don't pass it on to him, this is a magic trick in the whole magic world. Su Yizheng said, Su did not lie, things must be good things, but it is a little difficult to learn, and it takes a lot of time to practice.

"This spell is called Earth Forgiveness. Listening to the name, you can tell that it has to do with the land, it does not have any offensive properties, but the defensive attributes are ridiculously high, as long as you are skilled enough. As

soon as he heard it, he understood that the pure protective spell was used to protect Sakura. Proper tool man's divine skill.

Su continued: "The effect is simple, the earth forgiveness will link you to the earth under your feet, and the damage you receive will be transferred to the earth, this effect is related to the scope of your magic expansion, and how much land can be associated with how much protection it will provide you.

"The disadvantage is also obvious, the magic link is broken or the basic spell of the super area destruction weapon is about to fail. "I have to say that as long as the magic power is enough and the proficiency is high enough, you can basically be invincible, unable to be injured, and the ability to be very perverted.

"It's so good, why don't you experiment with it yourself and see how it works." Skaha on the side suddenly interrupted and said.

"Okay, try it, try it, but don't use treasures, otherwise, you will really try and die!" Su

did not panic in the slightest, obviously having great confidence in this spell. Of course, this is one of Su's strongest means of saving life, otherwise it might have gone to such a height.

When Skaha heard Sue say this, he was also interested, originally it was just a joke, and now Skaha also wants to see it.

Immediately, Skaha conjured up his magic gun, the magic power was sent out, and the whole body state was directly full! Just say that there is no need for treasures, ordinary all-out shots should be no problem, after all, their own royal lord is so confident.

Skaha said in a cold voice, "Is that okay? I'm going to strike, Sue." "

Wait, let me brew it!" said Sue hurriedly.


if he hadn't heard Sue's words, the magic gun in his hand turned, and the whole figure instantly disappeared in place.

The gunart that has reached the divine realm, the gun is back to the basics. Coupled with Skahah's own strong physical fitness, even a simple blow is extremely powerful

! Boom! The magic gun set off an instant of explosive fire!

Collect the gun and hit it with one hit.

"How could this be?!!" Tong Yanye's eyes were about to fall out, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

I saw that where he was slammed by Skahá, Sue almost stood in place and did not move, there was no trace of injury at all!

Su's state at this time was a bit like the arrival of a saint, and his body was full of faint golden light particles.

In fact, the golden light on the surface comes from underground, and it is not difficult to find that the magic power is flowing rapidly from top to bottom, and the golden light also flows into the ground, and Su's whole person seems to be integrated with the land with small feet.

However, Su's expression was not so happy.

"Su, how is it, how is the effect?" Ma Tong Yanye hurriedly came to ask, the effect of this spell was in his eyes, Ma Tong Yan Ye was a little hungry, fortunately he wanted to teach it to himself.

"I'm afraid it's not ideal, right?" said Skahá, who saw some shortcomings.

"What's wrong? isn't that good? didn't it work?" said Ma Tong Yan Ye, so he couldn't see a reason with his magic level.

"It's a little bit unideal, success is success, you look over there. Su pointed outside the martial arts arena.

Skaha and Ma Tong Yanye looked in the direction of Su's finger, and then saw an amazing, even terrifying scene!

I saw that several big trees outside the martial arts arena inexplicably changed, and a green tree quickly withered, withered yellow and decayed, gradually decayed and decomposed, and finally only a few bunches of stump remained.

"The situation is such that although the damage is successfully transferred and offset by other life forces, it is not satisfactory.

Su said of the shortcomings: "One is that the transformation efficiency should not be so low, according to my judgment, at most decay will not die." The second is that the mana consumption is somewhat serious. My words can probably neutralize a treasure attack at once, but it is not very successful.

"Well, this spell is a bit awkward, but it's not bad. Skaha also marveled. It is worthy of the caster rank, you can see the problem at a glance, the operation rules of this spell Su have not changed thoroughly enough to adapt to this world, and it cannot function normally, and it is very good to be able to use it.

Tongyan night can not care too much, see that it can be used: "Success is enough, at least a little life-saving ability." "Ma Tong Yanye is very excited, he has been a magician for so long, he has not learned a decent technique.

Being able to block the treasure tool, Tongyan was excited to think about it at night.

Su didn't want to hit Tongyan Ye, but still told him: "I'm afraid to disappoint you, just because I can do it doesn't mean you can do it too." If you are okay, block ordinary attacks, if you are like me, an arcane missile can take your life. "

Huh?" Ma Tong Yanye was dumbfounded, but he was not discouraged, at least it could still be used, he really didn't pick.

"Forget it, I'd better give you some simple spells. Sue said to Tongyanye and Sakura, giving them something practical again.

Su used spell wisdom to transmit directly into their minds, saving the effort of memory. Earth forgiveness, rock magic, flying sand magic, magic shield and other basic and practical spells, to be honest, these things are really family-level spells in this world.

"That..." Ma Tongyan stopped talking at night, a little embarrassed.

Su looked a little strange and asked, "What's wrong? Ma

Tongyan Ye asked embarrassedly: "Can you teach me the magic trick you were in the church yesterday?"

Do you know what you're talking about? Are you embarrassed to say it? It's a bit of an inch.

"No, don't even think about it, you can't learn, at least you have to sacrifice the throne." "Decisive refusal.

"That's how it is. "

So, brother, can I learn?" said Sakura timidly.

"Yes. "The promise was very crisp.

Night of the Wild Goose: .......... Don't you really have to avoid me? Then I can't go?

Ma Tongyan Ye really left.

The specific reason Su didn't want to explain, so let him go. Well, it's Sakura who is the most important!

But, finally, finally.

Sakura guessed anyway.

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