Weber's teeth were trembling, his voice couldn't stop trembling, and he said incredulously: "These people, actually....... Su

nodded: "Yes, it's really strong, it's really an enviable scene!" The

army of tens of thousands of heroic spirits is majestic and majestic, making people's blood boil. It's not hard to imagine how thrilling the spectacle of the conqueror and these warriors was on the battlefield.

I can't wait to be able to blend in with it and go into battle with him to kill the enemy! There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart that I want to follow. Weber now has this feeling, and he is sincere, and he wants to worship as a courtier and fight together in all directions.

Rider stood directly in front of the army, his red robe fluttering in the wind, smiling, happy to see his warriors, happy to fight together.

Behind the rider, a tall and muscular steed with a dark complexion came from the army and ran happily to the rider. Bow your head and rub the rider affectionately, and the rider also caresses the horse's head with his hand.

"Long time no see, old man!" laughed Rider.

The horse's name was Busifalas. As Alexander's favorite horse, it became a legendary famous horse and also had a feared man-eating horse side. The furious horse that no one could ride but him was said to have the whole world if he rode it.

The Black Horse Busifalas already exists as a heroic spirit. That is to say, this treasure is a heroic spirit, and the heroic spirit is a treasure tool.

Rider loudly declared: "The so-called king is the person who lives the most wonderfully, making anyone envious and want to become." "

Ranye! Ranye!" A group of heroic armies immediately shouted together, confidently responding to the king's announcement.

The heart-surging Su looked at Saber's appearance at this time and couldn't help but shake her head. Even if you are a knight king with high purity and integrity, you cannot compare to the rider at this time. This sight will shock Saber for a decade.

Rider is now teaching Saber himself.

The rider mounted his horse, raised his sword, and shouted: "The one who gathers the emotions and beliefs of all the warriors here, and leads everyone forward, is the real king."

"Therefore, Wang is not alone!"

"For its great ideal, which is the will of all subjects and nations, is the desire of all!"

Rider turned around on his horse and swung his sword.

"So, let's start fighting!"


the Assassin will complain, then it's all Tosaka's fault!

The army of the king of riders is embodied in a flat desert, and there is no cover in sight for ten miles around, and the assassin has no way to hide. The original numerical advantage of the Assassin is now gone in front of the Heroic Spirit Army.

"Warriors, charge!"


For a time, in the face of the army charge, the assassins were also panicked, and they couldn't help but be afraid, only to scatter in an instant, becoming a plate of scattered sand, and some assassins were already frozen in place and had given up the struggle.

Most of the Assassins run away with all their might, but where can they run? This is the inherent enchantment of the rider, the endless desert, and the galloping horse's foot power is naturally much faster than that of the assassin.

"Sue, I'm going to the event too. Skaha also changed into combat clothing, and a scarlet magic gun condensed in his hand, and his fighting intent had already reached the limit.

"Good. Sue nodded, Skaha's desire to fight had been suppressed for too long, just in time to take the assassin out of anger.

With Sue's promise, Skaha immediately turned into a red meteor and sped away at great speed, so that the soldiers along the way had to give way.

The battle went on very quickly, and the assassins were outnumbered, and even if they fled, they were quickly overtaken.

All kinds of heroic spirits hunted, spears, swords, and spears kept fighting, and the scene was a little out of control for a while, very chaotic.

Skaha also fought to his heart's content, the scarlet magic gun continued to shuttle through the crowd, and the gunskill that had reached the divine realm was unmatched, and he broke the Assassin one shot after another.

Skahah's beautiful figure firmly attracted Sue's attention, and Su's eyes shone and she didn't want to move away. In

a short time, the battle was over, Assassin was defeated

! Crushing victory! This time, Assassin really completely exited!


At this time, Sue's heart was a little nervous, as if what to do if she was discovered!

Skaha returned to Sue's side in a seductive posture and flicked her purple hair. Purple eyes stared at Su and said softly.

"Does it look

good?" "Looks good!"

"What looks good?" "


All good-looking, haha, all good-looking!" Su's forehead sweat came out.

"Oh, coward!" mocked Skaha with a slight smile on his lips. With Skaha's eyes, he could completely see Su Gang's appearance, and it was a pleasure to tease him.

The battle is set, victory has come. Rider immediately closed the King's army, after all, Weber is not Sue, and he has so much magic power to keep the treasure open.

In the blink of an eye, everyone was back in Einzbelen's back garden, Gilgamesh still drinking wine. As if nothing had just happened, it was like a dream bubble.

Rider drank another glass of wine and said slowly: "I guess everyone is already fine, then this is the end of tonight's drink." Farewell to all of you.

"Wait Rider, I haven't finished talking yet..." Saber still wanted to say something, Sue didn't understand, at this time, is there anything else

to say?" "You don't need to say any more, tonight is just a dinner party for the king's conversation, but now I don't recognize your royal way, Saber your dream should wake up." Otherwise, the honor of heroes will disappear. Your [king] is a curse.

"What do you mean?" Rider

ignored Saber, grabbed Webb, and drove the chariot away.

"Ignore him and follow the path you believe. Keep it up. Hahaha!," Gilgamesh interjected.

Immediately, the golden sparkle also left in a bling manner.

Sue was speechless, not understanding whether this Gilgamesh was mocking or doing, but at least said a word.

Never waver in the good faith in your heart!

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