The king's banquet is over.

However, Su's actions have not yet ended.

Tonight, the old account can be calculated together.

"Yan Ye, take Berserker, and I'll give you the coordinates and come near the church." "

Now?" Ma Tong Yanye was a little puzzled, his task tonight was not this, this was a temporary change task?"

It's now!"

"Okay, right away. "

That's right, Su decided to go to the Fuyuki City Church right now, temporarily up.

Su mission, now the timing is just right, a godsend.

Assassin just left tonight, because someone's bizarre operation directly sent people's heads, although Su vaguely guessed that it was Tosaka Shichen and his group in order to test the rider's treasure.

Assassin's exit, his royal lord Yan Feng Qili will most likely return to the church, even if he is not in the church accidentally, his father Yan Feng Lizheng, the overseer of this time, should be in the church, looking for him is the same, it doesn't matter who it is.

And Gilgamesh, judging from his personality, should go back to Tosaka's house to find Tosaka Shichen to ask why he disturbed his interest, and most likely will not appear with Yan Feng Qili.

The current situation is very accidental and extremely rare, and such a vacant time point has been found. Under various factors, Su immediately decided to visit the details of the church at night.

Don't go now, let alone when.

"Sue, why do you think about going to church at this time? The spiritualized Skaha asked, as if there really was no need.

But Sue has her own considerations.

"There are two reasons. One is to settle accounts with some of their previous festivals, and there is no need for those who break the rules to follow the rules for them. Second, I also want to explore to see if the ritual body of the Great Grail is in the church. Su explained slowly.

"Great Grail?" was the first time Skaha had heard the word.

"The Great Grail is the final result of the Holy Grail War in Dongmu City, it is hidden in the location of several important spiritual veins in Dongmu City, and the so-called universal wishing machine refers to this.

"So there's a little chalice?"

"That's right. We have actually seen the little Holy Grail.

"We've met? When did we meet? Skaha was puzzled, she had never seen anything like it except for the glittering glass.

"The little Grail is Alice Phil, the artificial human of the Einz Belen family that I saw tonight.

She's the little Holy Grail?" Skaha was a little surprised, she hadn't noticed that.

It's reasonable not to notice it, it's hard to notice this kind of thing, even if Skaha has the wisdom of high-level magic eyes and magic realms. Su is also the information found in the dirty records of Ma Tong Yan.

"The Little Grail is the premise for summoning the Great Grail, which was used to contain the Spirit Core before. "Having already withdrawn from the two heroic followers, Alice Phil's physical condition has just been a little abnormal.


appearance of the Little Grail is also the creation of the Einz Belen family, but it suffered a big loss in the previous Holy Grail wars.

The original small chalice was fixed in a certain location, but it was repeatedly destroyed at the most critical moments, making the achievement fail. Later, it was put into the artificial human body, which can move and change at any time, so as not to be passively beaten as before.

While talking, Sue and Skaha quickly arrived at the agreed place.

Shortly after the signal, Matong Yanye rushed here with Berserker to meet.

As soon as Tongyan Ye came, he couldn't wait to ask Su: "Su, do you want to do it now?"

Although it is not a direct attack on Tosaka Shichen, but for this kind of action to weaken the Tosaka family, Ma Tong Yanye is also happy to hear about it, as long as it can hit Tosaka Shichen, he is very happy.

Looking at the look of Tongyan Ye looking excited and eager to kill the Yuansaka family immediately, Su secretly sighed, it was really helpless, and the demon who was obsessed with it was deep. It's hard to imagine how miserable it must have been before the night.

"Yes, go right away and destroy the church first.

"But wouldn't that break the rules, and the church would definitely send someone over." "Ma Tong Yanye is still a little worried, the Church is a behemoth, and it is very troublesome to be targeted.

"Don't worry, I've already informed the Magic Association once about this, and they broke the rules first, and it's up to us. If the church dares to ask for trouble, I am not a vegetarian, and I will deal with as much as I come. Su said lightly, seemingly not taking the church seriously.

As said, the church is a big force, but so is the magic association, and it is not too much to do anything about it.

The church is still very interesting, day and night, the candles are constantly burning, the lights are bright, even if the remote church in Fuyuki City is still lit in the middle of the night.

Walking through the cemetery area and coming to the door of the church, the decoration outside the church looked very old, and Su secretly thought that there was no money to repair the church in this far saka hour.

In a short stay, Su and Tongyan had already been discovered.

"Lord of Casder, Lord of Berserker, please come in. "There was a voice from inside the church.

Su and Tongyan looked at each other at night, looked at each other, and immediately pushed open the door and entered the church boundary.

Skaha and Berserker kept them outside just in case. This church has been in the Holy Grail War for many years, in case there is a little counter-Ying Ling, or even a means of opposing Ying Ling, then won't it directly overturn?

Coming to the inside of the church, Su and Tong Yanye saw Yan Feng Lizheng standing on the middle prayer platform for the first time, and there was Yan Feng Qili who had just returned.

The two seemed to be praying, looking reverent.

Su couldn't help but scoff when she saw their appearance, and at this time she had to pretend to be a serious person.

If the uninformed people still think how conscientious they are, it's a pity that one is covered in dust, and the other shoes are slippers, obviously by Su's sudden arrival, panic coping.

"I wonder what happened when the two of you came so late?" asked Yan Fenglizheng seriously.

But the sweat on his forehead had betrayed him, and he was so nervous now, damn it!

"It's nothing, I heard that the church is very good, so I came to visit it." Su Man said nonchalantly. Saying that, he kept looking inside the church.

Yan Feng Lizheng: ............

"Enough, caster lord, what do you want to do?" Yan Feng Qili was quite impatient, so I didn't know where to find pleasure.

"I'm here to ask for an explanation, you are the Overseer summoning the Spirit to participate in the Holy Grail War, and you also have a cooperative relationship with Tosaka Shichen. Su directly released the biggest verbal attack accusation.

"Hey! You dare to say that. How can we, as overseers, break the rules? Yan Fenglizheng quipped.

"Do you have any proof?"

There really is very little substantial evidence.

It's really dirty, I can't say that I can play this set, where to learn the rogue means.

Su had reason to suspect that the two people in front of him were online every day.

But this is not a reason, the follow-up investigation must take too much time, at that time the Holy Grail War has long been over, what is the use.

"Can you think that your behavior is provoking the church? "Yan Fengli is trying to scare Su with the power of the church.

Looking at their appearance, you can tell that they are not good people, Sue has already checked with the magic eye and alchemy worm, there are no other heroic spirits near the church, and Gilgamesh is really not there.

Sue realized that time could not be delayed, and this was afraid that he had informed Tosaka of the hour, and Gilgamesh should come to support in a while.

"Hehe, it's useless to talk more, don't you just want to play scoundrels? You want to fight, right? Then give me a decent samurai duel." "

The conversation breaks down, do it directly, and if you can do it, you don't need to be admonished.

Su directly drew an enchanted sword, and a rune appeared in his hand. Seeing this, Ma Tongyan Ye retreated directly, and he was afraid that he would be the first to suffer if he was going to fight.

Yan Feng Qili, Yan Feng Lizheng: ............... No, we didn't say anything, you're going to fight.

Now I am very panicked, according to their news, I am afraid that I will not be able to win the frontal battle

! When will Archer arrive? Help!

Yan Feng Qili, Yan Feng Lizheng pulled out his black key in unison, staring at Su deadly.

The battle is inevitable!

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