"I said, otherwise, Qili, then now let me ask you, are you ready for your determination?" Gilgamesh asked. The attitude of being ready to please me did not.

Yan Feng Qili also grasped the shining point and balanced each other. The relationship between these two people is really a very strange fit.

The two officially completed the road of double pleasure.

"Oh, of course. Hero King. Yan Feng Qili replied with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Feng Qili stretched out his arm, and the atmosphere was like a marriage proposal ceremony, and he declared very solemnly.

"Listen to my orders."

"My life is entrusted to the Ru sword, if you wish to dwell in the Holy Grail, follow this will, obey this reason."

At this point, Gilgamesh's demagogic plan has finally been achieved.

So Gilgamesh responded with a smile.

"I swear that the tribute of Ru will be reduced to my flesh and blood. Yan Feng Qili, you are my new royal lord. With

Gilgamesh's response, a new spell appeared on Yan Feng Qili's arm again!

"Ah, Qili, then let's get started, and you will make this drama come to a perfect end through your command." Try to make it as pleasant as possible, and I will reward me with the Holy Grail afterwards.

"No objections! Hero King, just enjoy!

"Until you get a satisfactory answer, I am willing to turn into a clown for your entertainment!" Yan Feng Qili showed an eerie smile.

"Ah, there's a question you didn't notice? Ceremony. "

What's going on?" Yan Feng Qili asked. Isn't it all going well? What's wrong again?

"Your spell."

"Huh? Spell? What happened to the Ling Curse? Yan Feng Qili was puzzled.

After listening to Gilgamesh's words, Yan Feng Qili raised his arm and looked at the Ling Spell, three strokes of the freshly baked Ling Spell, there is no difference.

Wait a minute! Freshly baked spells?

Yan Feng Qili immediately reacted. Hurriedly rolled up his sleeves and found that he actually had a spell! This spell is also three strokes, but it is a regained section after losing the assassin, and it does not disappear, but a contract with Gilgamesh appears another spell.

That means that he now has two spells? Yan Feng Qili was a little puzzled and didn't understand what was going on.

The extra spell, could it be, Yan Feng Qili's heart was shocked, could he summon another heroic spirit?

The unknown spell flickered, and there seemed to be a black light flowing in the lines.

Yan Feng Qili has a feeling of blessing.

This spell seems to be there, summoning the spirit on its own?!?

It turns out that Yan Fengqili's guess is not wrong.

This spell became more and more obvious, the color of the pattern also began to change, and the magic power unconsciously reversed.

The entire room was washed by a magical wind. Gilgamesh did not stop and speak, watching it all happen with slight interest.

Whoops! Porphyry!

A sound of bubbles gradually sounded.

A pool of black magic suddenly appeared on the ground, like silt-like black water quality, and the sound of water bubbles came from here.

This black silt gradually turned up one bubble after another, and with the bursting of the bubble, it was accompanied by inexplicable black gas coming out, which looked very uncomfortable and strange.

"It's disgusting." Gilgamesh was also impatient at this time, disgusted by the black unknown liquid.

"So, this spell summoned, uh, a puddle of sludge? What about Yingling? Yan Feng Qili was puzzled by this.

"This disgusting thing, down there."

Below? Under the silt?

As if in response to Yan Fengqili's expectation, the thing appeared.

Slowly, a lump of the same black fluid gradually emerged from the silt, different from the silt on the ground, this thing took on the appearance of a whole black mass.

In front of the two, this black mass gradually changed into the shape of a person, well, similar to the shape of a person, all over the body were liquid black mud, with a kind of gummy texture, dripping on the ground. Where the black liquid drips, a spark emerges, corroding the place of contact.

"This thing? Is it really a hero!? Yan Feng Qili sent out soul torture.

Although it is a human shape, and even traces of clothes can be seen, this can only be described as a strange thing with "a lump of people".

Yes, it's [a lump of people]!

The entire body is covered in black liquid, with no real look, and illusory black tentacles stretch out on the back.

"Hehe, it seems that you are very compatible with Qili."

"Hero King, don't talk to me."

This is by no means something that can be described as heroic! It doesn't deserve it yet!

How can this [lump of people] look abnormal, right? Not to mention the black liquid, it also exudes an ominous aura, as well as this corrosive curse visible to the naked eye.

There are three words revealed all over his body: [Anti-human]!

Yan Feng Qili looked at this black liquid man, the more he looked, the better he looked, bah! Yan Feng Qili instantly dispelled the distractions in his heart, how can this be good-looking, can only be said to be a little comfortable, wait, is it really in line with my sex?

Putting aside these distractions, Yan Feng Qili could feel that the connection between this black liquid person and Ling Curse and himself, it was really summoned by Ling Curse, as for Ying Ling, Yan Feng Qili would never admit that this was Ying Ling.

Following the magic of the spell, Yan Feng Qili looked at its Spirit Attribute panel.

??? (Rank): ??? (Name)

master: Yan Feng Qili

Attribute: ???

Strength: E~A Durability: C~A Agility: C Mana: A Lucky: ???

Treasure Items: ???

No? What is this? Off the big spectrum!

Looking at the property panel of this situation, can even the basic properties be changed? It was also absolute, and Yan Feng Qili couldn't help but also send: ???

The mood is quite complicated, who is not confused about this.

This property panel has or does not have any difference, can not see any valuable information, all are [?] 】。

This grandmother's still looks at something, I just don't want you to know its information.

Apart from knowing that it was summoned by himself, or even just saying that there was a relationship, there was nothing related to the heroic spirit. This has a properties panel, which is really hard to be the holy grail.

Good, good, so playful, huh? Watch me summon the Hero King to sanction you!

"I'll just say it's a good match for you, hahaha."

"Yes? I'm a serious person. "Although it does look a little pleasing to the eye.

"Do you know where it came from? Hero King. Yan Feng Qili was very plain, he just wanted to know what it was.

"Hmph! Disgusting stuff! From the Grail, it seems that this Grail really likes you, Qili. "

With Gilgamesh's vision, it can be seen at a glance that this thing is composed of pure curse and malice, and it is not a heroic body at all, occupying a blank spiritual core.

But that's fun, isn't it?

Sure enough, the selection of the Peak Ceremony was the most rewarding thing for Gilgamesh this time, and nothing was more interesting than the current situation.

Gilgamesh was quite satisfied.

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