Looking at this scene, Yan Feng Qili felt more joyful than ever! That's all there is to life!

"Teacher, you are the same as my father, until the last moment, you did not understand who I am." Yan Feng Qili was very emotional.

False backstab reason: for pleasure!

Real backstab reason: What about my ticket? Didn't buy me a plane ticket, you let me go home alone on the big night? Look at me really unreal, you're done!

Tosaka Shiji: What? That's why I got backstabbed?

Ah, what a sadness, what a sadness!

The cause of Tosaka's death was found, and he didn't buy a ticket, remember!

For! Treasure information has been updated!

【Treasure】Mercury Sword (Azoth), aka Who Sends Who Is Stabbed Sword!

Grade: E~EX (can only be said, cattle!) Type

: Attack Distance to Human Treasure / Skill to Master Treasure / Causal Law Treasure Tool

: 1 Maximum Attack Object: 1

[Introduction] The graduation sword of the Tosaka family is a dress for magic amplification. Inexplicably cursed, whoever sends the hand, the backhand will be backstabbed by this sword, without exception! Please refer to ... for details

【Evaluation】A five-star general commented that if anyone wants to give me this sword, then I would rather go to the battlefield again than accept this gift. The causal law treasure is terrifying!

Incidentally, the traceability of the mercury sword is said to be the short sword of the man who established the foundation of modern alchemy, this person is von Hohenheim Paracelsus.

Legendary doctor and alchemist, the discovery of the fifth element, the rediscovery of the three primordial essences, a famous figure in the history of mankind and magic.

Sue's original intention was to summon Paracelsus, not Skaha.

The reason is that Paracelsus, like Sue himself, is a top alchemist, has the purpose of learning and borrowing, and has a good common topic. But without the relevant holy relic, Su could only give up and summon it randomly.

"What a dismal end." The spiritualized Gilgamesh also appeared on the side.

It turned out that Gilgamesh had always been by Tosaka's side.

Hey, Gilgamesh, put away the smile on your face, the joy is almost overflowing!

"Look, how stupid this death looks."

"After all, he arranged for the spiritual Ying Ling to accompany him, no wonder he was negligent." Yan Feng Qili smiled happily, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"You learned humor so quickly? I'm so relieved! Hahaha. Gilgamesh was also pleased with his masterpiece.

The reason why Tosaka Shichen was so confident to give his back to Yan Feng Qili was not only his trust in Yan Feng Qili, but also this reason. Gilgamesh was watching from the sidelines, with the confidence of the heroic spirit to give Tosaka the hour, of course, he was defenseless.

Tosaka Shichen didn't think until his death why Gilgamesh didn't make a move. The reason is that Gilgamesh and Yan Feng Qili went together.

Why didn't Gilgamesh personally kill Tosaka Shichen?

For Gilgamesh, Tosaka Shichen is a boring man, not interesting at all. Although Tosaka Shichen had other intentions for him and forbeared his emotions, he was finally respectful to him, and took the best hospitality for Gilgamesh and performed the courtier's courtesy. So Gilgamesh didn't want to do it himself.

Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting to let Yan Feng Qili start? Hahaha, this is what he wants, and Tosaka Shichen finally brought Gilgamesh some pleasure.

Tosaka Shichen is a typical good hand to play sparsely, but there is no way, this pile of good cards is too poor.

The Holy Grail War can't just look at the strength on paper, people, the more the mechanism is calculated, the more you can know that there is a limit.

In a place like the Holy Grail War, Shichen is like an honor student who thinks he has good grades and goes to fight with gangsters. The experience of war is destroyed.

It can only be said that the fate of Tosaka Shichen is like this, and the typical calculation of the time and place is not people.

At the beginning, he was at odds with his own heroic spirit, and he couldn't see clearly the hearts of his ally Yanfeng father and son, seemingly taking a good hand, and finally being killed by "this good hand".

In fact, I feel that Tosaka Shichen is too confident, thinking that he has calculated everything (in fact, on the surface, he has the biggest win, the strongest heroic spirit, and has cooperation with the priest), but he did not expect that he was the one who was calculated.

Don't be blinded by pride!

It was the same to see Sakura away, Hikari saw the superficial Ma Kiri's family and thought that his daughter would be treated well as an heir, but it turned out to be completely contrary to his ideas, and Shichen himself did not see the true face of Old Man Insect at all. If it weren't for Su, the end would have been even worse.

"I learned to be happy in a short time, and I am worthy of praise!" Gilgamesh said appreciatively.

"How? Qili, the remorse of not being able to kill his father with his own hands, has he now been somewhat released? Gilgamesh said mockingly.

"Do you really have no objections? Hero King Gilgamesh. "

As long as you don't bore me like Tosaka Shichen." Gilgamesh said.

For Gilgamesh, as long as it is interesting enough to make him happy, he can tolerate any behavior.

You can never really understand a person unless you walk around in his shoes and put yourself in his shoes. But when you really walk his path, you even feel sad passing by. Sometimes, what you see is not the truth, and what you know is just the tip of the iceberg that has surfaced. Your comments on me in every way do not constitute one in ten thousand of me, but you at a glance. - "To Kill a Mockingbird"

......... (fz's last Valiant panel)

Archer: Gilgamesh

Attributes: Chaos Good

Master: Tosaka Shichen / Yanfeng Kiri [Ability Value]

Master is Yanfeng Qili: Strength

: B Durability: C Agility: C Mana: B Lucky: A Treasure: EX Master for Tosaka Tokichen

: Strength: B Durability: B Agility: B Mana: A Lucky: A Treasure: EX

[Rank Skill]

to Mana: C

can invalidate magic that is sung less than two stanzas. It is impossible to defend against great magic and ritual magic.

Go it alone: A+

can act even without a Master. Its level is A+ beyond A, and even when using large-scale mana, Master's support is not necessary.


Golden Rule: A

has a destiny that is often troubled by fortune in his life. Gilgamesh can live his whole life without being trapped by money.

Leadership: A+

is praised as the best king of Gilgamesh for his ability to command and command the Grand Legion.

Divinity: B (A+

) [Treasure]

King's Treasure (Gate of Babylon)

Level: E~A++

Type: Attack distance on human treasures:

- A key-shaped sword connected to the Golden Capital.

Through the space, the props in the treasure vault can be freely removed.

The level was changed to E~A++ because Gilgamesh had collected the original canons of all the treasures into the treasure vault.

Enkidu, a

treasure that Gilgamesh likes to use. Real name Enkidu. In the past, both Enchi and Enchi used this lock to capture the "bull of heaven" that plunged the earth into a seven-year famine. Gilgamesh trusted this item more than Ea.

Its function is "discipline to God", the higher the divinity of the captured, the harder the chain will increase, the more difficult it is to break free, and a very small number of people are armed with God.


gold and emerald gemstones form a glorious "boat" that soars through the sky. The flying tools recorded in the two narrative poems "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata".

Enuma Elish

Level: EX

Type: Opponent Treasure

Attack Range: 1~99Maximum Capture: 1000


Can Slash the World and Split the World Sword. With a sword bearing the name of a god in Mesopotamian mythology, the space is cut off by obediently leaving the sword Ea [ea].

Oia is believed to be the apotheosis of the planetary power that stabilized the surface covered by lava seas and gases when the earth was still in its primitive state.

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