Sakura was born with a high level of magic literacy, and like Rin Tosaka, she has 70 magic circuits, and the maximum amount of magic power released at a time is one thousand. His own magical talent is very high, and he is very rare in itself.

Sakura's magic attribute is a very rare [virtual attribute], and the magic attribute is absorption. If used properly, you can open up imaginary space and gain imaginary capabilities. Very scary ability that requires proper guidance. (For imaginary abilities, please refer to the Fate Heavenly Cup)

And now, the Matron family has a ready-made top magician, the legendary mentor, Caster Skaha. Specifying a learning path for Sakura is not difficult for Skaha, who has the wisdom of the magic realm.

All in all, Sakura's magical talent can't be wasted.

As the saying goes: people who have talent but don't work hard are stupid, and people who don't have talent and work hard are mediocre. When growing to the later stage, the talent gap can not be bridged with hard work.

Su can be regarded as a genius, and his luck and alchemy mechanical talent have achieved the name of the god of law in his previous life.

Sue finally took Skaha and asked Skaha to guide Sakura, who knows if Skaha will continue to trouble Sue. Later

, Sue came to the magic workshop of the Ma Tong family and looked at Kenneth lying in the middle out of danger.

For a while, I couldn't make up my mind what to do with Kenneth.

If something is not decided, it will be ...

Call the elders first, there is an old man in the family, there is a treasure.

Well, the stakes are high, and it is difficult for Sue to decide what to do in the end, or to see what her old man has to say.

Sue quickly called Inolai Baruyereta Atolohom - the old man asked to write his full name!

As soon as the phone was connected, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, and Su's mood gradually relaxed.

"Ahem, teacher, it's like this, something might have happened. "

“...... Are you missing arms and legs or are you about to braid?" (Riddler please round out of the Holy Grail War!)

"That's not true, it's Kenneth he..." Sue quickly explained the situation.

Kenneth is no longer in danger, but for now he is an ordinary person, there is no magic circuit, there is nothing left, and it is very clean.

But not completely out of the way, Sue happens to have the ability to restore Kenneth's magic circuit and engraving.

The question now is whether to help him recover his magical talent, otherwise Kenneth will not have a chance with magic in the future, and as the Clock Tower Monarch, this is a fatal injury.

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, thinking again.

"Help him, don't let him die. For the rest, I'll go and negotiate with the Ore Section and the Séance Section. Enolai made a decision. Well, my condition is to talk to Kenneth alone and blackmail him alone.

The two chatted a little more about daily life, and ended the communication after a moment of pleasantries.

Sue looked at the unconscious Kenneth and smiled helplessly.

"Director Ken, it's a good luck. "

Hehe, Kenneth, Kenneth, thank me, you're long gone."

After deciding to save him, Su immediately called out to Tong Yanye.

"Yanye, bring me my toolbox. Help me by the way. "

Ma Tong Yanye is carrying a toolbox, what do you want these things for?"

"Save people!" Su seemed to see Ma Tong Yanye's doubts.

"Huh?" was shocked by the night.

"The royal lord who saved Lancer?" said Ma Tong Yanye with a slight smile and a more perverted feeling, haha, finally someone is worse than me.

I saw Su pouring out all the toolboxes, wrenches, screwdrivers, tool tongs, and even chainsaws!

Ma Tongyan Ye carefully observed, this is really saving people? It's almost the same to kill people with these things, right?

Ma Tong Yanye's body suddenly froze, and the smile on his face froze, as if he thought of something in an instant.

Wait, I wouldn't have saved it that way, would I? Probably not, right?"

Su Youyou suddenly said.

Night of the Wild Goose: ......

"It's work!" said Sue, starting the drill.

The sharp drill bit buzzed, Sue, why are you still wearing a white coat? Really think that you are a doctor who saves lives?

Who understands, family, the first step in the operation is to open the electric drill bit!

The night of the Tong Yan was numb, and the three views were about to be broken and reorganized.


I don't know how long it took.

Kenneth, who was lying in the center, opened his eyes in a daze.

"Yo, Director Ken, you're finally awake. A voice came from the ear.

"You..." Kenneth, who had just woken up, said unfavorably.

"Ah, don't worry, the operation was successful, you are already a qualified ..." Before

he could finish speaking, Kenneth fainted again.

Sue: .

. In fact, I want to say that you who hit the origin bullet, after my treatment, are already a qualified magician again.

But after a while, Kenneth slowly came to his senses.

Lost mind muttered, "I...

"Of course, I struggled to save you." If you die now, I'll be in big trouble. Sue sat on the side, nibbling on the big melon.

"Ah, what about Sora?" Kenneth said again.

Sue: ???

ah this, take a deep breath, don't be angry.


fellow, Director Ken, the first thing you wake up is to ask where your fiancée is?

Sue patiently answered Kenneth's question: "She's fine, I've sent someone to send her back to the clock tower." "Or do I do things without leakage, without leaving a tail, what is this kind of burden."

"It's good that she's okay. Kenneth relaxed.

Seeing that Kenneth woke up completely, Sue also saw the opportunity to put forward his own demands.

"I saved a lot of resources, in exchange, I don't say too much, right?"

Kenneth looked at his own situation, yesterday the magic circuit burst out, and the whole person felt like it was going to explode. Now, like no one else, I don't see any problem.


Kenneth is numb, my magic circuit has changed, what about my magic engraving? "

Oh, your magic engraving is here, it hasn't been transplanted back." Sue pulled out a robotic arm with Kenneth's magic engraving on it.

Kenneth finally couldn't help it, so many questions appeared, asked and said.

What am I doing now?"

Sue explained, "You don't want to know how I saved you." And you haven't fully recovered yet.

"In short, you hit the origin bullet of Eimiya Kiriji, all the magic circuits were destroyed, and I used alchemy to exchange you for a new magic circuit, so you can still be a magician." As for your magic engraving, it was also taken down together, and it will be pressed for you later?"

Kenneth only felt extremely scared, your means are so high, isn't your strength stronger than me?

But Su's reason is also very sufficient, and it is the fault of Tosaka Shichen to ask.

Kenneth can only accept this fact now, he has been eliminated.

"So, what are your conditions?"

was what Su waited.

"It's simple, I need how and how your Moon Spirit Essence is made. "

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