Now, the goals of Yan Feng Qili and Yan Feng Lizheng are very clear.

That is to drag out time, it is best to solve it yourself, but I am afraid it will be difficult, and you need to wait for Gilgamesh's support.

How powerful can the words of the two royal lords be? Yan

Feng Qili and Yan Feng Lizheng are still confident in their strength, not to mention the top combat power of the Holy Church Church, but it is also quite good.

It's just that I don't know if Su's strength is too underestimated, or too overestimated himself.

Seeing that Tongyan retreated at night, the two didn't care, just less troublemaker.

Yan Feng Qili and Yan Feng Lizheng didn't put Tongyan Ye in their eyes anyway, and the little ants didn't have to care.

The two father and son decided to strike preemptively, attack him on both sides, and catch him off guard, so they don't believe that the two people can't suppress Su alone.

Su watched the two move in one left and one right, and her brows furrowed. Yan Feng Qili forget it, Yan Feng Lizheng, this old man can really fight with the same high intensity?

Soon, Su found that he thought too much.

The two were able to tacitly attack at the same time. Quickly came to both sides, all of them had three black keys in one hand, and rushed over together.

Two arcane missiles suddenly appeared in Su's hand, flying towards the two respectively.

I thought that this arcane missile could repel it, but I didn't expect that the black key in the hands of these two people was not an ordinary product, and it could break the demon!

Su backhanded a sword and slashed Yan Feng Lizheng's black key, suppressing it and having to defend it with both hands.

Su smiled slightly, and with the other hand aimed at Yan Fengqi, a rune mark appeared in front of him.

It's not good!!!

this is the Lune rune?!!

Yan Feng Qili was shocked in his heart, and the secret path was bad.

A flash of fire appeared in front of his eyes, and suddenly burst open!

Yan Fenglizheng exclaimed: "Qili!"

Yan Fengli saw that his son was blown up, and immediately became angry, blocked the slash and pulled out a hand, and the black key stabbed straight from below Su.

Gave up defense? Then you're gone.

Su immediately followed the trend and slashed with his sword. The blade slashed through the black key, vowing to take Yanfeng Lizheng here.

Immediately Sue regretted it.

This Yan Feng Lizheng actually used the black key attack as a pretense, but it was actually used to get close to Su.

At the cost of sacrificing an arm, he resisted Su's sword abruptly.

Get close, abandon the black sword, and change hands is a serious punch.

This punch is

unavoidable and hits Su's chest.

Su was careless, but he didn't expect that this ordinary old man had such courage and was willing to give up his life for a blow

! Ginger is still old and spicy

! Bang! Bang, Su was punched out and withdrew for a distance.

Isn't it the old people who are so raw now?

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Su's mouth, and he covered his chest with some pain.

Yan Feng Lizheng was even more alarmed, just now his punch, a normal person was directly killed, this caster's royal lord in addition to looking a little injured, it seems that there is no.

Yan Feng Lizheng did not lose Yan Feng Qili when he was young, he was proficient in Bajiquan, and I was a master of Bajiquan, but it was useless?

It is really useless to meet Su who does not talk about martial virtue.

The temporary increase in defensive spells offset most of the damage, but there were still some minor injuries, which shows the power of this Bajifist.

"Phew. Su Chang let out a breath.

Sorry, buddy backhand is a healing technique, how do you explain it?

Su then raised his finger lightly, and an identical rune appeared in the position just now, under Yan Feng Lizheng's feet.


"I........" Yan Fengli did not react, and was instantly engulfed in flames just like Yan Feng Qili.

Yan Feng Lizheng: You kid doesn't talk about martial virtue, sneak attack me, an old-timer!

The two were immediately scarred by the rune, and they were seriously injured in just one confrontation, and the father and son looked at each other, this is still worth it

? Su received the same damage as a punch, who said that the mage must be brittle?

Why the mage is perverted enough is that its ability is endless, as long as it is not biased, attack and defense are integrated, and it can easily deal with all changes.

A powerful mage is the seat of any force!

it is a little difficult to develop, and early mages are as useless as ordinary magicians. It is a pity that Su has directly skipped the development period and entered the complete body period.

The father and son suddenly changed tactics, and if it continued like this, both of them would fall.

Yan Feng Qili took the lead in attacking, holding the black key in front of his hands, and quickly attacked.

Swoosh - the first attack is not a word of speech.

Instead, Yan Feng Lizheng, he held the black key behind him, used the black key as a dark weapon, and threw the black key out with the momentum of the Bajiquan boxing.

The attack was swift, and Su didn't have time to think about it, threw a sword, turned around and soared into the air, directly skimming over Yan Fengqi.

The enchanted sword also exploded, but I didn't expect it, and the explosion runes were all engraved into the weapon.

Yan Fengli was so close that his eyes were about to fall out, you tm flying? You are a magician? You are high! You are amazing

! Su Shen's eyes exude a devouring cold aura, a coolness crossed under his eyes, and the killing intent was up! Picked up an enchanted spear in his hand, and the magic suddenly burst out.

Yan Fenglizheng's eyes shrank suddenly, oh

, it's over! "Pierce the spear of death!" If

Yan Fenglizheng can speak, then he must curse, you have this trick you said earlier, and you also hit the hair, the gun skills of the god generation have let you use it.

Unfortunately, Yan Fenglizheng had no chance to speak.

The red magic beam instantly penetrated his heart

! Plop!

Overseer Yan Fengli is dead! Died unjustly, using Skaha's ability is the best respect for him.

"It's pretty good, ha. Sue flicked the spear.

This piercing thorn gun actually does not have the ability of Skaha, this thing is not so easy to learn, where can you learn it in a few days. It's just a move to imitate a gun, as long as it is enough, the appearance is enough to erase the average person.

Yan Feng Qili on the side squatted on the ground, blood dripping. Seeing his father's death, he had no expression on his face, as if it was not his father who died and a stranger.

Sue seemed to know a little about why Gilgamesh was interested in him, which was really bad fun.

Seeing this, Su held a gun and was ready to give Yan Feng Qili such a blow.

Saw. Yan Feng Qili took two steps forward, holding something in his arms.

Su was wary, it seemed that Yan Feng Qili was going to come up with the last resort, a desperate fight, and the outbreak of a desperate situation made Su have to take it seriously.

Bang! Suddenly smoke was everywhere.

Su: ????? what kind of trick is this?

Great escape technique

! Yan Feng Qili: I'm sick, I can't fight and don't run, goodbye!

Su was so angry that his face turned blue, his grandmother's, it turned out to be a smoke bomb! Used to escape, Yan Feng Qili took the opportunity to run to the basement, and when Su reacted and caught up, Yan Feng Qili ran from the secret passage.

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