Just when Su was still immersed in flipping through the treasures of the Matong family, Ma Tong Yanye also came over, and brought a news that surprised Su.

"Sue, rider and his royal lord have come over, have already come in, and are in the living room.


responded, "Got it, let them wait a moment, I'll be right here." "Organize the records.

Wei Bo came to inquire about the news, and there was no need to come to the Tong family in person. The news of Su and the alliance between the Tong family For Weber, this behavior is no different from the wallhead, obviously they have already allied with me, and they have secretly allied with others, which is very angry.

Su was wrong about this, and Weber came to inquire about the news secondary, mainly because of the reason that Rider conquered the king.

"What about the Sioux, haven't you dealt with it yet?" Webb didn't wait a moment to start complaining.

"Hahaha, little Weber, it's okay if we take the liberty to visit and wait. "Rider didn't care.

"Webb, rider. Sue finished and came to the living room.

At a glance, I saw the rider in strange clothes, like a conspicuous bag.

The conqueror king was already tall and burly, and his battle robe was very majestic. It's just that the conqueror king at this time is wearing a modern dress, simple style, jeans and T-shirts show muscles are very exaggerated. It's not that there's anything wrong with modern clothing, but the style of Rider's dress is really strange.

And that's not the main thing, the most conspicuous are a few big words on the chest clothes 'Great Conquest!', accompanied by a world map. Rider now looks like the second uncle in middle school, and there is an inexplicable sense of discord.

"Rider, what's the situation with your outfit?" said Skaha as he said the question Sue wanted to ask.

Sue looked at the strangely dressed rider, and the helpless Weber. I thought, could Webb come to me to complain about Rider?

"Hahaha, boy, do you also think this dress is very good and suitable for me?" Rider said proudly.

Webb interjected, "You guy, this dress is so strange."

Su chuckled and said, "I think this dress is quite suitable for riders, and it's good to experience modern clothes."

"Webb, look, I'll just say yes! Rider laughed.

Webb quietly pulled Sura aside and talked about the Rider's dark material in recent days.

After Weber complained, from the day Rider was summoned, he kept trying modern things, games, online shopping, etc.

The current rider is very strange in Webb's eyes, and he behaves strangely.

It's like.

Rider Conqueror King: I, Conqueror King Iskander, brothers pay attention, wait a while to broadcast blitz, ravage, conquer the world! Rider Conqueror King

: Holy Grail, v I 50, take you to dominate the world!

Rider said arrogantly: "That's right, it's really pointless to fight like this, I plan to invite all the kings to talk about the ownership of the Holy Grail." So I'm here to invite casters.

Would you like to come to the banquet?" invited Rider boldly.

In the face of this remark, Su was a little puzzled, this king's banquet can talk about the ownership of the Holy Grail?

However, Sue did not speak, not wanting to interfere with Skahah's decision. Although Sue could probably guess that Skaha would definitely go, not going was not in line with her character.

"No problem. Sure enough, Skaha directly agreed to the invitation.

Su suddenly asked: "By the way, rider, since you invited, where is this wine banquet held?

"Hmm..." Looking at the way Rider scratched his head and was thinking, Webb covered his face and was very helpless.

Good fellow, you guys are not ready for anything, come and invite a banquet on a whim, it is really worthy of your conquest king.

"So, just tonight, go to Einzbelen Castle! "The rider was so-so.

"Uh, okay. Sue wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Webb then remembered that he was here for business, and nervously asked Sue: "By the way, Sue, where is Kenneth?

Su helplessly asked Weber: "Do you want Kenneth to die, you care so much about his life or death?"

"There is a smell of Rin Tosaka.

It is obvious that there are different hearts, Webb actually hopes that Kenneth is still alive, otherwise who will he see his growth, Webb originally wants to be recognized by Kenneth.

Sue was about to tell Webb that Kenneth was still alive, and by coincidence, the Lord had arrived.

"Weber Velvet, you won't be disappointed to see me alive, will you?" Kenneth looked at Webb from around the corner.

"Hmph, what do you have to do with me. Webb was very tough-mouthed.

Want to prove that you're better than me?" Kenneth said unceremoniously.

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

In the end, the two did not communicate much, and the two broke up unhappily.

"This is what I need, delivered as soon as possible, I went back to my room first. Kenneth gave Ma Tong Yanye a list and went back.

Weber spoke: "Sue, the matter has been said, and we will go." After that, he pulled Rider, who was still showing off his clothes with Skaha, and left.

Looking at the Weber duo who left in a hurry, Su couldn't help but shake his head, this master and apprentice were both dead face, and they refused to bow their heads.

Although Sue had speculated about the actual situation of the Grail, Sue did not tell Webb and Rider.

First, without this need, things are difficult to solve. The second is to tell them the truth, it is estimated that the big guys will not listen, how the Holy Grail War should be fought or how, there is no necessary meaning to tell everyone.

Time passed, and Fuyuki City would soon enter night again.

It is said that Fuyuki City is really suitable for the elderly, and other cities are also brightly lit at night and people come and go. People here seem to go to bed relatively early (dog head to save life).

After seeing off Weber and Rider today, the Matong family also welcomed the last guest of the day.

Gilgamesh came unexpectedly!

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