"Hero King, why are you here?" Su looked at the archer who suddenly visited, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

As if he hadn't heard, Gilgamesh walked into Matong's house with his own care, and Su had to let Matong Yanye hurry up to entertain the hero king.

"Archer!" said Ma Tong Yanye with a hint of anger on her face.

Gilgamesh didn't care about this, swaggered to the sofa and sat down, quietly waiting for the hospitality of the night.

Ma Tong Yanye had no way to refute it, so he had to listen to Su's words and take out the treasures of the Matong family to entertain Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh took a slight sip of the wine in his glass.

"Hehe, looking at the face of Meijiu and Su, I won't pursue you and that mad dog this time. Thank the king for his kindness. Gilgamesh still had that arrogant tone.

"You ......" Ma Tongyan Ye was very upset in his heart, but Su stopped him, waved his hand to signal Ma Tongyan Ye to calm down, and let him exit the living room.

After Tongyan left at night, Gilgamesh said with a slight smile: "It seems that this mad dog listens to you very much, Sue."

Sue asked again, "So, Gilgamesh, what are you doing here?

Sue froze when she heard this answer, and immediately understood the meaning of Gilgamesh's words. The banquet was a wine banquet invited by the rider, and it was said that it was a king's wine banquet, how could there be no Gilgamesh.

The truth came out, Rider did not invite Gilgamesh, or did not know where to invite Gilgamesh.

"That rude fellow, ignoring the existence of this king, held a king's banquet privately. Don't put King Ben in his eyes at all, King Ben wants to see how far this rude guy can go.

Gilgamesh shook his glass, his red pupils lazily looking at the bright red liquor in the glass.

Su looked relieved, there was no problem, this was very in line with Gilgamesh's character, how could the king wine banquet skip Gilgamesh, the heroic king. Rider is really not very reliable.

"Judging by your appearance, you should already know what the Grail really looks like, right?" said Gilgamesh lightly.

Su looked puzzled and said: "You opened again?" "

Hmph, Ben Wang is not so boring, but when I checked you last time, I saw something interesting by the way."

"So, King Ben doesn't want to use this kind of thing, and it's not interesting to know it all." Gilgamesh said nonchalantly.

"King Ben now wants to see what you and Yan Feng Qili can each achieve. Gilgamesh smiled playfully.

Su can't quite understand this, isn't this pure fun?


At night, Einzbelen Castle.

Einzbelen Castle, which was attacked not long ago, welcomed another uninvited guest tonight, and now it may be several uninvited guests.

Saber saw Alice Phil's abnormality and asked, "Alice Phil, are you all right?"

Alice Phil was slightly weak.

"With this thunderclap and undisguised momentum and unscrupulous attitude, I am afraid that the person who came should be the rider conquering king. "

The gate of Einz Belen Castle was damaged by Kenneth last night and has not been completely repaired, and now this gate is gone.

As we all know, the gate is a decoration.

Rider drove the chariot, took Webb with him, and rushed in without disguised swagger.

Saber and Alice Phil heard the voice and rushed to the main entrance of the castle as soon as possible.

Seeing Saber and the two, Rider greeted him warmly, not realizing that he was an uninvited villain.

"Long time no see, Knight King.

"What are you here for, King of Conquer, are you here to make a covenant?" Saber looked wary, and after the last invasion, Saber did not dare to be careless.

Rider scratched his head and smiled and said, "I heard that you have a castle, so I came to see it, but I didn't expect it to be such a lifeless place." "Rider was a bit disappointed.

Saber didn't even know what rider meant, and heard him continue: "Hey, saber, why are you dressed like this and wearing armor on the big night." Didn't you wear some fashionable clothes tonight?"

Rider: I'm just here to show off clothes, not to fight.

Alice Phil thought to herself, Saber wearing armor is not because of you, suddenly arrived in the middle of the night, and thought that he was here to destroy again.

Saber didn't want to ignore Rider's funny statement, and asked bluntly: "So Rider, what the hell are you here for?"

Of course I'm here to drink with you, and tonight I'm going to have a banquet! Hahaha!" The

bold rider directly carried the oversized wine barrel prepared next to him with one hand, and patted the wine barrel with his hand while laughing.

Saber and Alice Phil looked at each other, and in the face of this situation, they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, don't be in a daze, doesn't there a spacious courtyard in such a big castle? "

I have to admire, worthy of the emperor, the style is really unique, it is simply a big confusing act of the Holy Grail War."

Alice Phil led everyone to the garden behind the castle, how could the Einz Belen local tyrant family not have a spacious place.

Saber and Rider were jailed in the open space in the center of the garden, while Alice Phil and Webb watched from outside the garden, an occasion that was clearly not suitable for a few of them and did not qualify for it.

Rider opened the lid of the wine barrel with one punch, first picked up the wine scoop and scooped it up, and drank it in one gulp with his own care.

After drinking, Rider said to Saber: "It is said that the Holy Grail is destined to be the most suitable person to get it." "

If Sue and Gilgamesh were here now, they would have to refute.

I don't know what the hell the Holy Grail is.

Perhaps, there is such a saying in the legend of the original Grail, but this Holy Grail is only a man-made ritual, not a real Holy Grail, but only named after the Holy Grail.

What Rider said is pure nonsense and has no basis.

"And Fuyuki's Holy Grail War is to select this most suitable person. Rider wasn't just a rough man, and the words of purpose were then spoken.

"If it were simply the selection of the fittest, then there would be no need for this senseless bloodshed. As long as the heroes can understand each other's patterns, it is easy to distinguish between high and low. Then the answer is self-evident. "

If only Wen Dou was okay, but not that. Some heroes are here to fight, for example, Skaha. There is also one purely for pleasure, and the local tycoon is shining gold. The pattern does not mean much to them, they will abide by it if they are interested, and they cannot be restrained if they are not interested.

Rider said and scooped a full scoop of wine and handed it to Saber.

Saber didn't mind taking a sip and saluting it back.

"So, are you going to try it with me?"

said Rider affirmatively, "Of course, since you and I are kings, naturally we can't avoid it." It can be said that now is not the Holy Grail War but the Holy Grail Q&A, who is more qualified to have the Holy Grail. Rider

said slowly: "This is the king's wine banquet, but no one has yet arrived." Before he finished speaking, the man came.

"Let's stop the mess!" the arrogant and arrogant tone revealed the identity of the person coming.

The last king has also arrived!

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