Einz Belen Castle.

"You give me out, Eimiya Kiriji, you coward I'm going to kill you!" Kenneth shouted emotionally.

Kenneth had been carried away by anger and lost his former elegant aristocratic demeanor. Looking at the disappearing curse, Lancer has lost to Saber.

This means that he has lost the qualification for the follow-up Holy Grail War, and there is no difference between a royal lord without a heroic spirit and a lamb to be slaughtered, and losing a heroic spirit loses the most important combat power, even if Kenneth is a magician.

Kenneth's color position is determined by modern magician standards, but Sue's quasi-crown level is based on heroic and mysterious standards.

The Moon Spirit Essence Liquid wantonly destroyed the place Kenneth passed, and the silky Moon Spirit Essence Liquid spread wildly. Everywhere I went, it was a mess.

Mercury baby, it's terrifying

! "It's really boring! I didn't participate in the Holy Grail War because of this kind of battle."

Kenneth's bloodied hand supported the wall and slowly walked to the promenade, his face was already very hideous.

And the mercury baby jumped to the side, like a round and cute heterochromatic slime. Cute contrary to the current environment. ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

"Where the hell are you hiding?" Kenneth staggered. The Moon Spirit Essence was shaped like a ring whip, constantly whipping and destroying, as if venting the anger in Kenneth's heart.

Kenneth was walking and suddenly turned around.

"Found you, you sewer rat. "The Moon Spirit Essence found Eimiya Kiriji hiding behind him.

Seeing that Eimiya Kiriji still refused to come out, Kenneth said sarcastically.

You don't think that trick just worked, do you? Sewer rat. The reason why you were able to succeed in a sneak attack just now is not how strong you are, but just your luck.

Eimiya Kiriji slowly came out of the corner and looked at Kenneth.

"I will let you know the gap, I will not let you die a painful death, I will put you to death little by little." You will die in despair and pain. "

That's not a good thing to say. A kid who used to play with vectors thought the same.

Emiya Kiriji didn't say a word, just calmly raised his hand and raised his gun, the tongue of fire vomited wildly, and a crazy strafing! "

Forever, mei sanguis! Genuine Version: Boil it, my blood!)," Kenneth shouted.

Immediately, the Moon Spirit Essence raised a barrier to resist these small peanuts.

This barrier not only blocked the speeding bullets, but also blocked Kenneth's own vision, and he could no longer see the small movements of Emiya Kiriji behind the barrier.

It's still the same routine, the same pulling out another gun.

Eimiya Kiriji pulled out his gun and aimed it at Kenneth behind the Moon Spirit Essence Barrier again.

Pull the trigger, and the legal special bullet fires at Kenneth at speed.

Kenneth was keenly aware of Eimiya Kirito's means.

"Hehe, sure enough, it's this trick again, do you think I'll still get hit?

It has to be said that Kenneth's reaction is still very fast, and the lunar spirit pulp fluid immediately changes rapidly, showing a spiral contraction of the column, rotating the defense to counteract the impact to resist the armor-piercing bullet.


Surprises come faster.

Kenneth miscalculated this time.


The bullet casings just now fell to the ground, and unknown ingredients flowed out of them.

The bullet did not hit Kenneth directly, but Kenneth's condition is already half-dead. Kenneth twisted his body as if he was suffering from some unspeakable curse, and he knew that it was quite painful by looking at his expression.

Because the bullet just now was not the previous magic armor-piercing bullet.

It is

the same as the bullet that attacked Su before, and the effect is very insidious and vicious.

About [Origin Bomb].

The origin bullet is a bullet that "hits" the object that has the origin of the current Emiya Kiriji - [cut] and [combine].

The origin bullet itself was made by Natalia, the guide and master of Eimiya Kiriji, who removed two ribs of Kiriji.

Its lethality is actually not as lethal as ordinary bullets.

However, the origin bullet has its own special properties: once it hits the opponent, the performance of the part hit is completely lost. This point is quite fatal for magicians, who are hit, and the magic circuit will not be able to recover.

In short, the part that is hit will be destroyed by magic, breaking the devil, destroying from the inside, and directly destroying a magician's life's work.

Kenneth doesn't know where he is higher than Eimiya Kiriji in terms of status and magical strength, but his comprehensive strength and ruthlessness are still far inferior to Eimiya Kiriji.

Kenneth predicted that Eimiya Kiriji would use a trick, thinking that it was like last time. And Eimiya Kiriji also predicted that Kenneth would adapt his defense and use magic power with all his strength. And this is precisely the trap.

The origin bullet does not do much harm to ordinary people, once the magic power is used, the damage is like destroying the sky and the earth, directly gg.

Classic, I prejudged yours.

It really capsized in the gutter.

Just ask, do you understand the gold content of the magician killer?

Emiya Kiriji looked at Kenneth who fell in a pool of blood and slowly walked towards him. The gun in his hand was reloaded, a set of actions flowed, and the gun was raised and aimed.

It's over, Lord of Lancer.

There was no imaginary sound of a bullet entering the flesh, but a metallic clash.

"This can't let you succeed, you want Director Ken's life." "


Kenneth: ?!!You didn't try to sell me just now, did you?

Eimiya Kiriji looked at the man with a long sword who suddenly appeared in front of him, like a great enemy, and quickly took out his two guns and aimed. He remembered that night, the man in front of him was comparable to the power of a missile, and he was simply not human.

Bang bang! Shoot quickly, the barrel of the gun is eager to smoke.

"Huh, Arcane Missile. Su stretched out his palm and fired several giant magic bullets at Wei Gong.

The entire corridor was full of fireworks, and several explosions of fire.

Time magic, so powerful, can you teach me?" said Sue with a little surprise. Time spells are the only type of spells that Sue doesn't have.

Eimiya Kiriji once again launched the Inherent Time Restraint, speeding up to dodge the explosion attack.

However, Eimiya Kiriji was still shocked by the aftermath and flew a few meters away, and quickly took out the gun containing the origin bullet.

"I'm not Director Ken, bye-bye.

"Earth Coffin!" With

Su's words, the sand and stones around Weigong Kiriji suddenly rushed towards him, and even the original walls were mobilized.

The sand and stone quickly condensed and compressed, and several stone pillars interspersed with a large stone ball.

Emiya Kiriji wanted to escape and used the Inherent Time Restraint with all his strength, but he was still one step slower. The entire lower body of Eimiya Kiriji was firmly locked in a stone ball.

If the whole body is sealed, then this stone ball is a sarcophagus that will bury him completely!

When Su raised his hand, a condensed ice sword was fired, and the huge ice sword slammed towards Weigong Qihei.

With a bang, the ice crystals exploded, and the cold air instantly scattered.

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