw that his three children were safe and sound, Shi Shangzhen didn't care that this was Erhua's nest, so he went in and hugged the three little things, not letting go.

  Grandpa Shi arrived at the door of Erhuawo at this time, and looked inside to see that his three little great-grandsons were all well and good, so he let go of his heart.

   "Thank you, everyone!"

   Master Shi said to the surrounding crowd.

  Everyone saw that the children had been found, and said one after another: "As long as you find it, as long as you find it!"

  Now that the child was found, everyone dispersed, and soon there were only Mr. Shi and Mr. Ma left in the yard, as well as Zhou Lifeng and Shen Qi's family of four.

"You guys, you guys, can't you use your brains!" The old master looked at the granddaughter who had come out of Erhua's nest and complained: "Look at the whole village, everyone is shocked by you two horses! Already!"

   "I'm a little impatient!" Shi Shangzhen was immediately embarrassed, and after he came out, he couldn't stop apologizing to Mr. Chi and his wife, as well as Zhou Lifeng's family.

  Shen Qi helped and said, "Who would have thought that the three children were hiding in Erhua's den!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Zhou Lifeng also helped and said: "That is to say, these children can imagine, why would adults want to look for Erhua's nest at the beginning? It's no wonder that the young couple is anxious. It’s the hardest to find in the dark.”

  Master Shi glanced at his granddaughter: "Hurry up and call Wen Xu, I don't know how anxious he is!"

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