【Treasure】All-knowing and all-powerful star: Like the brilliance of the star, it spreads all over the earth, seeing through everything, and is the spirit of the hero king sublimated into a treasure. You can see through everything, see the past, the present, the future. Know what Gilgamesh wants to know.

The golden shining all-knowing and all-powerful star is amazing, and it can see through the real name or treasure of the opponent at a glance, and exert multiple concealed truths. Although it is a permanent state, he deliberately limits the effect.

Gilgamesh possesses a key-shaped sword that leads to the "Golden Capital". It is connected to the space of the treasure storehouse, and the treasures stored in it can be freely removed. The level is E~A++, which means the level of the item put into the treasure vault.

If the treasure vault does not contain decent treasure, it is not such a useful treasure. "Collected all the treasures of the world" is Gilgamesh's mantra, but it is not a simple metaphor.

Gilgamesh collected all the rudiments of technology produced in his time and took them for himself. It is not so much the treasure stored by Gilgamesh as the "original canon of human wisdom" itself.

After the beaten treasures are used, they will soon return to Gilgamesh's treasury. He also once said, "Hmph, because there are excellent treasures for recycling".


course there are limits, and the all-knowing star is equivalent to the game guide.

But Mr. Jin has the confidence of the fan (Wang's will), and he likes to open up the land without looking at the guide, because it is too boring to know everything and it is not interesting.

The all-knowing and all-powerful star is very buggy!

If Shining is intentional, the first night can end the Holy Grail War.

Because nothing escapes his eyes.

Now, the only variable.

That is Su, even if he uses the all-knowing and all-powerful star, he can only get part of the information, which is why Gilgamesh pays attention to Sue.

After thinking about it, Sue knew that Gilgamesh was likely to have turned on the all-knowing and all-powerful star.

This incident means a lot to Sue.

Combined with Gilgamesh's previous actions, Sue can determine that Gilgamesh must have known himself at some point in the future.

But the ensuing problem, this Holy Grail War Su can survive to the end, but Su cannot return to the original world, and some unknown things have happened.

"Hero King, can you tell me exactly what happened?" asked Gilgamesh.

This time, Gilgamesh did not have the arrogance and banter of the past.

Instead, he answered Su's question very seriously.

"I can't tell you these things, you don't need to know these things, these things that haven't happened yet don't need to be bothered. Telling you that you will change a lot is a disadvantage from any point of view. Gilgamesh said lightly.

Su pondered, it seems that things are heading towards unknown and unpredictable results.

Yan Fengqili: ???

we are not in a group? Like an outsider.

Gilgamesh said slowly inexplicably: "The time is almost up, and there is nothing to see." Yan

Feng Qili looked at Gilgamesh, I just came, I haven't bothered with Weigong Cheji, it's about to end?

Sure enough.

Skaha summoned: "Sue, Saber is going to liberate the treasure tool."

Sue: "Understood, you withdraw first." "

I saw where Saber and Lancer were at war.

A large amount of magic power is rising and surging, as if some huge power is gathering here.

In an instant, a golden light rushed straight into the sky and shone! The

terrifying golden sword qi filled the battle area for a while, and the qi wave spread to Su's side.


Looking at the place where golden light erupted, Su felt very shocked

, the brilliance gradually faded, and the golden particles slowly dissipated.

Assassin finally arrived.

"Master, Saber is coming to the castle. After

hearing Assassin's report, Yan Feng Qili knew that it was impossible to attack Eimiya Kiriji now.

Yan Feng Qili nodded at the hero king, and then pulled out his legs and fled.

Gilgamesh glanced at Sue and said nothing more, and the spiritualization disappeared.

Su's face was very ugly, so gloomy that it was almost black.

Something troublesome.

Su watched Jin Flash leave and only felt bad.

Now Su was a little uncomfortable.

I'm really not a fish monster, I just don't have any options. This hero Wang was determined to restrict Su from making a move.

Sue can only quickly rush to Kenneth's side, and Sue now only hopes that Kenneth can give a little more strength and stop capsizing in the gutter.

Otherwise, if Kenneth finishes playing, then won't I lose?

As for the terrifying golden magic light just now, there is no doubt that Saber opened the complete body treasure.

As for Lancer, Sue was sure he had lost.


The battle heated up, and the injuries on both sides became more and more obvious.

Lancer and Saber are now fighting as hard as they can, and killing the enemy is the greatest recognition of the enemy.

A drizzle fell in the sky, which seemed to tell the story of this heroic battle.

The magic is fully open.

Lancer attacked again, pulling out his gun, and the gun was ready to shoot.

The magic spear is like red lightning, stabbing at it, fast and ruthless!

Saber blocks with his sword.

The huge force makes the figure constantly move back.

Saber kicked his hind foot to stabilize his body.

Lift the magic gun and slash head-on.

The advantages of the basic attributes were immediately reflected, and even if the shotgun was handed over, it was still repelled abruptly.

The gunmanship used the barrel as a defense, and the trend collapsed into a defense, and immediately entered the suppressive attack of Lancer.

Purely relying on martial arts to gain the upper hand, the spear attack is fierce and fast, and the gun style is fierce.

A little chill comes first, and then the gun comes out like a dragon!

stab, pick, sweep, point, dial, entangle, etc., and the use of gunart is flexible and changeable. Harassment and unexpected cooperation with additional shotguns prevail.

If the sword is the gentleman of soldiers, then the gun is the king of soldiers.

But unfortunately, it is only an advantage, and it cannot effectively damage Saber.

Lancer Dilumudo is best at two swords, not two guns. Dilumudo, who uses two swords, may really be able to defeat Saber Artoria with his skills.

The magic power on Artoria's body suddenly skyrocketed, and her momentum immediately changed.

Emiya Kiriji suddenly summoned: Saber, use the treasure with the Imperial Curse!

At the same time, Lancer also received the power blessing from the Imperial Lord's Curse.

Dilumudo held the gun and stood up and said solemnly.

"Saber, I am honored to fight you.

"It's an honor to be praised by a warrior like you."

"Let's take a final blow!"

Saber raised his holy sword with both hands. Arthurian legend of god-made weapons.

The Holy Sword emitted a strong golden light, straight into the sky.

Around the holy sword and saber, golden particles rose to the brilliance of light.

It is the belief that all warriors will triumph in the past, present, and future! It is the sorrow of those warriors who died in battle!

(I don't believe that if you are cursed with a wound in your left hand, you can't release a curry stick.) It's too outrageous, and isn't the holy sword sealed, and one hand can't be used?)Lancer

looked at the golden light emitted by the holy sword, and already knew in his heart that he would lose. But he still chose to charge head-on, and the warrior should die on the way to the charge.

Recite his real name.

Excalibur (EX Curry Stick),"

Saber swung his sword hard, and the golden streamer rushed straight at Lancer.

The golden streamer hit like a wave, drowning Lancer's figure.


The golden particles gradually dissipated into the air, and the forest field was blasted out of a large clearing, where only Saber stood alone with a sword and pestle.

"Goodbye, Lancer. "

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