Where there is no parting in life, parting is always sad.

Maybe Sue lied to Sakura, and sooner or later Sue would get out of here.

Su is destined not to stay here for a long time, and can only say that Su and Matong Ying, Ma Tong Yanye is just a guest in each other's lives. Sue doesn't want to leave too many emotions and encounters in this world. He has always tried his best to avoid these things from happening, repaying the teacher's nurturing grace, giving up everything here, so that he can leave this world without any worries.

Emotions only drag Sue down, and he must give up everything here for this.

After solving the matter behind them, Sue and Skaha decided to pack their things as well, find a time, and go to Einzberen Castle to meet with the palace Kiriji and Saber.


It is not only the Kirito family that parted, but also the Tosaka family!

Near dusk, the lights in Tosaka's house were faint, and Mrs. Tosaka and Rin Tosaka had already left the place.

Right now.

This mansion is only paid by Tosaka Shichen and his disciple Yan Feng.

Tosaka Shichen and Yan Feng Qili began their two-person turn again, remembering Yan Feng Lizheng.

"It's hard to accept, I didn't expect the priest to die in this way. You must be sad too. Ceremony. Tosaka Shichen said comfortingly to Yan Fengqi.

Hearing this, something seemed to flash in Yan Fengqili's eyes.

Tosaka Shichen continued to say to himself: "Yes, Father Lizheng is like another father to me. But I didn't expect such an unexpected thing to happen. It seems that urgent measures must be taken. Yan

Feng Qili looked at Tosaka Shichen expressionlessly.

Gilgamesh on the side also looked at this scene with a slightly playful smile, as if something funny was about to happen.

Tosaka Shichen then left to prepare something.

After he left, Yan Feng Qili was also ready to leave.

Gilgamesh suddenly said, "Why don't you tell the hour the truth?

Yan Feng Qili stopped and asked, "What are you referring to?" "A little puzzled.

"What a sad father who still believed that his son was a saint to his death."

"Oh no, I guess that's his hope. Don't you feel the slightest sense of your father's death? He's dead, so you should be more or less sad. Gilgamesh said in a slightly mocking tone.

Jin Shanshan really wanted to know some interesting answers from Yan Feng Qili's mouth, which was full of bad taste.

"Yes, I feel a lot of remorse." Yan Fengqili's face was expressionless, and his tone was very flat. Without wanting to say anything, he walked away. Do I have to say I'm actually happy?

"Remorse? Remorse for what? Remorse didn't kill him with his own hands? Gilgamesh said with a smile.

Gilgamesh was happy both physically and mentally, which was really funny. It's fun for me to be so optimistic about you.

I don't know what the two said, but the two actually walked together. The Pleasure Group is officially unveiled!

When night fell, Tosaka Shichen prepared his things, ready for Yanfeng Qili to leave Fuyuki City, he was gone, and the church was gone, so it was not suitable to stay in Fuyuki City.

So, Tosaka Shichen summoned Yan Feng Qili to ask a final question.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Qili." Tosaka Shichen was in the study waiting for the arrival of Yan Fengqi.

"I want to say one last hello to you before you leave Fuyuki City." Tosaka put down the book in his hand.

"I am also very proud to have a disciple like you. I hope that you can continue to maintain friendship with the Tosaka family in the future, just like your deceased father.

Yan Feng Qili replied, "This is something I can't ask for. "Gratitude is not to be expressed, just give the teacher a little shock in return.

Mapo: I love my teacher, but I love the truth even more!

Tosaka Shichen instructed, "After the end of this Holy Grail War, Qili, I hope you can teach Rin as a senior brother." "Tosaka Shichen felt that if he had won, he would definitely reach the root, and even the commission would come out.

"Although the form is brief, it can be regarded as my suicide note. Also just in case. "It's so intimate, the suicide note is also ready."

If he could, Gilgamesh would wonder if Tosaka would be some kind of prophecy.

Yan Feng Qili received the letter from Tosaka Shichen.

"It has a signature agreeing to pass on the position of head of the Tosaka family to Rin, and it will be her guardian until Rin grows up."

Yan Feng Qili finally had a smile.

"Let it go, I will definitely take responsibility and take care of Ling Jealous." Don't worry, such an interesting thing, why won't I do it well? Thank you so much, teacher.

"Thank you, Qili!" Tosaka was very pleased.

Yan Fengqi, who originally didn't know what to do, was suddenly cheerful, and the suicide note and will were all ready, which was too thoughtful. If you don't do something, I'm sorry for the teacher's heart! I'm such a nice guy!

Hee-hee! Hahaha! Teacher, you are very difficult for me to do this! (Where did Brother Crow come from)

Tosaka Shichen handed a box to Yan Feng Qili.

"What is it?" Yan Feng Qili asked suspiciously. So polite, and gifts?

"It's my personal gift to you. Open it and take a look. After

hearing this, Yan Feng Qili opened the box, and what lay in the box was a beautiful short sword, and the workmanship was very exquisite.

Yan Feng Qili picked it up, hey! It's pretty smooth!

For! The causal treasure is loaded!

"This is the Mercury Sword (Azoth), which is proof that you have completed your graduation by practicing the magic path of the Tosaka family." Tosaka Shichen said with a proud face.

"The disciple is not talented, and he is so favored. I can't thank you enough! Teacher. "

One-stop service, all the work!

"It's me who should be thanked, Qili. That way, I can go to the final battle with peace of mind. Yan

Feng Qili was a little apprehensive when he heard it, no, no, teacher, it's me who wants to thank you.

"It's so late, I'm so sorry to keep you so late." Hopefully catch the plane. Tosaka Shichen slowly stood up and walked to the door to prepare to send Yan Feng Qili away.

"Wherever, you don't have to worry." Yan Feng Qili said behind his back, with a smile in his tone.

Tosaka Shichen thought that he had misheard, and seemed to hear the laughter of his disciple for the first time.



The sound of a sword entering the flesh was so harsh at this time.

Tosaka's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he felt a piercing pain in his back, which was a signal of the passage of life!

Blood suddenly gushed out, dripping down the mercury sword.

"Ah, because I don't have a plane ticket, teacher, didn't you buy it either?" Hey! Yan Feng Qili smiled happily like a simple child.

"Ahem.... Ahhh

Plopped down and fell in a pool of blood.

Father Pucci (TV) instigated Father Pucci (eoh) to kill Father Pucci (asb)! That's interesting!

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