For the first time, Su chose to open the mage's Eye of Truth to check it

, and using the technique of the Matong family, Su quickly analyzed the Holy Grail ceremony in front of him.

This inspection gave Su a cold sweat. Sue thought that it was simply not too easy for analyzing magic.

However, the truth was beyond Sue's expectations, Su was a little bigger, this running Holy Grail ceremony unimaginable analysis and probing, the

overall structure is simply perfect, completely called there is no loophole to find, Su now has a feeling of forcibly gnawing hard bones, a little knocking teeth.

After groping for a long time, Su really couldn't start, a little desperate.

After all, it is supervised by Gem Weng, where can you find bugs so quickly.

"Sue, are you okay?" Skaha watched Su Jing standing there quietly in the distance, as if in a daze.

"Oooh, right away, wait for me for a while!" Su quickly replied, because he saw that Eimiya Kiriji also looked over with slightly skeptical eyes.

Suddenly, I saw Su's hand beeping, a burst of colorful electric sparks flashed, looking at the high-end atmosphere on the grade, in fact, Mao is useless.

Su's brain was about to dry and smoke, and the progress was just opened, and he only touched the surface technique.

"You, it won't be that there is nothing to do, will you?" Eimiya Kiriji asked silently at this time.

"Hmm..." "

Is there a possibility, I have a solution, but it is very slow to solve." Su is a little hard-mouthed, just praised Haikou, it will definitely be solved, but now it will not work in a blink of an eye.

Su didn't believe that combined with his level of alchemy machinery, he couldn't solve a small holy grail?

Su immediately busied himself with work again, and there was another burst of electric flint.


"Well, I'll admit, I'm a little helpless for the time being." Sue directly threw in the towel.

"So, still no actual evidence?" Eimiya Kiriji asked again, his tone a little lucky.

He hoped that it was true, and he did not want this Holy Grail to really fail to fulfill any wishes.

How could Su compromise on this, and in the end Su could only come up with a stunt.

"Don't worry, I have another way."

"What method to use quickly, we have delayed here for too long." Eimiya Kiriji was quite dissatisfied. He planned in his heart, whether to go out to find an opportunity, he would make a black hand and directly sneak attack him!

"My last resort is to force the demolition."

Su's words were amazing, which scared both Weigong Kiriji and Saber.

Eimiya Kiriji: "............."

Forcibly demolished the Holy Grail? Are you serious?

"What you're saying is that you dealt with Gilgamesh's move that day, and now you're going to use it to penetrate the Holy Grail?" Skaha is a little suspicious, are you sure that this oblivion property does not directly destroy the contents of the Holy Grail?

Su explained: "Yes, it is to use the light of the end of all things to forcibly open a gap to come out, but only with a small light cannon. "The disintegration ray of all things, do you understand the gold content of the apex of the earth spell?

"So, you'd better stay away, the contents are very likely to be very dangerous." Sue warned everyone.

After a few people walked away, Su began to gather magic power, and a small white ball gradually appeared in the center of his palm, and the magic in it made Weigong Kiriji stunned, a little exaggerated.

I saw Su slowly sending the ball over, and the white ball slowly expanded and emitted a dazzling light under Su's control, and the magic power was also released.

When the small ball of light came into contact with it, a shrill sound gradually became louder.

Something seemed to be forcibly torn apart at the white light contact, and the space was looming with cracks.

Su was overjoyed, it seemed to be very successful, and he successfully opened the gap.

Su immediately increased his magic power and shoved the small ball of light inside, wanting it to break through the crack and completely open a hole.

As soon as he sent the small ball of light into it, Su felt that the hand felt a little wrong, and the resistance became extremely large, and it was difficult to penetrate, as if the contents were about to gush out.

Su immediately stopped, suddenly feeling bad, and a dangerous aura flowed out.

Guesses are accurate, but there are dangers without rewards!

Suddenly, a black qi gushed out from the crack, and the black mist was thick and fast like a liquid, and the breath was even more strange.

Different from the black qi on Lancelot's body, Lancelot is a pure furious curse, but the black qi here is full of strange and ominous aura, just touching the black qi Su felt a burning sensation, and it was a pain that eroded the soul!

"Not good!"

Su only felt bad, his heart pounded, and he immediately abandoned here, instantly adding a protective speed to himself and retreating.

Boom! The fissure suddenly exploded, and a pool of black sludge with strange magic gushed out.

Although the crack is small, you can't hold the amount inside! At the physical level, the fluid pressure was directly full, the sputtering speed exploded, and the black sludge directly and quickly drowned Su's figure.

“!!" Eimiya Kiriji was glad that he was far away.

"Sue!" Skaha wants to step forward to help Sue.

A flash of fire appeared from the middle, temporarily dispersing the black mud, revealing Su's figure.

"Don't come here!" Sue yelled loudly to stop Skaha from coming to the rescue.

Skaha also seemed to understand some reasons, and immediately used the Lune rune, the flame rune, to help Su resist the gushing black mud from a distance.

Sue's stop was right, if Skaha rushed forward unguarded, he was likely to be eroded by these black mud.

Su's guess is not wrong at all, the contents of the Holy Grail, that is, these black mud have the effect of polluting the heroic spirit, or specifically restraining the heroic spirit. The moment Su made contact, he felt the erosion of his soul and inexplicable pollution, which was still protected.

The pollution of black mud (evil in this world) is fatal to Yingling, and I am afraid that some aliens such as Golden Flash can not be polluted by the evil thoughts in it. (Even I suspect that the golden flash can pollute it in turn, pure guessing)

Finally, it was difficult to stop for a moment, and without waiting for Su to explain, the crack erupted into a burst of black mud again.

Looking at this situation, Su immediately decided that this must be repaired quickly, otherwise something big will happen sooner or later.

Immediately, Su observed that the black mud did not damage the terrain, but only burned.

The golden light of the earth's forgiveness covered Sue's whole body, and Sue began to mobilize his magic with all his strength.

"Earth Coffin!" Su gently squeezed his palm forward.

The surrounding land immediately surged and converged, forming a huge wall of rocky soil that tightly wrapped the cracks.

With the formation of the earth coffin, the black mud gradually stopped gushing out and stopped.

Call! Sue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Nailed it! This Holy Grail pollution is really exaggerated! The scene just now made Su a little afraid, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"What's going on? What the hell is that black mud? Eimiya Kiriji was anxious, desperate to know the answer. As long as the eyes are not blind, you can know how weird these black muds are.

"This is not the place to talk, go out first and talk later."

Su was a little tired, and the continuous use of hole cards made Su a little uneasy, and now was not the time to talk about it.

When leaving, Su's eyes glanced, and the black mud had not disappeared, and most of the gushing was burning.

Su Xinji moved, using his own exclusive means, wrapped a little black mud, and collected it.

Kiriji Emiya:? What's moving? This is also going to be?

Su Cai didn't care about the surprised eyes of others, and quickly collected it, this thing may still have some effect.

The group quickly left the Great Void.

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