After teaching the spell, Sue, who was about to go to Kenneth, heard Sakura's words behind him.


Brother, are you going to send Sakura and Uncle Yanye away?" said Sakura's voice low and a little choked.

Her eyes were filled with mist, and she looked like she was in tears, as if to say that I will cry to you right away.

"Brother, doesn't you want Sakura?" tears slipped down the corners of his eyes.

Sue really had a headache in the face of this situation, he really couldn't cope with the child, but he didn't expect Sakura to be so insecure, Su also told the truth, and didn't want to cheat Sakura.

Su patiently explained to Sakura, "How so? It's just that you guys leave Fuyuki City for a while and come back when it's safe in a few days."

After coaxing Sakura, Sue came to Kenneth's small workshop.

Before Sue could speak, Kenneth took the lead.

"I decided to leave Fuyuki City today and go back to the Clock Tower, you can arrange it."

"Okay, I'll let Ma Tongyan Ye arrange it for you." Sue didn't ask why.

Because Sue knew that since Kenneth had already said and had a request, it must have been decided. It's just that Sue is waiting for Kenneth's response and the agreement is complete before letting you go. Otherwise, what if Kenneth returns to the clock tower and finds that he is pitted and does not give things.

Kenneth fixed his eyes on Sue's appearance and knew he was still waiting for him to say something.

Kenneth gritted his teeth secretly, why is this person so difficult, it is really infuriating if he doesn't get things and doesn't let go at all, but Kenneth still can't take Sue at all, after all, there is a life-saving grace and an agreement, Kenneth can't pull it off.

Kenneth said: "I have sorted out all the things you want, whether it is the principle and manufacturing process or the finished product, I will give it to you later."

"How can it, no hurry, no hurry. Su looked kind and said cheerfully.

I see that you are very anxious, with a hypocritical fake smile, disgusting!

Who knows if you won't be able to walk out of Fuyuki City intact?

Kenneth can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach now.

Suddenly, Kenneth thought of seeing Sue's technique this morning, the effect is not good but it is better to use, there must be a lot of private goods, and no matter where these things come, which makes Kenneth quite excited.

"Well, can you give me those magic tricks in the morning? Kenneth looked arrogant, and he looked like I didn't really want either.

Sue was also speechless, although these spells were not very precious, but they had just blackmailed Kenneth, and now it was not good to ask for a price.

"Those magic tricks, you can trade with my teacher, my teacher also has it, of course, as long as you can give me chips that make my heart move, some things are not impossible to trade for you." "

The deal failed, so leave it at that.

Kenneth is very excited, but unfortunately now he can't take out any high-value things, and he can still come up with some precious items with his own power.


After getting the things, Sue immediately sent Kenneth out of Fuyuki City without hesitation.

Before leaving, Kenneth also said cruel words.

"Hmph, don't let me catch you kid in the future, otherwise there will be good fruit for you to eat!"

Su is very speechless, can you still let you catch it?

Kenneth is gone, anyway, a few people from the Tong family will also move away, saving Su trouble.

In fact, Su was a little anxious, and Su also understood that acting hastily would be ill-prepared.

But there is no way, now the situation in the Holy Grail War is already very tense, and it may enter the final battle at any time, and unrelated personnel will definitely become a stumbling block for Su, so hurry up and deal with it so as not to have worries.

Su's feeling has always been quite accurate, Su's heart is becoming more and more impatient, vaguely feeling that something big or abnormal situation is about to happen, and a very dangerous and uneasy atmosphere is spreading in Fuyuki City.

The mountain rain is about to come!


In the afternoon, Su left for Liudong Temple.

"The environment is so nice, I would love to stay here all the time. Su couldn't help but sigh.

"The scenery is really beautiful. The spiritized Skaha replied, after all, there is almost no such scenery in the country of shadows.

It is worthy of being the most scenic spot in Fuyuki City, Yuanzang Mountain.

The nearby mountains and forests are different from the distant landscape, appearing clear and clear, with clear contours. The forest is as green as emerald, the valley is like green velvet, the river is like flowing condensation, and the humid air also gives people a crystal feeling.

Trees of different sizes grow densely on the left and right of the front, back, and back. Some trees have bright red leaves dotted with branches, like a blooming rose, like a fluttering red butterfly; Like a brilliant cloud.

Winding up along the mountain road and entering the depths of the dense forest, there is an artistic conception in the ancient poem "the quieter the cicada noise forest, the more secluded the birdsong mountain".

When Su came to the mountain road, he saw a monk dressed in temple clothes descending the mountain, and Su nodded in friendship.

I don't know if Su's nod won the favor of this monk.

The monk walked up to Su and stopped.

"This little brother is a tourist from out of town, right?" the monk asked.

Su was not surprised how he saw it, after all, the region is different, and people with hearts can see it at a glance.

"Ah yes, this eldest brother seems to be a monk from Liudong Monastery, is there anything worth seeing about Yuanzang Mountain or the temple?"

I didn't expect that there was really some news.

"This little brother, it's really a bit unfortunate that you came, today our host of Liudong Temple just announced, temporary holiday, let us all go home, although I don't know why, but the holiday is very good." "The monk uncle is very happy, there is no worker who does not want to take a holiday! (The temple, most of it is like this, refer to the country)

" Little brother, if you go to the temple now, I am afraid that you will not see anything, you can only look outside the main hall." The monk uncle kindly persuaded.

"Big brother, it's okay, I'll just take a look." Su said with a smile.

After the monk left, Su looked at this winding mountain road and couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

"Sue, it seems that there is something interesting next. Skaha said.

"That's right, huh. "

Hehe, that's not it, it's really a coincidence, Su also made preparations, originally asked the abbot of the temple directly to inquire about the terrain of Yuanzang Mountain.

No holiday early, no holiday in the evening, but these days are on holiday, and it is unbelievable to say that there is no ghost Su.

This Willow Cave Temple was first climbed. It seems that someone also has plans to occupy the Willow Cave Temple as a stronghold, and the spiritual vein position is excellent.

Su was also a little curious, who was it?

Saying that, Sue hid with Skaha and quietly touched the mountain to find out.

........... (PS: off-topic)

Summary of the first stage of the questions.

Originally, I didn't want to write this, but I saw that there were indeed many questions that were not clearly explained, so it was necessary for me to explain them uniformly.

First, about Skahah: the panels are given, to be honest, it is already clear, the panel that is obviously used is actually the gun order or kill order at the beginning. The caster rank is just a position, there is no need to distinguish it so clearly, the master craftsman of the art rank is not easy to write, if you accidentally make a big boss out, the Holy Grail War cannot be written.

Second, the same humanistic setting will definitely be different from the original, otherwise why not write it directly according to the original work? So don't worry about the setting.

Third, about the protagonist Sue: The first chapter is called Anilus, itself is another character (non-protagonist) created by me, the difference between spells and magic is a little big, and the specific data of the ability cannot be written, and it must be impossible to write it all. So I rarely show Su's abilities, and even limit them everywhere, because I don't really want to write pure and cool texts, invincible all the way to explosions.

Fourth, about the heroine, I don't know, it should be called no heroine, the heroine who is not the heroine is Skaha, and there is not much plot space in the follow-up, so it can be said that there is no heroine. The first chapter makes it clear that Sue will definitely return to the original world, and the emotional drama looks like a scumbag, try to avoid it.

Dear brothers, it is best to write any problems at the end of the chapter, I can also correct the mistakes, thank you for pointing out the shortcomings!

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