A figure suddenly appeared in front of Weigong Kiriji, blocking this fatal blow.

And Emiya Kiriji finally used the hole card.

Summoning Saber again in the name of the spell, he almost teleported directly from Saber, who reached the castle.

"Every time you come in such a timely manner, you people still have a hand in summoning heroic spirits." Su couldn't help but ridicule, the last time Tosaka Shichen did the same.

Wei Gong Cheji is not as casual as Su, and he can easily ridicule, and immediately gave the order.

"Saber, solve the caster's lord immediately!"

Saber hesitated a little, then swung his sword and rushed towards Sue.

"Saber, if you move forward, your lord will be finished. A female voice sounded in my ears.

Saber immediately retreated, protecting Eimiya Kiriji.

Skaha stood outside the window with a gun, and the magic gun in his hand told Saber that she was telling the truth. He hadn't intervened in the fight between Saber and Lancer just now because of a previous agreement, so now is when Skaha wants to do it the most.

Saber's intuition told her that her attempt to kill the caster's royal lord would not necessarily succeed, and Su's side had also seen it. But Eimiya Kiriji will definitely die.

Su looked at Eimiya Kiriji and Saber and sighed in her heart.

Sue really wanted to ignore Kenneth and kill the Saber duo in front of him right now, and with the current situation, these two must not be his opponents now.

But Kenneth's condition is very critical, and Sue doesn't care if he can't do it.

Although Sue did not break the agreed contract much, Kenneth's death will definitely be held to his head after the incident, and the death of a monarch in the Clock Tower is quite troublesome.

Su is actually not afraid of the trouble of the clock tower, the trouble is that he will hold the creation department accountable, which will cause a lot of problems for the old man.

So Kenneth can die, but it must not die and it has to do with me.

At least how to die after the contract is completed.

The battle can't be fought.

Sue briefly treated Kenneth and helped him stabilize his injuries temporarily.

Su picked up Kenneth and jumped to the windowsill, turned his head to Wei Gong Kiriji, who was trying to attack, and said indifferently: "If you still want to fight, I will accompany you at any time, but now if you dare to attack again, just hold the determination to die." Seeing

that Eimiya Kiriji was no longer moving, Sue left Einz Belen Castle with Kenneth and Skaha.

Along the way, Sue looked at Skahah's resentful eyes, looking a little embarrassed, but there was a reason.

Skaha didn't care about that, it disturbed her fighting, and in general there was some other compensation.

"Sue, after you go back, you and I fight and spar. "


Seeing Su and Skaha leaving, Eimiya Kiriji was also relieved. After a while, he took Saber with him to find Alice Phil and Maiya Kuyu, who had left recently.

Finally, Kiriji Emiya and Saber find the traces of Alice Phil and Maiya Kuyu in the forest not far away.

"Alice Phil, cheer up!" "

Saber..." Alice Phil was about to say something when Saber interrupted.

"Hold on! you'll be out of danger right away."

"How's Maimi, are you okay?"

"She's okay, but you, such a bad bleeding... Huh?" Saber suddenly wondered, obviously with such a serious injury, Alice Phil's vital signs seemed to have not changed much, and returned to normal?

In fact, only Maiya Kuyu needs treatment.

Yes, Alice Phil and Kuyu Maiya did not die, Kuyu Maiya did not die can understand, but seriously injured and unconscious. This Alice Phil was penetrated by the black key, piercing his heart.

In the face of heavy bleeding, Alice Phil can still stand up like a nobody, Saber said that he was shocked, he had never seen this.


It's Avalon, and I summoned you with Avalon."

Eimiya Kiriji explained from the side.

Recalling that before setting out, Emiya Kiriji gave Avalon [the independent fantasy town] to Alice Phil.

Avalon [Fantasy Land of Independence]: Enchantment treasure, King Arthur's scabbard. Legend has it that the resting place of King Arthur after his death is Fantasyland.

It is able to heal users, especially when with Saber, which is why Alice Phil and Saber pretend to be a royal and heroic couple.

Avalon's power goes far beyond that. In

fact, the scabbard is aimed at individual combat, and has the function of being called a "mobile fortress". Ignoring all physical interference, all interference from parallel worlds, the strongest guardian known to this world can form an absolute defense that even the five great magics cannot touch.

The hero king Gilgamesh's obedient sword cannot touch it, and Saber can also use this treasure to finally defeat the hero king Gilgamesh.

With the scabbard unfolded, even the EX-level treasure that is used as a realm treasure tool that can destroy the "King's Army" inherent enchantment of the conquering king with one blow obediently leaves the sword· EA, a full blow will also not have any effect within the protection of the scabbard, and will rebound the damage.

If Saber unfolded the treasure, he would not be able to reach her anyway. Very buggy, it's just a plug-in in a plugin.

The strongest defensive treasure is not a joke!


Ma Tong family.


!" "Why can't I use spells without this?" "

Wait, don't punch me in the face!"

Sakura on the side looked at the two people in the courtyard dumbfounded. Turned his head and asked Tong Yanye.

"Uncle Yanye, what's going on, brother, what did he do?"



Sakura is now Sue's little angel, rescuing Sue from fire and water.

Family, who understands

, I'm a mage, why can I only use melee combat, but can't use a little spell? Isn't this bullying honest people? I'm not a white-bearded grandfather with a two-wielding madman.

"Comfortable, huh?" Sue rubbed her slightly red and swollen cheeks.

"Uh-huh!" Skaha sat on the couch, quietly drinking coffee. It's hard to imagine that this is the same person who just beat Sue.

"Sakura. Sue called to Sakura.

"What's wrong brother?" Sakura looked puzzled, could it be that her brother was hungry again?

Su looked at Ma Tong Yanye's eyes like looking at a rice bucket, really speechless. Don't bother with him.

"Sakura, how about finding you a teacher?"

"Huh?!" "

It's Sakura who is looking for a teacher on the magic path, and that's why Tosaka Shichen sent Sakura to Ma Kiri's house.

Su was not going to leave Sakura at Ma Tong's house. It is planned that she will leave Fuyuki City with Tsuruno and Shinji Makiri, just like Rin Tosaka and Aoi Tosaka. Wait until the Holy Grail War is over and come back.

Sakura Yoshimasa refused. Sakura said that when she left, there would be no one in the family to take care of her brother and Uncle Yanye, and neither of them would be able to cook.

A few adults can't make up a person who can cook. Can you still stand up this?

Su and Tong Yanye: ... (●—●)

Ma Kiri: This family doesn't have me, so I don't have to disperse sooner or later, I have to disperse immediately!

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