"Hey! Are you really coming? Wait....." Before

Sue could speak in protest, Rider had already proved with his actions that he was telling the truth!

Suddenly, the wind howled, and the spiritual pressure soared! A white light unfolded from Rider and enveloped everyone.

King's Army! Initiate!

Sue: Let's just say, is there a possibility that we're still in the room?

There was no time to explain, and the crowd had already switched scenes. In an instant. Sue and Skaha once again came to the vast desert of the king's army.

"Welcome to my King's Army again!" Rider cheered loudly. Surprised, surprised.

Su could only show a pair of dead fish-eyed eyes, very helpless. Can't you just listen to people finish talking?

"Where is my master of kings!" Rider raised his arms and shouted.

"Conquest! Subjugate! Subjugate! The

warriors in the army behind them rose up and shouted the prestige of the king.

Rao has seen this kind of formation once, and Su can still feel the heart-warming blood in it!

Skaha said, "So, King of Conquer, how are you going to compete?" "Skaha now also wants to rush in, pick up the magic gun and fight. Although Rider said to fight in groups, the reality may not be such a group fight.

Rider also has a headache, although he really wants to fight with him and let others see his king master, but he also doesn't want tens of thousands of people to go to the group to fight ah.

Su saw what the rider was thinking and said, "I don't think it's better like this, you send dozens of the strongest warriors in the army to fight Skaha." In this way, the visibility is greatly improved, and the weaker warriors can just wave the flag and shout from the sidelines.

Rider scratched his head and said, "Then isn't the advantage of my army gone?" "A little tangled.

"It's okay, don't you think they communicate well? This is not an insult to the honor of the warriors.

While the two were talking, Skaha began to communicate with the others, after all, she was the legendary Queen of the Shadow Country, which warrior did not want to be taught by her.

"Besides, Rider, there should be some heroes in your army whose personal strength is above you, right? It just so happened that the master also wanted to come to the last battle quickly. Don't hesitate.

"Hesitation leads to defeat!" But decisiveness will be given for nothing!

In fact, Rider had no chance of winning from the beginning, and Su did not explicitly say this, he has the ability to restrain Rider.

Su had been prepared before he came, and in the failure plan, the success rate of winning against Rider was very high. So Sue is not at all intimidated.

Since the Conqueror's treasure was revealed, neither Su nor Tosaka Shichen (Gilgamesh) regarded Rider as a key target, because both sides had Rider's secret weapon.

The personal combat ability of the conqueror king is not outstanding, and the main threat comes from the power of the treasure king. There is no shortage of heroic spirits in the army whose personal strength is stronger than that of the rider himself.

Just as the so-called unity is strength, group fighting makes the heroes who are already fighting alone more disadvantageous, in general, almost no heroes can compete head-on with riders, and even powerful warriors have times of exhaustion.

Once the rider loses the power of the Treasure King, the advantage disappears in an instant. Because of this, Su has the confidence to go head-to-head with Rider, betting on his positive strength that he can't beat himself.

"Okay, that's more reasonable, I agree." Rider then ordered troops in the army and selected dozens of warriors that he was most satisfied with.

Rider listened to Su's radical French language, and had to admit that it was a method that satisfied him, because he didn't have a good way, and he didn't want to really charge.

Sue stood beside Skaha and said in a brisk tone: "How is it? Master, now you have some fun. There is no shortage of really strong people in these people! Do you feel stressed in your current body?

Skaha glanced at Su and said lightly: "Heh, you don't panic, I'm panicking." →_→" saw through Su's ridicule at a glance, and my sister saw through.

"Haha, you just have to worry about fighting, I have my own way to make Rider admit that he lost." Sue said with a chuckle.

Su stretched out her arm and said to Skahah: "In the name of the curse, defeat them!" The spell's magic quickly replenishes Skaha's state until it reaches its best.

With her understanding of this royal lord these days, she has a back hand in her actions and actions, and she will not let herself really fall into a desperate situation. I don't know what this man has experienced before, and acting so cautiously can be regarded as extremely obscene.

Without reaching a ninety percent certainty, he will not take the initiative to attack! The main thing is to be steady!

If Sue could hear Skahah's heart, she would be very happy, and someone spoke highly of him. Although it is not a lewd development, it is indeed cautious enough. No way, who let Su suffer a desperate blow in the original world and be powerless to return to heaven.

But he is definitely not cowardly, originally Su just came to play, the Holy Grail War, who had thought that the heroic spirit summoned this time was powerful, Su could leave even if he was in trouble. But he didn't, since the matter was done, he had to do it to the end, and since he was already involved, he didn't back down.

"Looks like you're ready, then I'm going up!" Skaha said suddenly.

Sue and Rider consciously stepped aside and watched them fight.

Skaha lifted the magic gun and disappeared in place, leaving only a slight cloud of dust flying.

I saw Skaha sweeping over at an extremely fast speed, and the gun intent was rampant, like a red meteor setting off a stir in the crowd!

Boom bang! The scarlet magic gun pierced as fast as lightning! With the blessing of the ultimate martial arts, the offensive is as fast as the wind!

The elite soldiers of the rider are not vegetarians, and although they cannot use treasures, their martial arts and experience are still amazing.

Forming a formation, feinting and counterattacking, suppressing Skaha with the superiority of numbers, the fighters who fought hard from the battlefield are not easy to mess with, and even their personal attributes have reached the level of three horses. Except for not being able to release treasures, it's simply unbeatable!

The scene immediately became chaotic!

For a while, Skaha and everyone fell into a fierce battle, and the fight was inextricable. There was a storm in the desert, only to hear the harsh sound of the handover of soldiers and soldiers running through the sky.

Su and Rider, who were standing on the side, calmly watched the battle.

Rider asked, "Boy, this contest should be my warriors winning, you kid should be able to see it." Although that queen has the martial arts of the Divine Realm, there are too many restrictions, and in the end, my warriors will definitely win!"

"How? Am I the greatest king, my warriors and I conquer the world like this! Hahaha.

"Unfortunately, the Holy Grail must not be obtained, otherwise I will definitely ravage you with an army." So, boy, I'm the winner!

Su said lightly: "I admit that you are a very great king, which makes people yearn for and admire."

"But, rider, you won't make it to the end in this Holy Grail war anyway, because there are two people who are your natural enemies."

"One of them is me!" And Gilgamesh.

Here, Su solemnly declares to the rider, I can defeat you!

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