"Speaking of business, there is important information to share with you." Sue immediately began his flickering performance.

Webb and Rider looked at each other after hearing this, and their attention immediately shifted to Sue, wanting to hear what information he needed to share with them.

I saw Su pull his throat and straighten up.

Whew—ah—Sue pondered.

"Listen, I'll really just say it again." Not long ago, he explained it to Wei Gong Kiriji, and now he has to explain it again, and before the words can be spoken, Su is already dry mouthed.

"It's a long story, and here's why..." Sue repeated the words explaining the reason even longer, this time picking up the most important part to briefly explain to Webb and Riderr the reason for the Grail's mutation.

Su felt tired, and the same words had to be said twice, no matter how simple it was, it was still very difficult to speak.

"So, how on earth did you manage to explain a punctuation mark without falling, a little admirable." Ska asked silently.

But Sue speaks faster, so.

"Can you say that again, I didn't hear it very clearly." Webb was a little embarrassed, but he really didn't hear it.

Sue:......... (눈_눈) What about my red-eye effect?! Plus!

Good, good, good boy, if I didn't want you to do something, I wouldn't talk so much nonsense with you.

In desperation, Su had to say it again.

This time Weber heard it clearly, but he was a little confused, just like Eimiya Kiriji, a little unbelievable. But fortunately, Webb actually has no desire to rely on the Holy Grail.

"If the Grail is contaminated, that means you can't actually make a wish?"

When Webb thought of this, he suddenly realized whether Kenneth had also been fooled. Hehe, it seems that my Weber's vision is better, and I have never counted on the Holy Grail.

Webb: ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~ Or am I smarter!

"So, you kid just said that the Grail is contaminated, and didn't say that it can't fulfill wishes, right?" Rider gets to the point.

Webb said in surprise: "What? Can you still grant wishes if you are contaminated? Surely it's not that simple, right? Otherwise, Su couldn't have come for a special trip. "

Good assist! Sue wants to give Webb a thumbs up, and convince Rider that the task depends on you Weber!

Su followed the trend, nodded and said: "Well, the rider is right about this, I didn't explain that the Holy Grail can still fulfill wishes."

Webb was a little surprised, can he really do it?

"When Webb was not wrong, the wish of the Holy Grail will now be fulfilled in a vicious direction, so this is the same as not fulfilling the wish, it has long lost its normal function."

"For example, rider, your wish is to obtain a body to exist in this world, right, according to my personal experience, it will only pollute your heroic spirit, it is right to fulfill your wish, but it will also completely annihilate your spiritual core, but it will not be good to say who is in control of your body at that time."

"That is, my personality will be replaced?" Rider pondered the question.

"That's right, is this way to grant wishes what the King of Conquer wants? It will fulfill all wishes in a very twisted way. Sue explained again.

What is not finished is that some special people may not be affected, and Su is afraid that the rider will gamble on this possibility, which is very unfavorable to Su's plan.

Seeing that the two of them were thinking, hesitating, weighing the pros and cons, afraid that their heads would be hot, Su decided to put down some ruthless material and directly give them evidence, the evidence was in front of them, this would always be believed.

Immediately, Su Jiu took out his big treasure and collected the preserved black mud from the big void.

"This is?" Webb questioned when he saw something black.

"No, this is the embodiment of the magic of the Holy Grail, show you how to feel, see if I am talking nonsense." Sue handed Webb the device containing the black mud.

"However, be careful, this thing is very dangerous, especially Ying Ling, it is best not to get it stained." Sue reminded.

Then Sue a little regretted saying this, which was extremely intriguing and curious, and she was afraid that the rider would touch it. Then the trouble is big, he really, I cry to death!

People are like this, the more they are not allowed to do things, the more warning things, the more curious, the more cheap they want to try how it is, and finally regret it, ah, it turns out that what he said is true, he didn't lie to me.

Fortunately, Rider is still a mature and stable great king, and he didn't really open it to try.

Taking Su's container, as soon as he started, Weber felt a chill that rushed straight to the bone marrow, even if there was a container block, the ominous and cold strangeness of the black mud was still soul-shaking.

Frightened Webb, he almost dropped the container to the ground, but fortunately Rider was quick and caught the container.

Otherwise, it breaks.

It will not cause any impact, where is it so easy to break, Su's manufacturing technology is also a master, the old line belongs to yes, not so fragile.

Su's most basic rule is that it must be hard enough!

Faster, higher, stronger!

Whether it is items or weapons, the quality must be of a high standard. Perfectionists leave no blemishes!

"What the hell is this? So weird! Webb asked with a trembling voice.

Rider took the container to know why Webb had such a big reaction, and as a heroic Rider, his perception was sharper, and he could also feel the strange power contained in it.

Rider looked solemn, put away his joking attitude, and looked at the black mud in the container in his hand, and his mood became not very wonderful.

"Is this the contents of the Holy Grail? So strong curse and malice, I began to believe what you said. This kind of soul-polluting thing, no wonder you just told me not to open it. A small amount is fine, and a large amount of black mud I am afraid that it is difficult to resist this erosion.

Su secretly affirmed, of course, this thing is the most restrained to Ying Ling! Human words are only cursed, but that is not the harm that ordinary people can bear.

Facts speak louder than words! The evidence of contamination is in front of you, so what questions are there?

Obediently listen to me, ah no, listen to my most sincere advice. Will I still hurt you?

"That's what happened, and you see it now." Su said lightly. Hook up! The bait is placed, the nest is also ready, and it is not hooked and so on.

"It seems that the Holy Grail is out of use, Rider, what are you going to do?" Webb asked the rider, Sue was a little speechless, Weber, Weber, can't you be a little assertive? The difficulty of flickering has skyrocketed!

The Grail is broken, and the desire to obtain the body is lost.

So what will Rider choose next?

Sue is thinking about what to do next to pull the rider into a boat and have to let him take the lead to attract Gilgamesh's firepower.

It's hard, and no one would want to do this thankless thing.

"Oh, boy, what else do you think I can do now? To destroy the Holy Grail? Or go to a bitter battle with the heroes without regrets? Rider looked at Sue with a smile.

Looking at Rider's eyes, Sue is a little numb in the scalp, Rider won't see that I'm using him, right? No, even if I used it, I didn't lie to deceive them.

"Yes, Sue, you came to us to talk about this, presumably you have a corresponding countermeasure, I will destroy the Holy Grail together?" Weber was excited and took me a share of good deeds.

Su secretly gritted his teeth, why is your Weber IQ online again at this time? How can I fool around this, people, I have to be a little assertive, as a royal lord, can I make my own decisions?

Both Rider and Webb stared at Sue, wanting to see what Sue had to say.

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