There is no way, you can only tell the truth, the most advanced flickering is that a word is not false, all true! Using the truth to achieve your own goals is the highest state of the Great Fudge!

So Sue fooled herself in.

Su stiffened and said, "Ah, of course, there are no regrets!"

"Since the Holy Grail can't make a wish, it's hard to come, and there are so many heroic spirits gathered, of course, you have to show the demeanor of the king." It just so happens that you and Gilgamesh will have a fight sooner or later, I have a little friendship with the Tosaka family, I can go and help you arrange it!" Sue didn't notice anything was wrong in the slightest.

You see that I am emotionally rich and sincere, can I not be trusted?

You'll believe it, right? Right? Right?


Skaha on the side couldn't help but laugh.

Su looked confused, isn't it what are you laughing at? Is it really good to mock your own royal lord like this? Did something funny come to mind? I don't laugh, I'm a trained man.

Skahah: Ah, yes, I did think of something funnier, and your intention is too obvious, who listens to it and doesn't know what you're planning.

Hey! There were really no people present who hadn't heard it. Webb, just like Sue, had an expression that I think you were right, and signaled that the rider was feasible.

Rider scratched his head very helplessly, how his own royal lord's brain did not seem to be very bright.

Well, looking at Skahah's mocking expression, Su also knows that there are some problems with speaking, but what to do, I'm a pure scientific research science worker, speak directly, don't tactfully what can I do.

Rider is also an understanding person, pouting and saying: "Oh, it seems that this is the real purpose of your coming here, right?" Want me to help you attract that gold pickup.

"Is that so?" Webb scratched his head.

"Well, having said that, it seems that the Holy Grail really can't be used, so you want me to go to fight the Golden Pickup first, right?"

Seeing that his purpose was exposed, Su was not embarrassed at all, and said cheekily: "That's right, my purpose is this, and there is no loss for you the conquering king."

"Like I said, you and Gilgamesh agreed that there would be a fight, so why not?"

"Why do I have to help you?" Rider asked Sue.

Su knew that he was going to talk about conditions, and he didn't see the rabbit and didn't spread the eagle, which was a bit similar to Sue himself.

"As a trade, I swear by my future achievements. I can promise to take good care of Weber's life in the future, and if I can, maybe you can fulfill your wishes in the future. How do you see this? Sue did not state explicitly.

"What does that mean? What does it mean that you can fulfill your wishes? "I can understand the words, but when combined together, Webb doesn't understand a little.

Without waiting for Webb to continue to ask questions, Rider agreed first.

"No problem, I agree to this deal of yours." Rider readily agreed. Rider is also selfish, and seeing Su say this, combined with Su's personal ability, it is not impossible.

The most important point is that Sue can take care of Webb's safety afterwards.

The wish is difficult to fulfill, and Rider immediately changes his mind, and Weber is the ultimate trust of Rider, and needs Weber to complete his little selfish intention for him.

So Rider said yes very happily.

"Hurry! Worthy of being the king of conquest! Sue followed with admiration.

"Without him, I just hope you can keep your promise." Rider smiled and waved his hand.

"Okay, when I have the ability to create the Holy Grail in the future, I will be the first to summon you out and fulfill your dream of becoming a big president." Su patted her chest and said very confidently.

In fact, Sue had no doubt about his abilities, he had done too many of these things before. Just give him a chance and he can make it, no matter how incredible it is. This is his strength as the top alchemist and mechanic.

But one thing, Sue did not know at this time that he had been remembered by Gaia and Alayya.

"Well, you guy, you actually came to let us work for you. I'm so happy. Webb muttered and grumbled.

Sue also nodded apologetically at Webb and chuckled. It's really embarrassing, I can only deal with it like this, without besieging Gilgamesh, Su simply does not see a chance to win.

Unite all forces that can be united! Those who desire the same thing from top to bottom win, and those who are in the same boat prosper!

"The matter has already been decided, there is nothing to add, then we will leave, remember to wait for our news." Sue said.

Sue took Skaha and prepared to leave, and the Tong family had the last things to finish.

"Wait a minute, don't go yet, I still have business." Just as Sue got up to leave, Rider stopped them by calling out.

"Huh? Anything else or question? Sue asked, he didn't want to have some accidents at such a time.

"We should be considered to be besieging the hero king, right?" Rider asked.

"Yes." Sue affirmed Rider's claim.

"Is it too much of a bully to beat him Hero King alone? Is it really good to do this? Rider asked inexplicably.

Su looked at the rider a little suspiciously, thinking why the conqueror king suddenly hesitated, could it be that he repented on the spot?

Sue explained: "The Holy Grail War is a war between us, there is no such thing as fairness, and the siege of Gilgamesh is only to win, otherwise how to destroy the Holy Grail?" The most important thing is to win the war, and what means are secondary. "Rider, as a conqueror, wouldn't even know such a truth.

"That's good, then I don't have any psychological burden." Rider breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't sympathize with the hero king, he just wanted to confirm something.

Since that's the case, then I'm not polite to conquer the king!

"Is there anything else to ask? If not, we will leave first. Sue continued.

Sue was baffled by these problems.

Soon, Sue knew why it was so inexplicable.

"In that case, let's fight on this, you are right, since the wish cannot be fulfilled, then there are no regrets, being able to fight with you is the biggest gain of my conqueror king this time!" Rider suddenly spoke cheerfully.

Rider is very excited, we said this in advance, should ask also ask, let's try it.


Skaha: ??????

Feed! I'm not asking you to beat me up!"

What does that mean? Am I shooting myself in the foot? Are these just for the convenience of beating me up? The reasons are all found!

"You wouldn't be trying to use your king's army to beat me and Skaha together, would you?" Sue was a little unbelievable, her heart was instantly messy, and her head was full of black lines.

Rider shows his big sexy white teeth and shows Sue his 'amiable' smile.

"Ah, that's right! I want to fight you guys first! "

Sue: ............

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