
!" At

some point, Gilgamesh and Su got together and became the melon-eating masses. Gilgamesh was even more excessive, laughing as he ate melons. Saber

: "What are you laughing at here again?" That's enough, in less than an hour, how many times have you laughed?

It's just that your distressed expression is very impressive. I like this expression very much. "Not only do I smile on my face, I laugh in my heart.

Saber was furious: "You fellow!" The holy sword was taken out and almost slashed at Gilgamesh.

Sue suddenly looked up at Weber, as if he had discovered something.

Not only Sue, but also Saber, Rider, Gilgamesh, and Skaha who were present all noticed the abnormality. Saber, who was about to swing his sword, suddenly stopped.

Why are you all looking at me?" At

this moment, Weber, the fool mass who had fallen to the ground, finally came online.


fact, everyone did not see Weber's embarrassed appearance, but coming!

A cloud of black gas rose from behind Webb, gradually condensing into a thin black human form, wearing a black night suit and the iconic skeleton mask on his face.


Aaaaa!!a Alice Phil also quickly trotted to Saber's side.

"Assassin?" Webb wondered.

Su was also quite puzzled, what did this assassin come to assassinate the royal lord? By the way, why didn't he attack Weber directly just now?

And the timing of Assassin's appearance is too strange, the four heroic spirits present, in addition to Gilgamesh, there are also three heroic spirits, and Su, the heroic-level royal lord, are not the objects that Assassin can handle.

What is the purpose of such a swaggering appearance, not to engage in assassinations, but to engage in frontal attacks?

Assassin:............... Do you think I'm willing to send people's heads?

I can't understand it, I can't understand it! For a time, black gas appeared one after another around the back

garden, and dozens of meters of assassins appeared in the garden, on the walls, and on the houses! In addition to the uniform night walking suit and skeleton mask, these dozens of assassins have very different body shapes, postures, and even genders.

Only Sue and Rider, Skaha, Gilgamesh were still sitting in place, not seeing the slightest worry. Those who eat melons eat melons, and those who drink drink alcohol. It's like not seeing Assassin.

Rider sipped his wine and asked, "Is this your arrangement too?

Gilgamesh didn't want to open his eyes anymore, as if suppressing his anger at being disturbed.

"I don't bother to do this kind of thing, Shichen this guy, do some dirty things."

Webb didn't know much about anything: "What is this doing, inexplicable, why do these assassins run out one after another?"

As if to answer Weber's question, Assassin actually explained.

"We are separated individuals, both groups and individual heroic followers. Both individual and group............. "

You can't fight if you don't talk, can you?

White-eyed Sue: ................ Webb

guessed: "They are heroes with multiple personalities, each of which separates out to have an entity?"

"Webb was so timid.

Rider comforted thoughtfully and said, "Hey, boy, don't be so flustered." Whether there is a tolerant heart that does not refuse to come is also an important criterion for measuring the king. Hearing

Rider's words, Webb calmed down, yes, I still have Rider here, don't be afraid!

Gilgamesh was dissatisfied: "Even this rabble guy do you want to invite to a wine banquet? The grade is too low. "Even the title has changed.

Rider replied boldly: "Of course, the king's words are spoken to everyone, and if others really listen, then why should there be any enemies and friends?"

These wines are with your blood!"

"Huh!" the four-sided ring sound effect rattle.

Apparently the Assassins didn't buy it at all and laughed at Rider's invitation.

As everyone knows, what Rider just said.

The rider said lightly: "So it is, I just said, these wines are with your blood." Rider got up.

"Since you have to abandon it, there is nothing you can do. In

an instant, the wind suddenly rose, and the rider instantly changed into his battle robe, and a powerful spiritual pressure swept the entire back garden, and Webb's head was almost unable to lift.

The overlord was terrifying (dog head saves life)! The

rider said loudly and angrily: "All of you here, this is my last question at this banquet. "

I ask, as a king, do you have to be lonely?"

Gilgamesh did not speak, but only hummed and laughed.

Sue and Skaha didn't speak either, because Sue knew that this was Rider's deliberate attempt to guide Saber, and the king was not going to be alone.

Rider is to let Saber know that Wang is not alone!

Saber said stubbornly: "Since it is the king........ In addition to the solitary height.......

Rider laughed: "Still no, Saber, you don't understand at all! For those of you who don't understand, I must let you know what the true way of kings is!"

In Rider's laughter, the wind howled! A blinding white light emanated from Rider, and white light gradually enveloped the entire venue!

"The wind.... Stopped...

.."Sue looked around, just still in Einzberen's back garden.

And now, the figures of everyone appeared in an endless desert! Even the sky was daytime

! Yellow sand was all over the sky! Golden sand grains scattered with the wind.

The desert is full of heat waves, as if burning with a roaring flame, visitors will feel the heat, instantly sweaty, hot all around, giving people the feeling of being in a sauna.

Webb's mouth grew, so shocked that he couldn't say clearly

: "What? This is it?" Su was speechless, what are you doing, Brother Weber, are your own heroic treasures clear

? Alice Phil was also shocked: "This is? inherent enchantment? How is this possible, it is actually the embodiment of the mental image landscape.............

" Su looked at this magnificent scenery and couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, this is the inherent enchantment!" Su was not too surprised, because Su also had an inherent enchantment, which was used to kill old insects, reincarnation dream

! "Hahaha!" Rider

laughed and said: "This is the land where I once galloped and fought!

Behold, my invincible army, my bloody warriors! An

innumerable army appeared in front of everyone, and the majestic momentum made the soul tremble. Only Saber's face turned pale and very uncomfortable.

"My bond with them is our greatest treasure, this is my royal way

!" "This is my strongest treasure, the king's military strength!" Su's

eyes widened, these soldiers, all of them are heroic spirits?

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