Su and his party returned to the Liudong Temple with mixed feelings.

Su quickly drank a sip of water, suppressed the shock, and calmed the injured heart.

After returning, Saber and Eimiya Kiriji were obviously silent for a long time, and their hearts were heavy, only Sue and Skaha were still calm and calm.

"Come, drink saliva, why doesn't everyone drink saliva?"

Everyone is obviously not....... Want to drink.

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned!"


Kiriji Emiya: ..................

Is it time to drink water? You're saying that you... This?

"Get serious!" Skaha said.

"Well, I'm just enlivening the atmosphere, you see him start to be silent when he comes back." Sue said I was still a serious person. At least I don't keep a diary, right? Dirty.

Tinker: ........ Ah, yes, yes, yes! I'm not serious.

Eimiya Kiriji finally opened his mouth to ask the question in his heart, although he basically already knew the answer.

"So it's true, right? The Grail is contaminated and my wishes are not saved? He wanted to know the answer from other people, and he didn't want to admit it himself. Saber felt the same way, only to feel fooled.

"Yes, the Holy Grail is what you see, there is no salvation." Su was a little surprised, the facts have just been put in front of your eyes, this still has to be asked?

Those polluted black mud, as long as the eyes are still alive, can see the strangeness and ominousness in it. This ominous can't be the product of some red-haired old monster or black-haired old monster.

Black mud must be part of the Holy Grail, and you can imagine what the hell Fuyuki City's Holy Grail is now.

"Can you tell me what black mud is? Why is this happening? You must know, otherwise you wouldn't have come straight to you. "Eimiya Kiriji wants to be an understanding person, how can the good gracrail be gone?

This question Saber also wants to know, my country, when can I save you?

"This has to be your Einz Belen's cauldron!" Su Yi said indignantly.

"What do you mean?!"

Kiriji Emiya: ?!! Einz Belen's big black cauldron? As a son-in-law, don't I still have to bear the pot for Einzberren?

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry." Su abruptly interrupted Wei Gong Kiriji to speak.

"This is a long story, and the reason is this.....," Su said shortly, picking up important parts and briefly explaining the reason for the Grail aberration to Eimiya Kiriji and Saber.

"So it is!" After listening to the reason for the explanation, Emiya Kiriji was completely silent at this time.

Silence heh, silence he, do not erupt in silence, perish in silence! He now wants to vent his anger on the Einz Belen family.

Eimiya Kiriji felt that he was also deceived, a little strained, and called Einz Belen's dang! Call the police station, someone is engaged in a magic scam! You don't care?

If it weren't for the fulfillment of his wish, he wouldn't have gone to Einz Belen as a son-in-law, and I, Eimiya Kiriji, would never have become a son-in-law because Alice Phil was good-looking, okay.

Now Eimiya Kiriji wants to scold: Blanch! (One question, did the Einz Belen family know that the Holy Grail was contaminated?) After all, Angolan Newman was summoned by them in violation of the law.

Saber was the first to ask, "In that case, is there any point in us fighting for the Holy Grail?"

"It can't be said that some people don't come to the Grail to make a wish, or even to have fun." Sue's voice was not hurried, and the speed of speech was just right.

Eimiya Kiriji said in a hoarse voice: "So we have to destroy the Holy Grail, and you should have come here for this purpose."

Su nodded, did not fully reply to the question, Eimiya Kiriji was part of the right, but there were still things he didn't know, Su never pinned his hopes on the Grail, all Su wanted was the vast and boundless magic in the Grail.

Regardless of whether this magic is contaminated or not, as long as it is magic and can still be used, it has value for Sue. Because Su found that this vicious wish power also met the standards of use.

"So what can you do without? Can we destroy the Grail now? Its ritual is right under you, just like you just did, and directly destroy it. Wei Gong Kiri's voice slowly rose, and he could see that he was very angry in his heart.

It's just a pity that it's not that simple.

Su shook his head and carefully explained the words: "According to the detection I just made, not to mention that I can't completely destroy it, the scale and place of its connection already don't allow us to destroy it directly." Instead, it will make it erupt. "

The only way to do this is to take the normal path, end the Holy Grail War quickly, and finally destroy the key nodes at the summon, and there is another point, I am afraid that only Saber's treasure is the most reasonable."

Su is telling the truth, except for Gilgamesh, only Saber's Sword of Oath Victory can completely restrain the vicious black mud, and the Sword of Oath Victory is the Holy Sword of the Star, and its attributes can defeat the black mud of the evil attribute.

You can't expect Gilgamesh to be kind, can you? It's not the [Sage King].

"Since the goals are the same, let's form an alliance!" Sue suggested. After knowing Eimiya Kirito's wishes, Su had this idea.

Bai has a top combat power, and is stable from success! Su boasted in her heart, it was really amazing, it was worthy of me!

In terms of combat strength, Su has always felt that it is not enough, no matter how he thinks about combat power, he does not have much confidence. For the enemy must be Gilgamesh, and in the face of this young arrogant heroic king and endless king's treasure, God knows how chaotic it will be.

Su is sure that Gilgamesh will not open the all-knowing and all-powerful star, so there are few opportunities to gather all the heroic spirits to kill Gilgamesh first, and the treasures are beaten, and Su does not believe that Gilgamesh can still react.

What the? Why not call Rider, you ask? Isn't there a collaboration with Weber?

Since the incident between Kenneth and King's Wine Banquet, Sue can be sure that the previous cooperation has long since counted. Like Gilgamesh, the Grail Pollution is not the object of his return.

To some extent, black mud can also fulfill the desire of the conquering king to obtain a body, so why not?

And Weber and the Great Emperor are a group, and at a glance, the Great Emperor is the dominant position, and Weber is not reliable.

Su and Eimiya Kiriji have reached an agreement to cooperate to destroy the Holy Grail, and now it is time to lead Gilgamesh out of the battle!

Seeing that the cooperation was achieved, Saber once again said her request: "Since the Holy Grail cannot fulfill the wish, then I have one more thing." "

What's going on?"

"I want to meet Berserker, Berserker is Lancelot, right?" Lancelot released the treasure last night, as an old comrade-in-arms and an old acquaintance, how can he be familiar?

Saber immediately approached Eimiya Kiriji to explain his intentions, and then was rightfully dismissed.

Su also said a little playfully: "Hehe, isn't this a coincidence?" Lancelot, he wants to find you too. "It's a coincidence, Lancelot wants to go crazy!

"No problem, I'll contact you later."

Seeing that the matter was done, the things that should be dealt with were also dealt with, and the things that should have been known were also known, Su decided to quit first!

When Su was leaving, he suddenly thought that since he had taken a wave of Weigong Cut's wool, he could also take a wave of Weber's wool by the way.

Although they can't cooperate, they have poor information, take advantage of the kindness of Weber boys, and pull riders to lead Gilgamesh out, anyway, sooner or later they will have a fight, first fight and then fight, it will be beneficial to me.

Sue roughly deduces that the rider can't beat Archer, but first consumes a wave of Gilgamesh's strength, and then beats and picks up leaks, and the success is complete.

The plan can be completed smoothly, it is very nice! Sue gave herself a thumbs up in her heart!

Just do what you say, there is still some time, action!

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