The words are very simple, this content is not simple, the moon spirit pulp is one of the secret techniques of Kenneth Archibald's family, although it is not the highest secret automatic mercury doll, but it is also the core secret of the family.

"Don't worry, I will never pass it on, I will study for research. If you are not convinced, you can draw up a mandatory self-testimony. Sue was afraid that Kenneth would not believe it, and said again.

Kenneth thought about it again and again, human lives were saved by others, cutting some meat is not a big deal, there are also forced self-testimonies, there are not many doubts.

"Okay. I agree to this condition. Kenneth readily agreed.

The so-called "compulsory self-testimony" is the spell contract used by magicians when concluding agreements that can never be broken, and it is the most absolute guarantee made to prevent breaking the contract. The contract is generally based on a parchment roll, including the binding technique, the object of restraint, the formal content of the vow, the conditions for the fulfillment of the vow, and the signature of the pledge (the bound person).

Using the power of his magic engraving to impose the curse of "Geas" on the caster himself, in principle, it cannot be lifted by any means. Once the magician signs the testimony and fulfills the conditions of the oath to make the testimony valid, even if the pledge maker is dead, as long as the magic engraving is passed on to the next generation, even the soul after death will be bound.

After discussion, Kenneth and Sue immediately drew up a contract and signed it.

Looking at the contract in his hand, Kenneth couldn't help but think of the cooperation contract he signed with Su before. It was clear that he was attacking Einz Belen Castle together, and at first it was still there, and only Kenneth was left behind.

Lancer has to fight alone, 2v1 won't win, don't understand this so-called knightly way. Kenneth only wondered if he was too unlucky.

I always feel that I am pitted somewhere, but I can't say where it is strange, I just feel strange.

Putting aside these distractions, Kenneth, who has survived the disaster, now just wants to regain his original strength.

"Okay, what should be given to you will be given to you, let me recover my strength first.

"Okay, no problem!" Sue picked up the drill and wrench again.

Looking at Sue's posture, Kenneth instantly felt not very good.

"Wait, you're not going to just use this, are you?" his voice trembled.

Su said reasonably: "Ah don't worry, the first step is just that, it's okay, I have experience, relax." Make sure you act like you haven't been hurt. "Pat your chest confidently.

Kenneth thought it would be better to faint at this point.

Ping-pong, ping-pong, an inexplicably noisy strange sound sounded in the workshop. There also seems to be the sound of parts hitting the ground.


I don't know how many hours passed.

"I'll enter your magic workshop again, I won't be called Kenneth!"Kenneth couldn't help but curse as soon as he walked out of the underground workshop, ignoring his aristocratic etiquette.

Seeing that Kenneth can now sing, dance and rap, I know that there is no problem, except that his face is a little pale, he looks a little weak, and there are inexplicable points of light on his body.

Today's encounter and this operation left an indelible impression on Kenneth, and just thinking about it makes people feel a little scared.

Sue leaned against the doorway, looked at Kenneth's embarrassed look, and said jokingly: "Remember what I want, as soon as possible."

Kenneth's face was full of displeasure: "Hmph, I don't need you to say that I know things, can't you lack a room like me here?" According to

the guidance of the Yan Ye, Kenneth immediately left the magic workshop. If you guessed correctly, the first thing Kenneth did when he returned to the room was to communicate with Sora.

Seeing that the results were quite fruitful, although the attack failed, Su was also satisfied, anyway, he had nothing to lose.

The things that should have been obtained have also been obtained, which can be regarded as Kenneth's last bit of role.

The Moon Spirit Essence itself does not improve Su's strength much, and the role of mercury babies is dispensable for Su.

What is important is the principle and technique of the lunar spirit pulp fluid. The automatic change of the moon spirit pulp and the technique of finding enemies are really particularly suitable for the alchemy machinery, if Su can complete the analysis of the moon spirit pulp liquid, Su's alchemy machinery will reach a strange point, and the fusion can achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Perhaps, probably, you should be able to come up with some outrageous alchemy items.

Thinking of these effective improvements, Su couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart, and the depressed mood due to failure was swept away.

Speaking of harvest, at this time, Su suddenly thought that the Tong family, as one of the three royal families in Dongmu City, its magic background is still relatively good, Su has been here for so many days, and he has not properly checked the Tong family. Resources nearby cannot be wasted.

The Ma Tong family definitely had something unexpected, this old bug's magic level was higher than Tosaka Shichen, and Su didn't believe that he didn't have anything useful at all.

So, Sue said to do it, and immediately went to check (to be precise, search. The magic heritage of the Ma Kiri family.

Carefully checked and browsed the treasured magic guide books and various items of the Matong family, there were many things, and there were indeed not many useful ones, all of which were dirty to Huo Huo by the Matong family.


is a good saying, who writes a diary for a serious person, Su has no such thing, all relying on brain memory.

The intertong inkstone is dirty, which saves Su a lot of trouble.

I don't know if I don't look, but I'm shocked when I see it.

The things recorded by this old fellow are shocking, and it is afraid that it will be appalling when it spreads.

Su originally thought that the family magic of the Matong family was a disgusting insect magic, but he didn't expect it to be an orthodox water magic.

Insect magic is transformed by water magic by Ma Tong Yan and belongs to the variant magic. Isn't it a good water magic trick to play like this?

Su was puzzled by this question, but then understood.

The reason why the water magic is the insect magic is completely that the Tong Inkstone pursues immortality, and the old bug has been secretly alive for hundreds of years!

Its original name is not the Mitong Ink, but the visitor who came to assist the artificial man to complete the mission - Machiri Zorgan (間桐dirty ink).

The incident gradually became very bizarre, and it also concerned the Einzberen family.

The artificial people of the Einz Belen family are only dolls, have no means of survival in the outside world, and cannot withstand the complexity of human society. Its action plan cannot be initiated by Einzberen alone, and it needs the assistance of humans who understand Einzbelen.

Hoping for the legend that "there is an artificial human who can prove the third magic", the ancestor of the Machiri family, Maciri Zorgen, visited the winter city of Einzbelen and met the "Holy Daughter of Winter", Yustisa.

For about 500 years after the creation of Hastisa, Hastisa was kept in custody, and the spirit and temporary soul were gradually worn out, and the memory could only be retained for one day, "repeating the same day all the time."

Maziri Zorgen's sad wish is to "eradicate all evil in this world (eliminate the evil of mankind)", for which he hopes to use the power of Einzberen.

Human beings are always killing each other for limited resources, plagued by fragile and easily decaying bodies, and it is difficult to get rid of malignancy. Determined to eradicate humanity's malignancy but desperate, Maciri sees the Third Magic as the only way.

The third magic is "the materialization of the soul" and "the perpetualization of the soul". Through the third magic, it may be possible for human beings to have inexhaustible resources, and not to grow old and die, becoming an intellectual body with a broader spirit and a broader container, thereby eradicating the malignancy of human beings.

Through patient negotiations with Einz Belen, Macchiri finally got Einz Belen's workshop, Yubstak Haid, to agree to the plan of "using Yushitisa as a substrate to make a magic hearth".

Sue felt incredible after seeing the back and understanding these things.

This Tong Yan is dirty, and he is also a pure love warrior?

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